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CDataRecoveryHandler Class

The CDataRecoveryHandler autosaves documents and restores them if an application unexpectedly exits.


class CDataRecoveryHandler : public CObject



Name Description
CDataRecoveryHandler::CDataRecoveryHandler Constructs a CDataRecoveryHandler object.


Name Description
CDataRecoveryHandler::AutosaveAllDocumentInfo Autosaves each file registered with the CDataRecoveryHandler class.
CDataRecoveryHandler::AutosaveDocumentInfo Autosaves the specified document.
CDataRecoveryHandler::CreateDocumentInfo Adds a document to the list of open documents.
CDataRecoveryHandler::DeleteAllAutosavedFiles Deletes all the current autosaved files.
CDataRecoveryHandler::DeleteAutosavedFile Deletes the specified autosaved file.
CDataRecoveryHandler::GenerateAutosaveFileName Generates the name for an autosave file associated with the supplied document file name.
CDataRecoveryHandler::GetAutosaveInterval Returns the interval between autosave tries.
CDataRecoveryHandler::GetAutosavePath Returns the path of the autosaved files.
CDataRecoveryHandler::GetDocumentListName Retrieves the document name from a CDocument object.
CDataRecoveryHandler::GetNormalDocumentTitle Retrieves the normal title for the specified document.
CDataRecoveryHandler::GetRecoveredDocumentTitle Creates and returns the title for the recovered document.
CDataRecoveryHandler::GetRestartIdentifier Retrieves the unique restart identifier for the application.
CDataRecoveryHandler::GetSaveDocumentInfoOnIdle Indicates whether the CDataRecoveryHandler performs an autosave on the current idle loop.
CDataRecoveryHandler::GetShutdownByRestartManager Indicates whether the restart manager caused the application to exit.
CDataRecoveryHandler::Initialize Initializes the CDataRecoveryHandler.
CDataRecoveryHandler::QueryRestoreAutosavedDocuments Displays a dialog box to the user for each document that the CDataRecoveryHandler autosaved. The dialog box determines whether the user wants to restore the autosaved document.
CDataRecoveryHandler::ReadOpenDocumentList Loads the open document list from the registry.
CDataRecoveryHandler::RemoveDocumentInfo Removes the supplied document from the open document list.
CDataRecoveryHandler::ReopenPreviousDocuments Opens the previously open documents.
CDataRecoveryHandler::RestoreAutosavedDocuments Restores the autosaved documents based on user input.
CDataRecoveryHandler::SaveOpenDocumentList Saves the current list of open documents to the Windows registry.
CDataRecoveryHandler::SetAutosaveInterval Sets the time between autosave cycles in milliseconds.
CDataRecoveryHandler::SetAutosavePath Sets the directory where autosaved files are stored.
CDataRecoveryHandler::SetRestartIdentifier Sets the unique restart identifier for this instance of the CDataRecoveryHandler.
CDataRecoveryHandler::SetSaveDocumentInfoOnIdle Sets whether the CDataRecoveryHandler saves the open document information to the Windows registry during the current idle cycle.
CDataRecoveryHandler::SetShutdownByRestartManager Sets whether the previous exit of the application was caused by the restart manager.
CDataRecoveryHandler::UpdateDocumentInfo Updates the information for a document because the user saved it.

Data Members

Name Description
m_bRestoringPreviousOpenDocs Indicates whether the data recovery handler reopens previously open documents.
m_bSaveDocumentInfoOnIdle Indicates whether the data recovery handler autosaves documents on the next idle loop.
m_bShutdownByRestartManager Indicates whether the restart manager causes the application to exit.
m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags Flags that indicate what support the restart manager provides for the application.
m_lstAutosavesToDelete A list of autosaved files that were not deleted when the original documents were closed. When the application exits, the restart manager retries deleting the files.
m_mapDocNameToAutosaveName A map of the document names to the autosaved file names.
m_mapDocNameToDocumentPtr A map of the document names to the CDocument pointers.
m_mapDocNameToRestoreBool A map of the document names to a Boolean parameter that indicates whether to restore the autosaved document.
m_mapDocumentPtrToDocName A map of the CDocument pointers to the document names.
m_mapDocumentPtrToDocTitle A map of the CDocument pointers to the document titles. These titles are used for saving files.
m_nAutosaveInterval Time in milliseconds between autosaves.
m_nTimerID The identifier for the autosave timer.
m_strAutosavePath The location where the autosaved documents are stored.
m_strRestartIdentifier The string representation of a GUID for the restart manager.


The restart manager uses the CDataRecoveryHandler class to keep track of all open documents and to autosave them as necessary. To enable autosave, use the CDataRecoveryHandler::SetSaveDocumentInfoOnIdle method. This method directs the CDataRecoveryHandler to perform an autosave on the next idle loop. The restart manager calls SetSaveDocumentInfoOnIdle when the CDataRecoveryHandler should perform an autosave.

All of the methods of the CDataRecoveryHandler class are virtual. Override the methods in this class to create your own custom data recovery handler. Unless you create your own data recovery handler or restart manager, do not instantiate a CDataRecoveryHandler. The CWinApp Class creates a CDataRecoveryHandler object as it is required.

Before you can use a CDataRecoveryHandler object, you must call CDataRecoveryHandler::Initialize.

Because the CDataRecoveryHandler class is closely connected to the restart manager, CDataRecoveryHandler depends on the global parameter m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags. This parameter determines what permissions the restart manager has and how it interacts with your application. To incorporate the restart manager into an existing application, you have to assign m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags the appropriate value in the constructor of your main application. For more information about how to use the restart manager, see How to: Add Restart Manager Support.


