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Manage a Managed HSM using the Azure CLI


Key Vault supports two types of resources: vaults and managed HSMs. This article is about Managed HSM. If you want to learn how to manage a vault, please see Manage Key Vault using the Azure CLI.

For an overview of Managed HSM, see What is Managed HSM?

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.


To complete the steps in this article, you must have the following items:

Azure Cloud Shell

Azure hosts Azure Cloud Shell, an interactive shell environment that you can use through your browser. You can use either Bash or PowerShell with Cloud Shell to work with Azure services. You can use the Cloud Shell preinstalled commands to run the code in this article, without having to install anything on your local environment.

To start Azure Cloud Shell:

Option Example/Link
Select Try It in the upper-right corner of a code or command block. Selecting Try It doesn't automatically copy the code or command to Cloud Shell. Screenshot that shows an example of Try It for Azure Cloud Shell.
Go to, or select the Launch Cloud Shell button to open Cloud Shell in your browser. Button to launch Azure Cloud Shell.
Select the Cloud Shell button on the menu bar at the upper right in the Azure portal. Screenshot that shows the Cloud Shell button in the Azure portal

To use Azure Cloud Shell:

  1. Start Cloud Shell.

  2. Select the Copy button on a code block (or command block) to copy the code or command.

  3. Paste the code or command into the Cloud Shell session by selecting Ctrl+Shift+V on Windows and Linux, or by selecting Cmd+Shift+V on macOS.

  4. Select Enter to run the code or command.

Sign in to Azure

To sign in to Azure using the CLI you can type:

az login

For more information on login options via the CLI, see sign in with Azure CLI


All the commands below show two usage methods. One using --hsm-name and --name (for key name) parameters and another using --id parameter where you can specify the entire url including the key name where appropriate. The latter method is useful when the caller (a user or an application) has no read access on the control plane and only restricted access on the data plane.


Some interactions with key material require specific Local RBAC permissions. For a full list of built-in Local RBAC roles and permissions, see Managed HSM local RBAC built-in roles. To assign these permissions to a user, see Secure access to your managed HSMs

Create an HSM key


Key generated or imported into Managed HSM cannot be exported. Refer to recommended best practices for key portability and durability.

Use az keyvault key create command to create a key.

Create an RSA key

The example below shows how to create a 3072-bit RSA key that will be only used for wrapKey, unwrapKey operations (--ops).

az keyvault key create --hsm-name ContosoMHSM --name myrsakey --ops wrapKey unwrapKey --kty RSA-HSM --size 3072

## OR
# Note the key name (myrsakey) in the URI

az keyvault key create --id --ops wrapKey unwrapKey --kty RSA-HSM --size 3072

Note, that the get operation only returns the public key and key attributes. It does not return the private key (in case of asymmetric key, or the key material (in case of symmetric key).

Create an EC key

The example below shows how to create an EC key with P-256 curve that will be only used for sign and verify operations (--ops) and has two tags, usage and appname. Tags help you add additional metadata to the key for tracking and managing.

az keyvault key create --hsm-name ContosoMHSM --name myec256key --ops sign verify  --tags ‘usage=signing] appname=myapp’ --kty EC-HSM --curve P-256

## OR
# Note the key name (myec256key) in the URI

az keyvault key create --id --ops sign verify  --tags ‘usage=signing] appname=myapp’ --kty EC-HSM --curve P-256

Create a 256-bit symmetric key

The example below shows how to create a 256-bit symmetric key that will be only used for encrypt and decrypt operations (--ops).

az keyvault key create --hsm-name ContosoMHSM --name myaeskey --ops encrypt decrypt  --tags --kty oct-HSM --size 256

## OR
# Note the key name (myaeskey) in the URI

az keyvault key create --id --ops encrypt decrypt  --tags ‘usage=signing] appname=myapp’ --kty oct-HSM --size 256

View key attributes and tags

Use az keyvault key show command to view attributes, versions and tags for a key.

az keyvault key show --hsm-name ContosoHSM --name myrsakey

## OR
# Note the key name (myaeskey) in the URI

az keyvault key show --id

List keys

Use az keyvault key list command to list all keys inside a managed HSM.

az keyvault key list --hsm-name ContosoHSM

## OR
# use full URI

az keyvault key list --id

Delete a key

Use az keyvault key delete command to delete a key from a managed HSM. Note that soft-delete is always on. Therefore a deleted key will remain in deleted state and can be recovered until the number of retention days have passed when the key will be purged (permanently deleted) with no recovery possible.

az keyvault key delete --hsm-name ContosoHSM --name myrsakey

## OR
# Note the key name (myaeskey) in the URI

az keyvault key delete --id

List deleted keys

Use az keyvault key list-deleted command to list all the keys in deleted state in your managed HSM.

az keyvault key list-deleted --hsm-name ContosoHSM

## OR
# use full URI

az keyvault key list-deleted --id

Recover (undelete) a deleted key

Use az keyvault key list-deleted command to list all the keys in deleted state in your managed HSM. If you need to recover (undelete) a key using the --id parameter while recovering a deleted key, you must note the recoveryId value of the deleted key obtained from the az keyvault key list-deleted command.

az keyvault key recover --hsm-name ContosoHSM --name myrsakey

## OR
# Note the key name (myaeskey) in the URI

az keyvault key recover --id

Purge (permanently delete) a key

Use az keyvault key purge command to purge (permanently delete) a key.


If the managed HSM has purge protection enabled, purge operation will not be permitted. The key will be automatically purged when the retention period has passed.

az keyvault key purge --hsm-name ContosoHSM --name myrsakey

## OR
# Note the key name (myaeskey) in the URI

az keyvault key purge --id

Create a single key backup

Use az keyvault key backup to create a key backup. The backup file is an encrypted blob cryptographically tied to the Security Domain of the source HSM. It can only be restored in HSMs that share the same security domain. Read more about Security Domain.

az keyvault key backup --hsm-name ContosoHSM --name myrsakey --file myrsakey.backup

## OR
# Note the key name (myaeskey) in the URI

az keyvault key backup --id  --file myrsakey.backup

Restore a single key from backup

Use az keyvault key restore to restore a single key. The source HSM where the backup was created must share the same security domain as the target HSM where the key is being restored.


The restore will not succeed if a key with same name exists in active or deleted state.

az keyvault key restore --hsm-name ContosoHSM --name myrsakey --file myrsakey.backup

## OR
# Note the key name (myaeskey) in the URI

az keyvault key restore --id --file myrsakey.backup

Import a key from a file

Use az keyvault key import command to import a key (only RSA and EC) from a file. The certificate file must have private key and must use PEM encoding (as defined in RFCs 1421, 1422, 1423, 1424).

az keyvault key import --hsm-name ContosoHSM --name myrsakey --pem-file mycert.key --pem-password 'mypassword'

## OR
# Note the key name (myaeskey) in the URI

az keyvault key recover --id --pem-file mycert.key --password 'mypassword'

To import a key from your on-premises HSM to managed HSM, see Import HSM-protected keys to Managed HSM (BYOK)

Next steps