
Del via

delegate (C++/CLI and C++/CX)

Declares a type that represents a function pointer.

All Runtimes

Both the Windows Runtime and common language runtime support delegates.


delegate is a context-sensitive keyword. For more information, see Context-Sensitive Keywords.

To detect at compile time if a type is a delegate, use the __is_delegate() type trait. For more information, see Compiler Support for Type Traits.

Windows Runtime

C++/CX supports delegates with the following syntax.


[ parameters ]


(optional) The accessibility of the delegate, which can be public (the default) or private. The function prototype can also be qualified with the const or volatile keywords.

The return type of the function prototype.

The name of the declared delegate type.

(Optional) The types and identifiers of the function prototype.


Use the delegate-type-identifier to declare an event with the same prototype as the delegate. For more information, see Delegates (C++/CX).


Compiler option: /ZW

Common Language Runtime

The common language runtime supports delegates with the following syntax.




(optional) The accessibility of the delegate outside of the assembly can be public or private. The default is private. Inside a class, a delegate can have any accessibility.

The signature of the function that can be bound to the delegate. The return type of a delegate can be any managed type. For interoperability reasons, it is recommended that the return type of a delegate be a CLS type.

To define an unbound delegate, the first parameter in function_declaration should be the type of the this pointer for the object.


Delegates are multicast: the "function pointer" can be bound to one or more methods within a managed class. The delegate keyword defines a multicast delegate type with a specific method signature.

A delegate can also be bound to a method of a value class, such as a static method.

A delegate has the following characteristics:

  • It inherits from System::MulticastDelegate.

  • It has a constructor that takes two arguments: a pointer to a managed class or NULL (in the case of binding to a static method) and a fully qualified method of the specified type.

  • It has a method called Invoke, whose signature matches the declared signature of the delegate.

When a delegate is invoked, its function(s) are called in the order they were attached.

The return value of a delegate is the return value from its last attached member function.

Delegates cannot be overloaded.

Delegates can be bound or unbound.

When you instantiate a bound delegate, the first argument shall be an object reference. The second argument of a delegate instantiation shall either be the address of a method of a managed class object, or a pointer to a method of a value type. The second argument of a delegate instantiation must name the method with the full class scope syntax and apply the address-of operator.

When you instantiate an unbound delegate, the first argument shall either be the address of a method of a managed class object, or a pointer to a method of a value type. The argument must name the method with the full class scope syntax and apply the address-of operator.

When creating a delegate to a static or global function, only one parameter is required: the function (optionally, the address of the function).

For more information on delegates, see


Compiler option: /clr


The following example shows how to declare, initialize, and invoke delegates.

// mcppv2_delegate.cpp
// compile with: /clr
using namespace System;

// declare a delegate
public delegate void MyDel(int i);

ref class A {
   void func1(int i) {
      Console::WriteLine("in func1 {0}", i);

   void func2(int i) {
      Console::WriteLine("in func2 {0}", i);

   static void func3(int i) {
      Console::WriteLine("in static func3 {0}", i);

int main () {
   A ^ a = gcnew A;

   // declare a delegate instance
   MyDel^ DelInst;

   // test if delegate is initialized
   if (DelInst)

   // assigning to delegate
   DelInst = gcnew MyDel(a, &A::func1);

   // invoke delegate
   if (DelInst)

   // add a function
   DelInst += gcnew MyDel(a, &A::func2);


   // remove a function
   DelInst -= gcnew MyDel(a, &A::func1);

   // invoke delegate with Invoke

   // make delegate to static function
   MyDel ^ StaticDelInst = gcnew MyDel(&A::func3);
in func1 8

in func1 9

in func2 9

in func2 10

in static func3 11

See also

Component Extensions for .NET and UWP