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Move your connector from preview to general availability (GA)

A new connector is deployed in preview. This means it's available to customers for evaluation purposes and at reduced or different service terms. The term preview distinguishes services and features that aren’t yet generally available from those that have been released.

Benefits of moving your connector to GA

Many enterprises won't use your connector unless it's in production. You want to move your connector from preview to GA to meet this requirement. This distinguishes it as a stable and production-ready product or service that's publicly available to all customers and backed by service level agreement (SLA) guarantees.

Criteria for moving to GA

The integrity of your connector is protected by meeting the standards set in the following criteria. Most criteria are required to be eligible to move to GA. Other criteria are strongly recommended. There are also exceptions that let you move your connector to GA even if you don't meet the usage criteria. This is explained in the blue Important note in the Recommended criteria section towards the bottom of this topic.

Required criteria

Your connector is required to meet the following usage criteria to be eligible to move to GA:

  • Backend service APIs that this connector is using need to be in production.
  • Connector has 99.95% availability. Connector availability consists of issues related to the connector. Backend service issues aren't used in this calculation.
  • Connector has 99.5% service level objective (SLO). This is the percentage of connections meeting the service level agreement bar mentioned previously.
  • Connector has greater than an 80% success rate. This is calculated by the percentage of responses in the 100s, responses in the 200s, responses in the 300s, and so on. For example, 100 covers responses between 100 below 200. The calculation doesn't include failures due to throttling.
  • Your availability to support the connector should match your support model for your backend service. For example, if your support for the service is five (5) days a week from 8am-5pm PT, then that is what we expect should be the support for the connector.

Your connector isn't required to meet the following usage criteria to be eligible to move to GA. However, it's strongly recommended as an added safeguard to ensure your connector works:

  • Connector has at least 500 weekly active users over the last three weeks.

  • Usage is 50 monthly active connections (MAC) at any given time.


If your customer requires the connector to be in production in order to use it, you'll be granted an exception to move the connector to GA upon satisfying the following criteria. Here's how:

  • If your connector:
    • Has been in preview for six (6) months and
    • Meets all required criteria, with a success rate of at least 50 percent.

Find your connector criteria

You can find your connector's MAC (maximum allowable cost) and success rate using connector telemetry in the ISV portal. Reliability and SLOs (service level objectives) aren't available in the portal. If you need guidance, ask your Microsoft contact.

Release your connector to other clouds

You can increase your connector’s visibility and usage by releasing it in other clouds such as GCC (Government Community Cloud), GCC-H (GCC High), DoD (Department of Defense Only), Azure Government, and/or Mooncake. Doing this at the same time you move from preview to GA can help grow usage by enterprises.

If you’d like your connector to be released in other clouds, let us know. Also, tell us if you have cloud specific endpoints that you want us to use for those clouds.

For government clouds deployment, the process differs according to the authorization type. If the connector uses OAuth, apply the following instructions for your connector.

  • If the connector uses OAuth, create an OAuth app for each of your government clouds environment.
  • Add the global redirect for government clouds ( to the app.
  • If the connector uses a different endpoint for government clouds, provide the new endpoint.
  • If the connector uses OAuth, share the client id and secret of this new app and share test credentials with us (we provide a secure channel), so it can be validated to make sure it's working.
  • If API-Key is used for authentication, then share the credentials with us in activity control through ISV studio.

If our testing is successful, we'll enable the connector and prepare it for the next deployment schedule.

To get started, make sure your connector meets the standards in Criteria for moving to GA. Then, submit your request with the items listed in this section to the email in the Request the move to GA section at the end of this article.

Request the move to GA

If your connector meets the criteria listed in this article, raise a request in ISV studio activity control in your connector request to remove the preview tag and assign the GA tag.

The process for moving from preview to GA takes about a month. This assumes the connector has met the criteria.

Provide feedback

We greatly appreciate feedback on issues with our connector platform, or new feature ideas. To provide feedback, go to Submit issues or get help with connectors and select your feedback type.