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Create a serverless database and collection for API for MongoDB for Azure Cosmos DB using Azure CLI


The script in this article demonstrates creating a API for MongoDB serverless account database and collection.

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create an Azure free account before you begin.


  • This article requires version 2.30 or later. Run az --version to find the version. If you need to install or upgrade, see Install Azure CLI. If using Azure Cloud Shell, the latest version is already installed.

Sample script

Launch Azure Cloud Shell

The Azure Cloud Shell is a free interactive shell that you can use to run the steps in this article. It has common Azure tools preinstalled and configured to use with your account.

To open the Cloud Shell, just select Try it from the upper right corner of a code block. You can also launch Cloud Shell in a separate browser tab by going to

When Cloud Shell opens, verify that Bash is selected for your environment. Subsequent sessions will use Azure CLI in a Bash environment, Select Copy to copy the blocks of code, paste it into the Cloud Shell, and press Enter to run it.

Sign in to Azure

Cloud Shell is automatically authenticated under the initial account signed-in with. Use the following script to sign in using a different subscription, replacing <Subscription ID> with your Azure Subscription ID. If you don't have an Azure subscription, create an Azure free account before you begin.

subscription="<subscriptionId>" # add subscription here

az account set -s $subscription # ...or use 'az login'

For more information, see set active subscription or log in interactively

Run the script

# Create a MongoDB API serverless account database and collection

# Variable block
let "randomIdentifier=$RANDOM*$RANDOM"
location="East US"
account="msdocs-account-cosmos-$randomIdentifier" #needs to be lower case
serverVersion="4.0" #3.2, 3.6, 4.0

# Create a resource group
echo "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
az group create --name $resourceGroup --location "$location" --tags $tag

# Create a Cosmos account for MongoDB API
echo "Creating $account"
az cosmosdb create --name $account --resource-group $resourceGroup --kind MongoDB --server-version $serverVersion --default-consistency-level Eventual --locations regionName="$location" failoverPriority=0 isZoneRedundant=False --capabilities EnableServerless

# Create a MongoDB API database
echo "Creating $database"
az cosmosdb mongodb database create --account-name $account --resource-group $resourceGroup --name $database

# Define the index policy for the collection, with _id, wildcard, compound, unique and TTL
printf ' 
        "key": {"keys": ["_id"]}
        "key": {"keys": ["$**"]}
]' > idxpolicy-$randomIdentifier.json

# Create a MongoDB API collection
echo "Creating $collection1"
az cosmosdb mongodb collection create --account-name $account --resource-group $resourceGroup --database-name $database --name $collection --shard "shardKey1" --idx @idxpolicy-$randomIdentifier.json

# Clean up temporary index policy file
rm -f "idxpolicy-$randomIdentifier.json"

Clean up resources

Use the following command to remove the resource group and all resources associated with it using the az group delete command - unless you have an ongoing need for these resources. Some of these resources may take a while to create, as well as to delete.

az group delete --name $resourceGroup

Sample reference

This script uses the following commands. Each command in the table links to command specific documentation.

Command Notes
az group create Creates a resource group in which all resources are stored.
az cosmosdb create Creates an Azure Cosmos DB account.
az cosmosdb mongodb database create Creates an Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB API database.
az cosmosdb mongodb collection create Creates an Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB API collection.
az group delete Deletes a resource group including all nested resources.

Next steps

For more information on the Azure Cosmos DB CLI, see Azure Cosmos DB CLI documentation.