31. mars, 23 - 2. apr., 23
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You can clone persistent volumes in Azure Container Storage. A cloned volume is a duplicate of an existing persistent volume. You can only clone volumes of the same size that are in the same storage pool.
Follow the instructions below to clone a persistent volume.
Use your favorite text editor to create a YAML manifest file such as code acstor-clonevolume.yaml
Paste in the following code and save the file. A built-in storage class supports volume cloning, so for dataSource be sure to reference a PVC previously created by the Azure Container Storage storage class. For example, if you created the PVC for Azure Disks, it might be called azurediskpvc
. For storage, specify the size of the original PVC.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: pvc-acstor-cloning
- ReadWriteOnce
storageClassName: acstor-azuredisk
storage: 100Gi
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: azurediskpvc
Apply the YAML manifest file to clone the PVC.
kubectl apply -f acstor-clonevolume.yaml
You should see output similar to:
persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-acstor-cloning created
Use your favorite text editor to create a YAML manifest file such as code acstor-pod.yaml
Paste in the following code and save the file. For claimName, be sure to reference the cloned PVC.
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: fiopod2
acstor.azure.com/io-engine: acstor
- name: azurediskpv
claimName: pvc-acstor-cloning
- name: fio
image: nixery.dev/shell/fio
- sleep
- "1000000"
- mountPath: "/volume"
name: azurediskpv
Apply the YAML manifest file to deploy the new pod.
kubectl apply -f acstor-pod.yaml
You should see output similar to the following:
pod/fiopod2 created
Check that the pod is running and that the persistent volume claim has been bound successfully to the pod:
kubectl describe pod fiopod2
kubectl describe pvc azurediskpvc
31. mars, 23 - 2. apr., 23
Det største stoff-, Power BI- og SQL-læringsarrangementet. 31. mars til 2. april. Bruk koden FABINSIDER til å spare USD 400.
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