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Step 11: Create Orchestration Variables

In this step, you create the orchestration variables for the message instances sent and received by the orchestration.

The BizTalk Accelerator for HL7 (BTAHL7) serializer expects the following part names. If you create a multipart message with any other part names, the serializer rejects the message. The message part names are:

  • MSHSegment

  • BodySegments

  • Z segments

    The following is important information about Z segment parts:

  • All messages contain three parts as described above, regardless of whether a Z segment is present or not.

  • You use a Z segment part to contain data from the message instance, which is trailing and not defined in the schema (which also means that it is undeclared).

  • If there is no undeclared data, the Z segment part is blank. You do not see the Z segment parts when viewing the intermediate XML within BizTalk Mapper; however, in the BizTalk Health and Activity Tracking (HAT) tool, you see three parts to each message.

To create orchestration variables

  1. Click the Orchestration View tab next to the Solution Explorer tab beneath the Solutions Explorer.

  2. In the Orchestration View pane, right-click Messages, and then click New Message.

  3. Change the Identifier property in the Properties pane to DoorbellInputMessage, and then press Enter.

  4. In the Properties pane, in the drop-down list for Message Type, expand Schemas, and then click BTAHL7_Project.Doorbell.

  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to create another message named DoorbellOutputMessage.

  6. In the Properties pane, in the drop-down list for Message Type, expand Schemas, and then click BTAHL7Schemas.ADT_A04_22_GLO_DEF.

  7. In the Orchestration View pane, expand the Types node. Right-click Multi-part Message Types, and then click New Multi-part Message Type.


    Visual Studio 2013 creates a new message type named MultipartType_1 along with a new message named MessagePart_1.

  8. Click MultipartType_1, and in the Properties window, click Identifier and type the new name DoorbellFinalMessageType, and then press Enter.


    In steps 9 through 15, you will create the parts of the multipart message. The order in which you create the parts of a multipart message is important. Always create the header, then the body, then the Z segment.


    Once you have created and named the message parts, do not rename them. If necessary, delete the old body part, and create a new body part with a new name.

  9. In the Types window, under Multi-part Message Types, expand DoorbellFinalMessageType, and then click MessagePart_1. In the Properties pane, enter MSHSegment for Identifier, and then press Enter. In the drop-down list for Type, expand .NET Classes, and then click <Select from referenced assemblies>.

  10. In the Select Artifact Type dialog box, in the left pane, click System.Xml. In the right pane, click XmlDocument, and then click OK.

  11. In the Orchestration View window, right-click DoorbellFinalMessageType, and then click New Message Part to create MessagePart_1.

  12. In the Properties window, enter BodySegments for Identifier, and then press Enter. In the drop-down list for Type, expand Schemas, and then select BTAHL7Schemas.ADT_A04_22_GLO_DEF from the drop-down list.

  13. Set the Message Body Part property to True.

  14. In the Orchestration View window, right-click DoorbellFinalMessageType, and then click New Message Part.

  15. In the Properties pane, enter ZSegments for Identifier, and then press Enter. Click Type, expand .NET Classes, and then click System.String from the drop-down list.


    You use System.String for the Z segments message part, because a Z segment contains string data that does not need to conform to a schema.

  16. In the Orchestration View window, right-click Messages, and then click New Message.

  17. In the Properties window, enter DoorbellFinalMessage for Identifier, and then press Enter. In the drop-down list for Message Type, expand Multi-part Message Types, and then click BTAHL7_Project.DoorbellFinalMessageType.

  18. In the Orchestration View window, right-click Variables, and then click New Variable.

  19. In the Properties pane, enter HeaderInfo for Identifier, then press Enter. In the drop-down list for Type, double-click <.NET Class>.

  20. In the Select Artifact Type window, in the left pane, click System.Xml. In the right pane, click XmlDocument, and then click OK.

  21. In the File menu, click Save All.

    Proceed to Step 12: Configure Orchestration Shapes.

See Also

Message Enrichment Tutorial