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Quickstart: Deploy an Azure virtual machine from a template with the Azure SDK for Go

This quickstart shows you how to deploy resources from an Azure Resource Manager template, using the Azure SDK for Go. Templates are snapshots of all of the resources within an Azure resource group. Along the way, you'll become familiar with the functionality and conventions of the SDK.

At the end of this quickstart, you have a running VM that you log into with a username and password.


To see the creation of a VM in Go without the use of a Resource Manager template, there is an imperative sample demonstrating how to build and configure all VM resources with the SDK. Using a template in this sample allows a focus on SDK conventions without getting into too many details about Azure service architecture.

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

Launch Azure Cloud Shell

The Azure Cloud Shell is an interactive shell that runs on Azure. It has common tools pre-installed and configured to use with your account. Select Copy to copy the code, paste it to the Cloud Shell, and then press Enter to run it.

There are a few ways to launch the Cloud Shell:

Select Try It in the upper right corner of a code block.

Cloud Shell in this article

Open Cloud Shell in your browser.

Select the Cloud Shell button on the menu in the upper right of the Azure portal.

Cloud Shell in the portal

If you use a local install of the Azure CLI, this quickstart requires CLI version 2.0.28 or later. Run az --version to make sure your CLI install meets this requirement. If you need to install or upgrade, see Install the Azure CLI.

Install the Azure SDK for Go

The Azure SDK for Go is compatible with Go versions 1.8 and higher. For environments using Azure Stack Profiles, Go version 1.9 is the minimum requirement. If you need to install Go, follow the Go installation instructions.

You can download the Azure SDK for Go and its dependencies via go get.

go get -u -d


Make sure that you capitalize Azure in the URL. Doing otherwise can cause case-related import problems when working with the SDK. You also need to capitalize Azure in your import statements.

Create a service principal

To sign in non-interactively to Azure with an application, you need a service principal. Service principals are part of role-based access control (RBAC), which creates a unique user identity. To create a new service principal with the CLI, run the following command:

az ad sp create-for-rbac --role Contributor \
    --scopes /subscriptions/<subscription_id> \
    --sdk-auth > quickstart.auth

Set the environment variable AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION to be the full path to this file. Then the SDK locates and reads the credentials directly from this file, without you having to make any changes or record information from the service principal.

Get the code

Get the quickstart code and all of its dependencies with go get.

go get -u -d

You don't need to make any source code modifications if the AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION variable is properly set. When the program runs, it loads all the necessary authentication information from there.

Running the code

Run the quickstart with the go run command.

cd $GOPATH/src/
go run main.go

If the deployment is successful, you see a message giving the username, IP address, and password for logging into the newly created virtual machine. SSH into this machine to see if it's up and running.

Cleaning up

Clean up the resources created during this quickstart by deleting the resource group with the CLI.

az group delete -n GoVMQuickstart

Also delete the service principal that was created. In the quickstart.auth file, there's a JSON key for clientId. Copy this value to the CLIENT_ID_VALUE environment variable and run the following Azure CLI command:

az ad sp delete --id ${CLIENT_ID_VALUE}

Where you supply the value for CLIENT_ID_VALUE from quickstart.auth.


Failing to delete the service principal for this application leaves it active in your Microsoft Entra tenant. While both the name and password for the service principal are generated as UUIDs, make sure that you follow good security practices by deleting any unused service principals and Microsoft Entra Applications.

Code in depth

What the quickstart code does is broken down into a block of variables and several small functions, each of which are discussed here.

Variables, constants, and types

Since quickstart is self-contained, it uses global constants and variables.

const (
    resourceGroupName     = "GoVMQuickstart"
    resourceGroupLocation = "eastus"

    deploymentName = "VMDeployQuickstart"
    templateFile   = "vm-quickstart-template.json"
    parametersFile = "vm-quickstart-params.json"

// Information loaded from the authorization file to identify the client
type clientInfo struct {
    SubscriptionID string
    VMPassword     string

var (
    ctx        = context.Background()
    clientData clientInfo
    authorizer autorest.Authorizer

Values are declared which give the names of created resources. The location is also specified here, which you can change to see how deployments behave in other datacenters. Not every datacenter has all of the required resources available.

The clientInfo type holds the information loaded from the authentication file to set up clients in the SDK and set the VM password.

The templateFile and parametersFile constants point to the files needed for deployment. The authorizer will be configured by the Go SDK for authentication, and the ctx variable is a Go context for the network operations.

Authentication and initialization

The init function sets up authentication. Since authentication is a precondition for everything in the quickstart, it makes sense to have it as part of initialization. It also loads some information needed from the authentication file to configure clients and the VM.

func init() {
    var err error
    authorizer, err = auth.NewAuthorizerFromFile(azure.PublicCloud.ResourceManagerEndpoint)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to get OAuth config: %v", err)

    authInfo, err := readJSON(os.Getenv("AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION"))
    clientData.SubscriptionID = (*authInfo)["subscriptionId"].(string)
    clientData.VMPassword = (*authInfo)["clientSecret"].(string)

First, auth.NewAuthorizerFromFile is called to load the authentication information from the file located at AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION. Next, this file is loaded manually by the readJSON function (omitted here) to pull the two values needed to run the rest of the program: The subscription ID of the client, and the service principal's secret, which is also used for the VM's password.


To keep the quickstart simple, the service principal password is reused. In production, take care to never reuse a password which gives access to your Azure resources.

