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Basic SAP Data Types

The parameter types that the Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite supports are governed by the:

  • ABAP data types that SAP supports

  • Database data types that SAP supports

    This section presents a mapping between the ABAP and database data types, and their corresponding .NET and XML schema types.


The information in this section applies to RFCs, tRFCs, and BAPIs. SAP data types are always represented as strings (xsd:string) in IDOCs. This is to support the BizTalk Server flat file parser.

Supported ABAP Data Types

The Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite supports safe typing for some ABAP data types. When safe typing is enabled, these data types are represented as strings. You configure safe typing by setting the EnableSafeTyping binding property. Safe typing is disabled by default. For more information about the SAP adapter binding properties, see Read about BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite binding properties.

The following table shows how the ABAP data types are surfaced when safe typing is not enabled. (EnableSafeTyping is false). Data types that are surfaced differently when safe typing is enabled are marked with an asterisk (*).

ABAP Data Type RFC Type XSD type .NET type Format string
I (Integer) RFC_INT xsd:int Int32 -
Internal (RFC_INT1) RFC_INT1 xsd:unsignedByte Byte -
Internal (RFC_INT2) RFC_INT2 xsd:short Int16 -
F (Float) RFC_FLOAT xsd:double Double -
P (BCD number) RFC_BCD xsd:decimal if length <= 28
xsd:string if length > 28
Decimal number. with 0 decimal places
Decimal number. with >0 decimal places
C (Character) RFC_CHAR xsd:string String -
D (Date: YYYYMMDD)* RFC_DATE xsd:dateTime DateTime Internally, the adapter deserializes the value into a DateTime object. It then invokes the DateTime.ToUniversalTime method to convert the value of this object to UTC. Finally the date component (DateTime.Date) is used to create the value that is sent to the SAP system. The SAP system treats this date value as local time.

You should specify date values as UTC to avoid conversion.

- For xsd:dateTime, the following pattern is recommended: "(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)T(00:00:00)(.*)Z".
- For DateTime objects set DateTime.Kind to DateTimeKind.Utc.
T (Time: HHMMSS)* RFC_TIME xsd:dateTime DateTime Internally, the adapter deserializes the value into a DateTime object. It then invokes the DateTime.ToUniversalTime method to convert the value of this object to UTC. Finally the time component (DateTime.Time) is used to create the value that is sent to the SAP system. The SAP system treats this time value as local time.

You should specify time values as UTC to avoid conversion.

- For xsd:dateTime, the following pattern is recommended: "(0001-01-01)T(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)(.*)".
- For DateTime objects set DateTime.Kind to DateTimeKind.Utc.

For example, if your local time is 9:15 am, express this as "(001-01-01)T(09:15:00)Z"
N (Numeric string)* RFC_NUM xsd:int if lenrth <= 9
xsd:long if length > 9 and <= 19
xsd:string if length > 19
X (Byte) RFC_BYTE xsd:base64Binary Byte[] -
STRING RFC_STRING xsd:string String -
XSTRING RFC_BYTE xsd:base64Binary Byte[] -

*Indicates that the data type is surfaced differently when safe typing is enabled.

Safe Typing Enabled

The following table shows the ABAP data types that are surfaced differently when safe typing is enabled (the EnableSafeTyping binding property is true).

ABAP Data Type RFC Type XSD type .NET type Format string
D (Date: YYYYMMDD) RFC_DATE xsd:string String SAP date format: YYYYMMDD.

Characters are allowed for date digits, so the value is essentially an eight character string
T (Time: HHMMSS) RFC_TIME xsd:string String SAP time format: HHMMSS.

Characters are allowed for time digits, so the value is essentially a six character string
N (Numeric string) RFC_NUM xsd:string String An n character string; where n = length of the numc field.

ABAP data types that are not in this table are surfaced in the same way as when safe typing is not enabled.

Support for Date and Time Fields

When safe typing is not enabled, ABAP Date (D) and Time (T) types are surfaced as xsd:dateTime; however, the pattern facet surfaced for the Date and Time types is different.

  • The pattern facet for Date is: (\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)T(00:00:00)(.*)

    For example, July 7, 2007 (2007-07-07) is represented as:


  • The pattern facet for Time is: (0001-01-01)T(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)(.*)

    For example, 18:30:30 (6:30 pm and 30 seconds) is represented as:


How does the Adapter Represent Minimum and Maximum Time Values on Inbound Messages (from SAP)?

The SAP adapter uses the following guidelines when it receives time values from the SAP system:

  • The adapter treats 000000 (hhmmss) and 240000 (hhmmss) as 0 hours, 0 mins, and 0 seconds.

Supported Database Data Types

The way in which the Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite surfaces database data types also depends on whether safe typing is enabled. The following table shows how the adapter surfaces database data types when safe typing is not enabled (the EnableSafeTyping binding property is false). Data types that are surfaced differently when safe typing is enabled are marked with an asterisk (*).

