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Automated detection and response for Azure WAF with Microsoft Sentinel

Malicious attackers increasingly target web applications by exploiting commonly known vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and Cross-site scripting. Preventing these attacks in application code poses a challenge, requiring rigorous maintenance, patching, and monitoring at multiple layers of the application topology. A Web Application Firewall (WAF) solution can react to a security threat faster by centrally patching a known vulnerability, instead of securing each individual web application. Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a cloud-native service that protects web apps from common web-hacking techniques. You can deploy this service in a matter of minutes to gain complete visibility into the web application traffic and block malicious web attacks.

Integrating Azure WAF with Microsoft Sentinel (a cloud-native SIEM/SOAR solution) for automated detection and response to threats/incidents/alerts is an added advantage and reduces the manual intervention needed to update the WAF policy.

In this article, you learn about WAF detection templates in Sentinel, deploy a playbook, and configure the detection and response in Sentinel using these templates and the playbook.


Deploy the playbook

You install a Sentinel playbook named Block-IPAzureWAF from a template on GitHub. This playbook runs in response to WAF incidents. The goal is to create or modify a custom rule in a WAF policy to block requests from a certain IP address. This is accomplished using the Azure REST API.

You install the playbook from a template on GitHub.

  1. Go to the GitHub repository and select Deploy to Azure to launch the template.
  2. Fill in the required parameters. You can get your Front Door ID from the Azure portal. The Front Door ID is the resource ID of the Front Door resource. Screenshot showing the playbook template.
  3. Select Review + create and then Create.

Authorize the API connection

An API connection named azuresentinel-Block-IPAzureWAF is created as part of this deployment. You must authorize it with your Azure ID to allow the playbook to make changes to your WAF policy.

  1. In the Azure portal, select the azuresentinel-Block-IPAzureWAF API connection.
  2. Select Edit API connection.
  3. Under Display Name, type your Azure ID.
  4. Select Authorize.
  5. Select Save.

Screenshot showing the API authorization screen.

Configure the Contributor role assignment

The playbook must have the necessary permissions to query and modify the existing WAF policy via the REST API. You can assign the playbook a system-assigned Managed Identity with Contributor permissions on the Front Door resource along with their associated WAF policies. You can assign permissions only if your account has been assigned Owner or User Access Administrator roles to the underlying resource.

This can be done using the IAM section in the respective resource by adding a new role assignment to this playbook.

  1. In the Azure portal, select the Front Door resource.
  2. In the left pane, select Access control (IAM).
  3. Select Role assignments.
  4. Select Add then Add role assignment.
  5. Select Privileged administrator roles.
  6. Select Contributor and then select Next.
  7. Select Select members.
  8. Search for Block-IPAzureWAF and select it. There may be multiple entries for this playbook. The one you recently added usually the last one in the list.
  9. Select Block-IPAzureWAF and select Select.
  10. Select Review + assign.

Repeat this procedure for the WAF policy resource.

Add Microsoft Sentinel to your workspace

  1. In the Azure portal, search for and then open Microsoft Sentinel.
  2. Select Create.
  3. Select your workspace, and then select Add.

Configure the Logic App Contributor role assignment

Your account must have owner permissions on any resource group to which you want to grant Microsoft Sentinel permissions, and you must have the Logic App Contributor role on any resource group containing playbooks you want to run.

  1. In the Azure portal, select the resource group that contains the playbook.
  2. In the left pane, select Access control (IAM).
  3. Select Role assignments.
  4. Select Add then Add role assignment.
  5. Select search for Logic App Contributor, select it, and then select Next.
  6. Select Select members.
  7. Search for your account and select it.
  8. Select Select.
  9. Select Next.
  10. Select Review + assign.

Configure detection and response

There are detection query templates for SQLi and XSS attacks in Sentinel for Azure WAF. You can download these templates from the Content hub. By using these templates, you can create analytic rules that detect specific type of attack patterns in the WAF logs and further notify the security analyst by creating an incident. The automation section of these rules can help you respond to this incident by blocking the source IP of the attacker on the WAF policy, which then stops subsequent attacks upfront from these source IP addresses. Microsoft is continuously working to include more Detection Templates for more detection and response scenarios.

Install the templates

  1. From Microsoft Sentinel, under Configuration in the left pane, select Analytics.
  2. At the top of the page, select More content at Content hub.
  3. Search for Azure Web Application Firewall, select it and then select Install.

Create an analytic rule

  1. From Microsoft Sentinel, under Configuration in the left pane, select Analytics.

  2. Select Rule templates. It may take a few minutes for the templates to appear.

  3. Select the Front Door Premium WAF - SQLi Detection template.

  4. On the right pane, select Create rule.

  5. Accept all the defaults and continue through to Automated response. You can edit these settings later to customize the rule.


    If you see an error in the rule query, it might be because you don't have any WAF logs in your workspace. You can generate some logs by sending test traffic to your web app. For example, you can simulate a SQLi attack by sending a request like this: http://x.x.x.x/?text1=%27OR%27%27=%27. Replace x.x.x.x with your Front Door URL.

  6. On the Automated response page, select Add new.

  7. On the Create new automation rule page, type a name for the rule.

  8. Under Trigger, select When alert is created.

  9. Under Actions, select Manage playbook permissions.

  10. On the Manage permissions page, select your resource group and select Apply.

  11. Back on the Create new automation rule page, under Actions select the Block-IPAzureWAF playbook from the drop down list.

  12. Select Apply.

  13. Select Next: Review + create.

  14. Select Save.

Once the Analytic rule is created with respective Automation rule settings, you're now ready for Detection and Response. The following flow of events happens during an attack:

  • Azure WAF logs traffic when an attacker attempts to target one of the web apps behind it. Sentinel then ingests these logs.
  • The Analytic/Detection rule that you configured detects the pattern for this attack and generates an incident to notify an analyst.
  • The automation rule that is part of the analytic rule triggers the respective playbook that you configured previously.
  • The playbook creates a custom rule called SentinelBlockIP in the respective WAF policy, which includes the source IP of the attacker.
  • WAF blocks subsequent attack attempts, and if the attacker tries to use another source IP, it appends the respective source IP to the block rule.

An important point is that by default Azure WAF blocks any malicious web attacks with the help of core ruleset of the Azure WAF engine. However, this automated detection and response configuration further enhances the security by modifying or adding new custom block rules on the Azure WAF policy for the respective source IP addresses. This ensures that the traffic from these source IP addresses gets blocked before it even hits the Azure WAF engine ruleset.