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Connecting into Cluster Nodes

You can remotely access a cluster node using SSH for Linux nodes, and RDP for Windows nodes.

The Connect button in the cluster management pane provides a connection string for accessing the node. For example, to access a cluster head node, select the master node in the cluster management pane and click the Connect button:

CycleCloud Master Node Connect Button

The pop-up window shows the connection string you would use to connect to the cluster:

CycleCloud Master Node Connection Screen

Copy the appropriate connectionstring and use either your SSH client or the CycleCloud CLI to connect to the master node.

The Connect button in the cluster management pane provides a connection string for accessing the node. For example, to access a cluster head node, select the scheduler node in the cluster management pane and click the Connect button:

CycleCloud Master Node Connect Button

The pop-up window shows the connection string you would use to connect to the cluster:

CycleCloud Master Node Connection Screen

Copy the appropriate connectionstring and use either your SSH client or the CycleCloud CLI to connect to the master node.

Accessing cluster nodes in a private subnet

You can use either cyclecloud connect or raw SSH client commands to access nodes that are within a private subnet of your VNET. These instructions assume you are using SSH with public-key authentication. This is typical for Linux nodes. For Windows, you can use this method to set up an RDP tunnel.

First, make the private key accessible to the target node. The simplest way is to run an SSH agent on your personal machine.


The private key should never leave your personal machine! In the following examples your private key never leaves your machine. The agent uses this to respond to authentication challenges sent by the remote node.

From your local machine, start the agent with the ssh-agent command:

exec ssh-agent bash

If the private key is not your default private key (~/.ssh/id_rsa or ~/.ssh/identity), add it to the agent:


Those commands only need to be run once (or after you reboot).

Using cyclecloud connect

You can connect to an node via a bastion server by specifying the IP address on the command line:

cyclecloud connect htcondor-scheduler --bastion-host

The above command assumes cyclecloud as the username, 22 as the port, and loads your default SSH key. To customize these values, see the --bastion-* help options for the cyclecloud CLI command.

Alternately, the CycleCloud CLI can detect the bastion host for you if you add the following directive to your ~/.cycle/config.ini:

bastion_auto_detect = true

With the above directive, you can run cyclecloud connect htcondor-scheduler without specifying any details about the bastion server.

You can also use cyclecloud connect to connect a Windows VM. Executing the following command will create an RDP connection over an SSH tunnel. Additionally, it will launch the Microsoft RDP client on OSX and Windows:

cyclecloud connect windows-execute-1


CycleCloud chooses an unused ephemeral port for the tunnel to the Windows VM.

You can configure the cyclecloud command to use a single bastion host for all your connections:

bastion_host =
bastion_user = example_user
bastion_key = ~/.ssh/example_key.pem
bastion_port = 222

Using Raw SSH Commands

You can connect to a private server via the bastion server using agent forwarding:

ssh -A -t cyclecloud@BASTION_SERVER_IP ssh -A cyclecloud@TARGET_SERVER_IP

This connects to the bastion and then immediately runs SSH again, so you get a terminal on the target VM. You may need to specify a user other than cyclecloud on the VM if your cluster is configured differently. The -A argument forwards the agent connection so your private key on your local machine is used automatically. Note that agent forwarding is a chain, so the second SSH command also includes -A so that any subsequent SSH connections initiated from the target VM also use your local private key.

Connecting to Services on the Target VM

You can use the SSH connection to connect to services on the target VM, such as a Remote Desktop, a database, etc. For example, if the target VM is Windows, you can create a Remote Desktop tunnel by connecting to the target VM with a similar SSH command from above, using the -L argument:

ssh -A -t cyclecloud@BASTION_SERVER_IP  -L 33890:TARGET:3389 ssh -A cyclecloud@TARGET_SERVER_IP

This will tunnel port 3389 on target to 33890 on your local machine. Then if you connect to localhost:33890 you will actually be connected to the target VM.