Database Data Type RFC Type XSD .NET Type
ACCP (Posting Period)* RFC_NUM xsd:int Int32
CHAR RFC_CHAR xsd:string String
CLNT (Client) RFC_CHAR xsd:string String
CURR (Currency field) RFC_BCD xsd:decimal Note: The SAP adapter rounds off the decimal values based on the definition of the DECIMAL parameter. For example, if a DECIMAL parameter can accept up to five digits after the decimal point, a value such as 4.000028 is rounded off to 4.00003. Decimal
CUKY (Currency Key) RFC_CHAR xsd:string String
DATS (Date field)* RFC_DATE xsd:dateTime

Internally, the adapter deserializes the value into a DateTime object. It then invokes the DateTime.ToUniversalTime method to convert the value of this object to UTC. Finally the date component (DateTime.Date) is used to create the value that is sent to the SAP system. The SAP system treats this date value as local time.

You should specify date values as UTC to avoid conversion. The following pattern is recommended: "(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)T(00:00:00)(.*)Z".

You should specify date values as UTC (DateTime.Kind = DateTimeKind.Utc) to avoid conversion.
DEC (Amount) RFC_BCD xsd:decimal Note: The SAP adapter rounds off the decimal values based on the definition of the DECIMAL parameter. For example, if a DECIMAL parameter can accept up to five digits after the decimal point, a value such as 4.000028 is rounded off to 4.00003. Decimal
FLTP (Floating point) RFC_FLOAT xsd:double Double
INT1 RFC_INT1 xsd:unsignedbyte Byte
INT2 RFC_INT2 xsd:short Int16
INT4 RFC_INT xsd:int Int32
LANG (Language Key) RFC_CHAR xsd:string String
LCHR RFC_STRING xsd:string String
LRAW (long byte seq) RFC_BYTE xsd:base64binary Byte[]
NUMC* RFC_NUM xsd:int
Int32 if length <=9
Int64 if length >9 and <=19
String if length > 19
PREC (Accuracy) RFC_INT2 xsd:short Int16
QUAN (Quantity) RFC_BCD xsd:decimal Note: The SAP adapter rounds off the decimal values based on the definition of the DECIMAL parameter. For example, if a DECIMAL parameter can accept up to five digits after the decimal point, a value such as 4.000028 is rounded off to 4.00003. Decimal
RAW (byte sequence) RFC_BYTE xsd:base64binary Byte[]
RAWSTRING (variable length) RFC_BYTE xsd:base64binary Byte[]
STRING (variable length) RFC_STRING xsd:string String
TIMS (Time field)* RFC_TIME xsd:datetime

Internally, the adapter deserializes the value into a DateTime object. It then invokes the DateTime.ToUniversalTime method to convert the value of this object to UTC. Finally the time component (DateTime.Time) is used to create the value that is sent to the SAP system. The SAP system treats this time value as local time.

You should specify time values as UTC to avoid conversion. The following pattern is recommended: "(0001-01-01)T(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)(.*)Z".

For example, if your local time is 9:15 am, express this as "(001-01-01)T(09:15:00)Z"

You should specify time values as UTC (DateTime.Kind = DateTimeKind.Utc) to avoid conversion.
UNIT (Unit for Qty) RFC_CHAR xsd:string String
[Unsupported] -- -- String

*Indicates that the adapter surfaces the data type differently when safe typing is enabled.

Safe Typing Enabled

The following table shows the database data types that are surfaced differently when safe typing is enabled (the EnableSafeTyping binding property is true).

Database Data Type RFC Type XSD .NET type String Value Format
ACCP (Posting Period) RFC_NUM xsd:string String Character string
NUMC RFC_NUM xsd:string String Character string
DATS (Date field) RFC_DATE xsd:string String YYYYMMDD
TIMS (Time field) RFC_TIME xsd:string String HHMMSS

Data types that are not in this table are surfaced in the same way as when safe typing is not enabled.

Supported XSD Facets

The SAP adapter supports the following XSD facets.

RFC Type XSD Facet (EnableSafeTyping = false) XSD Facet (EnableSafeTyping = true)
RFC_BCD XSD pattern facet

Zero decimal places: "([\\-]{0,1})(([0-9]{1," + digitsBeforeDecimal + "}))"

One or more decimal places: "([\\-]{0,1})(([0-9]{0," + digitsBeforeDecimal +``"}\\.[0-9]{0,"``+ digitsAfterDecimal +``"})&#124;([0-9]{1,"``+ digitsBeforeDecimal +``"}))"
RFC_NUM XSD totalDigits facet if length <=19

XSD pattern facet if length > 19
XSD maxLength facet (depends on the length of the value on SAP)
RFC_DATE XSD pattern facet


Pattern contains time 00:00:00 to be compatible with xsd:datetime
XSD maxLength facet = 8
RFC_TIME XSD pattern facet


Pattern contains date 0001-01-01 to be compatible with xsd:datetime
XSD maxLength facet = 6
RFC_CHAR XSD maxLength facet same

Unsupported Data Types

The SAP adapter does not support the following data type:

  • ITAB II (hierarchical) table types