You can also set writable properties and cloud properties that are defined in the device template, and call commands on the device.
To manage IoT Edge devices, you can use the IoT Central UI to create and edit deployment manifests, and then deploy them to your IoT Edge devices. You can also run commands in IoT Edge modules from within IoT Central.
If your IoT Central application uses organizations, an administrator controls which devices you have access to.
Monitor your devices
To monitor individual devices, use the custom device views on the Devices page. A solution builder defines these custom views as part of the device template. These views can show device telemetry and property values. An example is the Overview view shown in the following screenshot:
The troubleshooting guide helps you to diagnose and remediate common issues. You can use the Devices page to block devices that appear to be malfunctioning until the problem is resolved.
Next steps
If you want to learn more about using IoT Central, the suggested next steps are to try the quickstarts, beginning with Create an Azure IoT Central application.
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