To create a new service connection in Function App, select the Search resources, services and docs (G +/) search bar at the top of the Azure portal, type Function App, and select Function App.
Select the Function App resource you want to connect to a target resource.
Select Service Connector from the left table of contents. Then select Create.
Select or enter the following settings.
Service type
Storage - Blob
The target service type. If you don't have a Microsoft Blob Storage, you can create one or use another service type.
My subscription
The subscription for your target service (the service you want to connect to). The default value is the subscription for this Function App resource.
Connection name
The connection name that identifies the connection between your Function App and target service. Use the connection name provided by Service Connector or choose your own connection name.
Storage account
The target storage account you want to connect to. Target service instances to choose from vary according to the selected service type.
Client type
The same app stack on this Function App
The default value comes from the Function App runtime stack. Select the app stack that's on this Function App instance.
Select Next: Authentication to choose an authentication method.
System-assigned managed identity is the recommended authentication option. Select System-assigned managed identity to connect through an identity that's generated in Azure Active Directory and tied to the lifecycle of the service instance.
Select User-assigned managed identity to authenticate through a standalone identity assigned to one or more instances of an Azure service.
Select Connection string to generate or configure one or multiple key-value pairs with pure secrets or tokens.
Select Service principal to use a service principal that defines the access policy and permissions for the user/application in Azure Active Directory.
Select Next: Networking to configure the network access to your target service and select Configure firewall rules to enable access to your target service.
Select Next: Review + Create to review the provided information. Then select Create to create the service connection. This operation may take a minute to complete.
View service connections in Function App
The Service Connector tab displays existing function app connections.
Select Validate to check your connection. You can see the connection validation details in the panel on the right.
Next steps
Follow the tutorials to start building your own function application with Service Connector.
Bygg ende-til-ende-løsninger i Microsoft Azure for å opprette Azure Functions, implementere og administrere nettapper, utvikle løsninger ved hjelp av Azure Storage og mer.