Flow of operations in main()

The main function is simple, only indicating the flow of operations and performing error-checking.

func main() {
    group, err := createGroup()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed to create group: %v", err)
    log.Printf("Created group: %v", *group.Name)

    log.Printf("Starting deployment: %s", deploymentName)
    result, err := createDeployment()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to deploy: %v", err)
    if result.Name != nil {
        log.Printf("Completed deployment %v: %v", deploymentName, *result.Properties.ProvisioningState)
    } else {
        log.Printf("Completed deployment %v (no data returned to SDK)", deploymentName)

The steps that the code runs through are, in order:

  • Create the resource group to deploy to (createGroup)
  • Create the deployment within this group (createDeployment)
  • Get and display login information for the deployed VM (getLogin)

Create the resource group

The createGroup function creates the resource group. Looking at the call flow and arguments demonstrates the way that service interactions are structured in the SDK.

func createGroup() (group resources.Group, err error) {
    groupsClient := resources.NewGroupsClient(clientData.SubscriptionID)
    groupsClient.Authorizer = authorizer

        return groupsClient.CreateOrUpdate(
                        Location: to.StringPtr(resourceGroupLocation)})

The general flow of interacting with an Azure service is:

  • Create the client using the service.New*Client() method, where * is the resource type of the service that you want to interact with. This function always takes a subscription ID.
  • Set the authorization method for the client, allowing it to interact with the remote API.
  • Make the method call on the client corresponding to the remote API. Service client methods usually take the name of the resource and a metadata object.

The to.StringPtr function is used to perform a type conversion here. The parameters for SDK methods almost exclusively take pointers, so convenience methods are provided to make the type conversions easy. See the documentation for the autorest/to module for the complete list of convenience converters and their behavior.

The groupsClient.CreateOrUpdate method returns a pointer to a data type representing the resource group. A direct return value of this kind indicates a short-running operation that is meant to be synchronous. In the next section, you'll see an example of a long-running operation and how to interact with it.

Perform the deployment

Once the resource group is created, it's time to run the deployment. This code is broken up into smaller sections to emphasize different parts of its logic.

func createDeployment() (deployment resources.DeploymentExtended, err error) {
    template, err := readJSON(templateFile)
    if err != nil {
    params, err := readJSON(parametersFile)
    if err != nil {
    (*params)["vm_password"] = map[string]string{
        "value": clientData.VMPassword,
        // ...

The deployment files are loaded by readJSON, the details of which are skipped here. This function returns a *map[string]interface{}, the type used in constructing the metadata for the resource deployment call. The VM's password is also set manually on the deployment parameters.

        // ...

    deploymentsClient := resources.NewDeploymentsClient(clientData.SubscriptionID)
    deploymentsClient.Authorizer = authorizer

    deploymentFuture, err := deploymentsClient.CreateOrUpdate(
            Properties: &resources.DeploymentProperties{
                Template:   template,
                Parameters: params,
                Mode:       resources.Incremental,
    if err != nil {

This code follows the same pattern as creating the resource group. A new client is created, given the ability to authenticate with Azure, and then a method is called. The method even has the same name (CreateOrUpdate) as the corresponding method for resource groups. This pattern is seen throughout the SDK. Methods that perform similar work normally have the same name.

The biggest difference comes in the return value of the deploymentsClient.CreateOrUpdate method. This value is of the Future type, which follows the future design pattern. Futures represent a long-running operation in Azure that you can poll, cancel, or block on their completion.

    err = deploymentFuture.Future.WaitForCompletion(ctx, deploymentsClient.BaseClient.Client)
    if err != nil {
    return deploymentFuture.Result(deploymentsClient)

For this example, the best thing to do is to wait for the operation to complete. Waiting on a future requires both a context object and the client that created the Future. There are two possible error sources here: An error caused on the client side when trying to invoke the method, and an error response from the server. The latter is returned as part of the deploymentFuture.Result call.

Get the assigned IP address

To do anything with the newly created VM, you need the assigned IP address. IP addresses are their own separate Azure resource, bound to Network Interface Controller (NIC) resources.

func getLogin() {
    params, err := readJSON(parametersFile)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Unable to read parameters. Get login information with `az network public-ip list -g %s", resourceGroupName)

    addressClient := network.NewPublicIPAddressesClient(clientData.SubscriptionID)
    addressClient.Authorizer = authorizer
    ipName := (*params)["publicIPAddresses_QuickstartVM_ip_name"].(map[string]interface{})
    ipAddress, err := addressClient.Get(ctx, resourceGroupName, ipName["value"].(string), "")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Unable to get IP information. Try using `az network public-ip list -g %s", resourceGroupName)

    vmUser := (*params)["vm_user"].(map[string]interface{})

    log.Printf("Log in with ssh: %s@%s, password: %s",

This method relies on information that is stored in the parameters file. The code could query the VM directly to get its NIC, query the NIC to get its IP resource, and then query the IP resource directly. That's a long chain of dependencies and operations to resolve, making it expensive. Since the JSON information is local, it can be loaded instead.

The value for the VM user is also loaded from the JSON. The VM password was loaded earlier from the authentication file.

Next steps

In this quickstart, you took an existing template and deployed it through Go. Then you connected to the newly created VM via SSH.

To continue learning about working with virtual machines in the Azure environment with Go, take a look at the Azure compute samples for Go or Azure resource management samples for Go.

To learn more about the available authentication methods in the SDK, and which authentication types they support, see Authentication with the Azure SDK for Go.