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Add an MFC class from a type library

Use this wizard to create an MFC class from an interface in a type library. You can add an MFC class to an MFC application, an MFC DLL, or an MFC ActiveX control.


You don't need to create your MFC project with Automation enabled to add a class from a type library.

A type library contains a binary description of the interfaces exposed by a component, defining the methods along with their parameters and return types. Your type library must be registered for it to appear in the Available type libraries list in the wizard.

Add an MFC class from a type library

  1. In either Solution Explorer or Class View, right-click the name of the project to which you want to add the class.

  2. From the shortcut menu, select Add > New Item.

  3. In the Add New Item dialog, select Installed packages and then select Visual C++.

  4. In the Templates pane, select MFC Class from Typelib, and then select Add to display the Add Class from Typelib Wizard.

Using the wizard, you can add more than one class in a type library. You can add classes from more than one type library in a single wizard session.

The wizard creates an MFC class derived from COleDispatchDriver, for each interface you add from the selected type library. COleDispatchDriver implements the client side of OLE automation.

See also

Automation Clients
Automation Clients: Using Type Libraries