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Address-of operator: &


& cast-expression


The unary address-of operator (&) returns the address of (that is, a pointer to) its operand. The operand of the address-of operator can be a function designator or an lvalue that refers to an object that's not a bit field.

The address-of operator can only be applied to certain lvalue expressions: either to variables of fundamental, structure, class, or union types, or to subscripted array references. In these expressions, a constant expression (one that doesn't include the address-of operator) can be added to or subtracted from the address-of expression.

When applied to functions or lvalues, the result of the expression is a pointer type (an rvalue) derived from the type of the operand. For example, if the operand is of type char, the result of the expression is of type pointer to char. The address-of operator, applied to const or volatile objects, evaluates to const type * or volatile type *, where type is the type of the original object.

You can only take the address of an overloaded function when it's clear which version of the function is referenced. For more information about how to obtain the address of a particular overloaded function, see Function overloading.

When the address-of operator is applied to a qualified name, the result depends on whether the qualified-name specifies a static member. If so, the result is a pointer to the type specified in the declaration of the member. For a member that isn't static, the result is a pointer to the member name of the class indicated by qualified-class-name. For more information about qualified-class-name, see Primary expressions.

Example: Address of static member

The following code fragment shows how the address-of operator result differs, depending on whether a class member is static:

// expre_Address_Of_Operator.cpp
// C2440 expected
class PTM {
    int iValue;
    static float fValue;

int main() {
   int   PTM::*piValue = &PTM::iValue;  // OK: non-static
   float PTM::*pfValue = &PTM::fValue;  // C2440 error: static
   float *spfValue     = &PTM::fValue;  // OK

In this example, the expression &PTM::fValue yields type float * instead of type float PTM::* because fValue is a static member.

Example: Address of a reference type

Applying the address-of operator to a reference type gives the same result as applying the operator to the object to which the reference is bound. For example:

// expre_Address_Of_Operator2.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
   double d;        // Define an object of type double.
   double& rd = d;  // Define a reference to the object.

   // Obtain and compare their addresses
   if( &d == &rd )
      cout << "&d equals &rd" << endl;
&d equals &rd

Example: Function address as parameter

The following example uses the address-of operator to pass a pointer argument to a function:

// expre_Address_Of_Operator3.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
// Demonstrate address-of operator &

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function argument is pointer to type int
int square( int *n ) {
   return (*n) * (*n);

int main() {
   int mynum = 5;
   cout << square( &mynum ) << endl;   // pass address of int

See also

Expressions with unary operators
C++ built-in operators, precedence, and associativity
Lvalue reference declarator: &
Indirection and address-of operators