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HTCondor can easily be enabled on a CycleCloud cluster by modifying the "run_list" in the configuration section of your cluster definition. There are three basic components of an HTCondor cluster. The first is the "central manager" which provides the scheduling and management daemons. The second component of an HTCondor cluster is one or more schedulers from which jobs are submitted into the system. The final component is one or more execute nodes which are the hosts perform the computation. A simple HTCondor template may look like:

[cluster htcondor]

  [[node manager]]
  ImageName = cycle.image.centos7
  MachineType = Standard_A4 # 8 cores

      run_list = role[central_manager]

  [[node scheduler]]
  ImageName = cycle.image.centos7
  MachineType = Standard_A4 # 8 cores

      run_list = role[condor_scheduler_role],role[filer_role],role[scheduler]

  [[nodearray execute]]
  ImageName = cycle.image.centos7
  MachineType = Standard_A1 # 1 core
  Count = 1

      run_list = role[usc_execute]

Importing and starting a cluster with definition in CycleCloud will yield a "manager" and a "scheduler" node, as well as one "execute" node. Execute nodes can be added to the cluster via the cyclecloud add_node command. To add 10 more execute nodes:

cyclecloud add_node htcondor -t execute -c 10

HTCondor Autoscaling

CycleCloud supports autoscaling for HTCondor, which means that the software will monitor the status of your queue and turn on and off nodes as needed to complete the work in an optimal amount of time/cost. You can enable autoscaling for HTCondor by adding Autoscale=true to your cluster definition:

[cluster htcondor]
Autoscale = True

HTCondor Advanced Usage

If you know the average runtime of jobs, you can define average_runtime (in minutes) in your job. CycleCloud will use that to start the minimum number of nodes (for example, five 10-minute jobs will only start a single node instead of five when average_runtime is set to 10).

Autoscale Nodearray

By default, HTCondor will request cores from the nodearray called 'execute'. If a job requires a different nodearray (for example if certain jobs within a workflow have a high memory requirement), you can specify a slot_type attribute for the job. For example, adding +slot_type = "highmemory" will cause HTCondor to request a node from the "highmemory" nodearray instead of "execute" (note that this currently requires htcondor.slot_type = "highmemory" to be set in the nodearray's [[[configuration]]] section). This will not affect how HTCondor schedules the jobs, so you may want to include the slot_type startd attribute in the job's requirements or rank expressions. For example: Requirements = target.slot_type = "highmemory".

Submitting Jobs to HTCondor

The most generic way to submit jobs to an HTCondor scheduler is the command (run from a scheduler node):

condor_submit my_job.submit

A sample submit file might look like this:

      Universe = vanilla
      Executable = do_science
      Arguments = -v --win-prize=true
      Output = log/$(Cluster).$(Process).out
      Error = log/$(Cluster).$(Process).err
      Should_transfer_files = if_needed
      When_to_transfer_output = On_exit
      +average_runtime = 10
      +slot_type = "highmemory"

HTCondor Configuration Reference

The following are the HTCondor-specific configuration options you can set to customize functionality:

HTCondor-Specific Configuration Options Description
htcondor.agent_enabled If true, use the condor_agent for job submission and polling. Default: false
htcondor.agent_version The version of the condor_agent to use. Default: 1.27
htcondor.classad_lifetime The default lifetime of classads (in seconds). Default: 700
htcondor.condor_owner The Linux account that owns the HTCondor scaledown scripts. Default: root
htcondor.condor_group The Linux group that owns the HTCondor scaledown scripts. Default: root
htcondor.data_dir The directory for logs, spool directories, execute directories, and local config file. Default: /mnt/condor_data (Linux), C:\All Services\condor_local (Windows)
htcondor.ignore_hyperthreads (Windows only) Set the number of CPUs to be half of the detected CPUs as a way to "disable" hyperthreading. If using autoscale, specify the non-hyperthread core count with the Cores configuration setting in the [[node]] or [[nodearray]] section. Default: false
htcondor.install_dir The directory that HTCondor is installed to. Default: /opt/condor (Linux), C:\condor (Windows)
htcondor.job_start_count The number of jobs a schedd will start per cycle. 0 is unlimited. Default: 20
htcondor.job_start_delay The number of seconds between each job start interval. 0 is immediate. Default: 1
htcondor.max_history_log The maximum size of the job history file in bytes. Default: 20971520
htcondor.max_history_rotations The maximum number of job history files to keep. Default: 20
htcondor.negotiator_cycle_delay The minimum number of seconds before a new negotiator cycle may start. Default: 20
htcondor.negotiator_interval How often (in seconds) the condor_negotiator starts a negotiation cycle. Default: 60
htcondor.negotiator_inform_startd If true, the negotiator informs the startd when it is matched to a job. Default: true
htcondor.remove_stopped_nodes If true, stopped execute nodes are removed from the CycleServer view instead of being marked as "down".
htcondor.running If true, HTCondor collector and negotiator daemons run on the central manager. Otherwise, only the condor_master runs. Default: true
htcondor.scheduler_dual If true, schedulers run two schedds. Default: true
htcondor.single_slot If true, treats the machine as a single slot (regardless of the number of cores the machine possesses). Default: false
htcondor.slot_type Defines the slot_type of a node array for autoscaling. Default: execute
htcondor.update_interval The interval (in seconds) for the startd to publish an update to the collector. Default: 240
htcondor.use_cache_config If true, use cache_config to have the instance poll CycleServer for configuration. Default: false
htcondor.version The version of HTCondor to install. Default: 8.2.6

HTCondor Auto-Generated Configuration File

HTCondor has large number of configuration settings, including user-defined attributes. CycleCloud offers the ability to create a custom configuration file using attributes defined in the cluster:

Attribute Description
htcondor.custom_config.enabled If true, a configuration file is generated using the specified attributes. Default: false
htcondor.custom_config.file_name The name of the file (placed in htcondor.data_dir/config) to write. Default: ZZZ-custom_config.txt
htcondor.custom_config.settings The attributes to write to the custom config file such as htcondor.custom_config.settings.max_jobs_running = 5000


HTCondor configuration attributes containing a . cannot be specified using this method. If such attributes are needed, they should be specified in a cookbook or a file installed with cluster-init.

CycleCloud supports a standard set of autostop attributes across schedulers:

Attribute Description
cyclecloud.cluster.autoscale.stop_enabled Is autostop enabled on this node? [true/false]
cyclecloud.cluster.autoscale.idle_time_after_jobs The amount of time (in seconds) for a node to sit idle after completing jobs before it is scaled down.
cyclecloud.cluster.autoscale.idle_time_before_jobs The amount of time (in seconds) for a node to sit idle before completing jobs before it is scaled down.