Create the DSR.txt File
Use the following procedure to create the response DSR.txt message file. You will use this file later to verify the tutorial scenario.
To create the DSR.txt file
Open an editor, such as Notepad, and copy the following text into the editor:
MSH|^~\&|HIS||ADT||19990505||DSR^Q01|ZXT23469|P|2.4 MSA|AA|MSG00003 QRD|200307231012|D|I|4387|||20^LI|12233|RES|ALL DSP|||RESULTS FOR PATIENT#12233 SMITH, JOHN H. 07/23/03 DSP|||SPECIMEN#H85 COLLECTED 07/22/03 /07/0/0 DSP|||ELECTROLYTES DSP||| SODIUM 136 [135-148] MEQ/L STAT DSP||| POTASSIUM 4.2 [3.5-5.0] MEQ/L STAT DSP||| CHLORIDE 91 [95-111] MEQ/L STAT DSP||| CO2 25 [20-30] MEQ/L STAT DSP|||CO2 25 [20-30] MEQ/L STAT|LB
Save the file as DSR.txt in the <drive:>\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk <version> Accelerator for HL7\SDK\Interrogative Tutorial folder, and then close the editor.
Proceed to Step 1: Create and Deploy Common Header and Acknowledgment Schemas.