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Pull request widget for multiple repos is now in private preview

The pull request widget lets you display active pull requests (PRs) requested by your team. Previously, the pull request widget let you select one repository to show in your dashboard. With this update, we are excited to announce that you can select multiple repositories in the pull request widget.

In Pipelines, we've made it easier to find stages using the stages side panel. Now you can filter for stages based on their status.

Check out the release notes for details.


Azure Boards

Azure Pipelines



License source column in user list export

The list of users in your organization can be exported to a data file. If your organization uses group rules, an additional column that indicates whether a user is assigned an access level via a group rule or direct assignment is visible. The License Source column is now included in the data export too.

export button

Azure Boards

Interactive boards reports

Interactive reports, located in the Boards hub, have been accessible as a preview feature for several years. They replace the older Cumulative Flow Diagram, Velocity, and Sprint Burndown charts. In this sprint we are taking them out of preview and officially making them generally available.

To view these charts, click the Analytics tab location on the Kanban Board, Backlog, and Sprints pages.

Interactive Reports

Azure Pipelines

Search for stages in side panel

We've made it easier to find the stages you're looking for in the stages side panel. You can now quickly filter for stages based on their status, for example running stages or those that require manual intervention. You can also search for stages by their name.

Update AZ Pipelines

Pipeline agent v3 (.NET 6) rolling out

In the coming weeks, we will roll out the .NET 6 based Pipeline Agent v3. This will impact both hosted and self-hosted agents. Any agents running on an operating system not compatible with .NET 6 will not get upgraded, and will continue to use agent v2. This does not impact builds targeting .NET. For more information and frequently asked questions, see the agent v3 doc page.


Pull request widget for multiple repos (private preview)

The ability to have the pull request widget include multiple repos has been a long-time request in the developer community. This sprint we are happy to announce a private preview of the new widget.

Dashboard Preview

This new widget will allow you to see the pull requests from up to 10 different repositories in a single list.

Pull Request Widget

If you would like early access to this widget, please email us directly with your organization name.

Next steps


These features will roll out over the next two to three weeks.

Head over to Azure DevOps and take a look.

How to provide feedback

We would love to hear what you think about these features. Use the help menu to report a problem or provide a suggestion.

Make a suggestion

You can also get advice and your questions answered by the community on Stack Overflow.


Rajesh Ramamurthy