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Monitoring Azure Operator Insights data reference

This article describes the data you can collect in Azure Monitor for Azure Operator Insights. See Monitoring Azure Operator Insights for details on how to collect and analyze this monitoring data.


Azure Operator Insights doesn't provide metrics in Azure Monitor.

Resource logs

This section lists the types of resource logs you can collect for Azure Operator Insights.

Resource Log Type Resource Provider / Type Namespace
and link to individual logs
DataProducts Microsoft.NetworkAnalytics/DataProducts

The DataProducts logs have the following categories:

  • Ingestion (Ingestion): adding or changing data in the input storage account for a Data Product
  • Delete Ingested File (IngestionDelete): deleting data from the input storage account for a Data Product
  • Digestion (Digestion): processing the data available to a Data Product
  • Output Storage Read (ReadStorage): read access to the output storage account for a Data Product
  • Database Query (DatabaseQuery): query operations performed on the database of a Data Product

When you configure a diagnostic setting, you can select these categories individually, or select the Audit group. The Audit group contains all the categories except the Digestion category.

For reference, see a list of all resource logs category types supported in Azure Monitor.

Azure Monitor Logs tables

This section lists all of the Azure Monitor Logs Kusto tables relevant to Azure Operator Insights and available for query by Log Analytics.

Log type Table name Details
Transformation AOIDigestion Contains Transformation logs (called Digestion in the table)
Ingestion and storage AOIStorage Contains Ingestion, IngestionDelete and ReadStorage
Database queries AOIDatabaseQuery Contains DatabaseQuery

Diagnostics tables

Azure Operator Insights uses the tables listed in Azure Monitor Logs tables to store resource log information. It doesn't use the Azure Diagnostics table.

Activity log

The following table lists the operations that Azure Operator Insights can record in the Activity log. This table is a subset of the possible entries you might find in the activity log.

Namespace Description
Microsoft.NetworkAnalytics Logs relating to creating, modifying and deleting Data Product resources
Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/AOI* Logs relating to querying Azure Operator Insights data in Azure Monitor

See all the possible resource provider operations in the activity log.

For more information on the schema of Activity Log entries, see Activity Log schema.


Azure Operator Insights uses the following schemas for logs.

Log type Relates to Schema link
Transformation logs Processing (called digestion in the schema) of data AOIDigestion
Storage logs Operations on the Data Product's storage AOIStorage
Database query logs Queries run on the Data Product's database AOIDatabaseQuery

See Also