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CycleCloud Cluster Template File Parsing

CycleCloud is able to resolve parameter values and perform logical evaluation of functions.

Parameter Types

CycleCloud handles several basic types of parameters. In most cases, it will handle them as expected:

Attribute = foo      # string
Attribute = 1        # integer
Attribute = 1.1      # double
Attribute = false    # boolean
Attribute = foo, bar # string[]

To be more explicit, string values can be surrounded by double quotes (for example, Attribute = "foo"). This may be useful in the case where a value looks like a number but should be interpreted as a string (version numbers, for example). Boolean values can be set to the bare tokens true or false (case-insensitive). Comma-separated values are interpreted as lists, and elements are in turn interpreted using the same rules as above.

Parameter Value Evaluation

CycleCloud directly interprets parameter values which use the $ or ${} notation.

MyAttribute = $MyParameter
MyAttribute2 = ${MyParameter2}
MyAttributeList = $Param1, $Param2

Functions using Parameters

The CycleCloud template parser is able to perform math and do ternary logic analysis as seen below.

MaxCoreCount = ${HyperthreadedCoreCount/2}
SubnetId = ${ifThenElse($Autoscale, $BurstSubnet, $FixedSubnet)}
JetpackPlatform = ${imageselect == "windows" ? "windows" : "centos-7"}

Available functions:


This list is not comprehensive, but covers some of the most commonly-used functions.


Acts as a ternary operator. Returns one of two values given an expression which evaluates to true or false.


ifThenElse(predicate, trueValue, falseValue)


Name Required Description
predicate yes An expression which evaluates to true or false.
trueValue yes The value to use when predicate evaluates to true.
falseValue yes The value to use when predicate evaluates to false.


If the result of evaluating a given expression is undefined, returns a different value instead. Otherwise simply returns the result.


ifUndefined(expression, value)


Name Required Description
expression yes The expression to evaluate.
value yes The value to return when expression evaluates to undefined.


Performs a regular expression match on the given string and returns true if there was a match, false otherwise.


regexp(pattern, target, [options])


Name Required Description
pattern yes A Java-style regular expression.
target yes The input string.
options no Options to use when evaluating the regular expression. See Java's regular expression flags on java.util.regex.Pattern for more details.


Performs regular expression substitution on the given string and returns the new string.


regexps(pattern, target, substitution, [options])


Name Required Description
pattern yes A Java-style regular expression which matches the string to substitute.
target yes The input string.
substitution yes The new string to substitute in place of the part of target which matches the regular expression.
options no Options to use when evaluating the regular expression. See Java's regular expression flags on java.util.regex.Pattern for more details.


Returns the length of a given string.




Name Required Description
string yes The string to check.


Concatenates multiple strings together using a separator.


strjoin(separator, strings)


Name Required Description
separator yes A string separator to append between strings.
strings yes A list of strings to concatenate. May also be specified as a variable number of function arguments: strjoin(separator, string1, string2, string3...)


Returns part of a string from the start index to the end index (or the end of the string if no end index is given).


substr(string, startIndex, [endIndex])


Name Required Description
string yes The input string.
startIndex yes The start index to use.
endIndex no An optional end index.


Removes all whitespace characters from the start and end of a string and returns the result.




Name Required Description
string yes The string to trim.

Available operators

Operator Definition
-, +, /, * arithmetic
<, <=, >=, > comparators
==, != equality evaluators
&&, || compound boolean operators

Special ClusterName Variable

One variable always provided is ${ClusterName}. This is evaluated to the name of the CycleCloud cluster.

EmailAddress = ${strcat("myuser", "@", ClusterName)}
ResourceId = ${ClusterName}-00-resource

Relative Time

CycleCloud interprets back-ticks around time duration as relative time; supporting second, minute and day.
