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End of Call Survey overview

The End of Call Survey is a tool that helps you understand how your users perceive the overall quality and reliability of your Calling SDK solution.

Purpose of the End of Call Survey

It's difficult to determine a customer's perceived calling experience and understand how well your calling solution is performing unless you gather feedback. You can use the End of Call Survey to collect and analyze customers' subjective opinions on their calling experience. Relying only on objective measurements, such as audio and video bitrate, jitter, and latency, might not indicate if a customer had a poor calling experience.

After you publish survey data, you can view the survey results through Azure for analysis and improvements. Azure Communication Services uses these survey results to monitor and improve quality and reliability.

Survey structure

The survey is designed to answer two questions:

  • How did the user perceive the overall experience of call quality?
  • Did the user perceive any problems with audio, video, or screen sharing in the call?

The API enables applications to gather data points that describe user-perceived ratings of their overall call, audio, video, and screen-sharing experiences. Microsoft analyzes survey API results according to the following goals.

API rating category Question goal
Overall call Responses indicate how a call participant perceived overall call quality.
Audio Responses indicate if the user perceived any audio problems.
Video Responses indicate if the user perceived any video problems.
Screen sharing Responses indicate if the user perceived any screen-sharing problems.

Survey capabilities

Default survey API configuration

API rating category Cutoff value Input range Comments
Overall call 2 1 - 5 Surveys a calling participant's overall quality experience on a scale of 1 to 5. A response of 1 indicates an imperfect call experience. A response of 5 indicates a perfect call. The cutoff value of 2 means that a response of 1 or 2 indicates a less-than-perfect call experience.
Audio 2 1 - 5 A response of 1 indicates an imperfect audio experience. A response of 5 indicates that the customer experienced no audio problems.
Video 2 1 - 5 A response of 1 indicates an imperfect video experience. A response of 5 indicates that the customer experienced no video problems.
Screen sharing 2 1 - 5 A response of 1 indicates an imperfect screen-sharing experience. A response of 5 indicates that the customer experienced no screen-sharing problems.


A question's indicated cutoff value in the API is the threshold that Microsoft uses when analyzing your survey data. When you customize the cutoff value or input range, Microsoft analyzes your survey data according to your customizations.

More survey tags

Rating category Optional tags
Overall call CallCannotJoin CallCannotInvite HadToRejoin CallEndedUnexpectedly OtherIssues
Audio NoLocalAudio NoRemoteAudio Echo AudioNoise LowVolume AudioStoppedUnexpectedly DistortedSpeech AudioInterruption OtherIssues
Video NoVideoReceived NoVideoSent LowQuality Freezes StoppedUnexpectedly DarkVideoReceived AudioVideoOutOfSync OtherIssues
Screen sharing NoContentLocal NoContentRemote CannotPresent LowQuality Freezes StoppedUnexpectedly LargeDelay OtherIssues

End of Call Survey customization options

You can choose to collect all of the four API values or only the ones that you find most important. For example, you can choose to ask customers about only their overall call experience and not ask about their audio, video, and screen-sharing experience.

You can also customize input ranges to suit your needs. The default input range is 1 to 5 for overall call, audio, video, and screen sharing. However, you can customize each API value from a minimum of 0 to maximum of 100.

API rating category Cutoff value Input range
Overall call 0 - 100 0 - 100
Audio 0 - 100 0 - 100
Video 0 - 100 0 - 100
Screen sharing 0 - 100 0 - 100

Storage of survey data for viewing

To send the log data of your surveys to a Log Analytics workspace, an Azure Event Hubs instance, or an Azure storage account for analysis, you must enable a diagnostic setting in Azure Monitor. If you don't enable a diagnostic setting to send survey data to one of these options, your survey data won't be stored and will be lost.

To enable logs for Communications Services, see End of Call Survey logs.