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Use performance counters with the WCF LOB Adapter SDK

You can use the performance tool to automatically collect performance data from local or remote computers that are running the WCF LOB Adapter SDK. You can define start and stop times for automatic log generation, manage multiple logging sessions from a single console window, and set an alert on a computer that enables a message to be sent or a log to be started when your criteria are met. This topic discusses the performance counters for the WCF LOB Adapter SDK.

Performance Objects and Counters

When you install the WCF LOB Adapter SDK, a single performance object named "ServiceModel Adapters" is installed. The performance object contains a number of different performance counters. A performance object measures the activity for a given resource, application, or service. Performance objects and counters obtain performance data from the WCF LOB Adapter SDK, features, and services on your computer as they are used. This performance data is typically named for the component that generates the data. Performance counters are used for gathering specific information or data for a given performance object.

When selecting counters from the ServiceModel Adapters performance object, you can choose to only monitor information specific adapter instances by selecting the instance from the Select Instances list. Each adapter instance is listed in the format of <ProcessId>@<ConnectionString>. For example, `115@echo:||host|temp?echoprefix=pre indicates the echo adapter instance running in process 115.

For information about performance counters in WCF, see WCF Performance Counters.

ServiceModel Adapters Metadata Cache Performance Counters

The following table summarizes the cache performance counters that can be used to monitor the WCF LOB Adapter SDK.

Counter Description
% Cache read hits Percentage of metadata read hits in the adapter cache.
Metadata Resolved Number of metadata items resolved by the adapter.
% Cache full Percentage of the cache size limit in use.

ServiceModel Adapters Connection Performance Counters

The following table summarizes the connection performance counters that can be used to monitor the WCF LOB Adapter SDK.

Counter Description
Aborted Connections Number of aborted target system connections.
In-use Connections Number of currently in-use target system connections.
Opened Connections Number of currently open target system connections.
Ready Connections Number of available target system connections.
Pending Connection Requests Number of pending target system connection requests.

ServiceModel Adapters Message Exchange Performance Counters

The following table summarizes the message exchange performance counters that can be used to monitor the WCF LOB Adapter SDK.

Counter Description
Outbound Calls Number of outbound calls from the adapter to the target system.
Outbound Calls/sec Number of outbound calls per second from the adapter to the target system.

See Also

Troubleshoot adapter created using the WCF LOB Adapter SDK