Header: afxdatarecovery.h


Autosaves each file registered with the CDataRecoveryHandler class.

virtual BOOL AutosaveAllDocumentInfo();

Return Value

TRUE if the CDataRecoveryHandler saved all the documents; FALSE if any document was not saved.


This method returns TRUE if there are no documents that must be saved. It also returns TRUE without saving any documents if retrieving the CWinApp or CDocManager for the application generates an error.

To use this method, either AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_AUTOSAVE_AT_RESTART or AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_AUTOSAVE_AT_INTERVAL must be set in m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags. For more information, see How to: Add Restart Manager Support.


Autosaves the specified document.

virtual BOOL AutosaveDocumentInfo(
    CDocument* pDocument,
    BOOL bResetModifiedFlag = TRUE);


[in] A pointer to the CDocument to save.

[in] TRUE indicates that the CDataRecoveryHandler considers pDocument to be modified; FALSE indicates that the framework considers pDocument to be unmodified. See the Remarks section for more information about the effect of this flag.

Return Value

TRUE if the appropriate flags are set and pDocument is a valid CDocument object.


Each CDocument object has a flag that indicates if it has changed since the last save. Use CDocument::IsModified to determine the state of this flag. If a CDocument has not changed since the last save, AutosaveDocumentInfo deletes any autosaved files for that document. If a document has changed since the last save, closing it prompts the user to save the document before closing.


Using bResetModifiedFlag to change the state of the document to unmodified may cause the user to lose unsaved data. If the framework considers a document unmodified, closing it does not prompt the user to save.

This method throws an exception with the ASSERT macro if pDocument is not a valid CDocument object.

To use this method, either AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_AUTOSAVE_AT_RESTART or AFX_RESTARTMANAGER_AUTOSAVE_AT_INTERVAL must be set in m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags.


Constructs a CDataRecoveryHandler object.

    DWORD dwRestartManagerSupportFlags,
    int nAutosaveInterval);


[in] Indicates which options of the restart manager are supported.

[in] The time between autosaves. This parameter is in milliseconds.


The MFC framework automatically creates a CDataRecoveryHandler object for your application when you use the New Project wizard. Unless you are customizing the data recovery behavior or the restart manager, you should not create a CDataRecoveryHandler object.


Adds a document to the list of open documents.

virtual BOOL CreateDocumentInfo(CDocument* pDocument);


[in] A pointer to a CDocument. This method creates the document information for this CDocument.

Return Value

The default implementation returns TRUE.


This method checks if pDocument is already in the list of documents before it adds the document. If pDocument is already in the list, this method deletes the autosaved file associated with pDocument.

To use this method, either AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_AUTOSAVE_AT_RESTART or AFX_RESTARTMANAGER_AUTOSAVE_AT_INTERVAL must be set in m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags.


Deletes all the current autosaved files.

virtual BOOL DeleteAllAutosavedFiles();

Return Value

The default implementation always returns TRUE.


Deletes the specified autosaved file.

virtual BOOL DeleteAutosavedFile(const CString& strAutosavedFile);


[in] A string that contains the autosaved file name.

Return Value

The default implementation always return TRUE.


If this method cannot delete the autosaved file, it saves the name of the file in a list. The destructor for the CDataRecoveryHandler tries to delete each autosaved file specified in that list.


Generates the name for an autosave file associated with the supplied document file name.

virtual CString GenerateAutosaveFileName(const CString& strDocumentName) const;


[in] A string that contains the document name. GenerateAutosaveFileName uses this document name to generate a corresponding autosave file name.

Return Value

The autosave file name generated from strDocumentName.


Each document name has a one-to-one mapping with an autosave file name.


Returns the interval between autosave tries.

virtual int GetAutosaveInterval() const;

Return Value

The number of milliseconds between autosave tries.


Returns the path of the autosaved files.

virtual CString GetAutosavePath() const;

Return Value

The location where the autosaved documents are stored.


Retrieves the document name from a CDocument object.

virtual CString GetDocumentListName(CDocument* pDocument) const;


[in] A pointer to a CDocument. GetDocumentListName retrieves the document name from this CDocument.

Return Value

The document name from pDocument.


The CDataRecoveryHandler uses the document name as the key in m_mapDocNameToAutosaveName, m_mapDocNameToDocumentPtr, and m_mapDocNameToRestoreBool. These parameter enable the CDataRecoveryHandler to monitor CDocument objects, the autosave file name, and the autosave settings.


Retrieves the normal title for the specified document.

virtual CString GetNormalDocumentTitle(CDocument* pDocument);


[in] A pointer to a CDocument.

Return Value

The normal title for the specified document.


The normal title of a document is usually the file name of the document without the path. This is the title in the File name field of the Save As dialog box.


Creates and returns the title for the recovered document.

virtual CString GetRecoveredDocumentTitle(const CString& strDocumentTitle) const;


[in] The normal title for the document.

Return Value

The recovered document title.


By default, the recovered title of a document is the normal title with [recovered] appended to it. The recovered title is displayed to the user when the CDataRecoveryHandler queries the user to restore autosaved documents.


Retrieves the unique restart identifier for the application.

virtual CString GetRestartIdentifier() const;

Return Value

The unique restart identifier.


The restart identifier is unique for each execution of the application.

The CDataRecoveryHandler stores information in the registry about the currently open documents. When the restart manager exits an application and restarts it, it supplies the restart identifier to the CDataRecoveryHandler. The CDataRecoveryHandler uses the restart identifier to retrieve the list of previously open documents. This enables the CDataRecoveryHandler to try to find and restore autosaved files.


Indicates whether the CDataRecoveryHandler performs an autosave on the current idle loop.

virtual BOOL GetSaveDocumentInfoOnIdle() const;

Return Value

TRUE indicates the CDataRecoveryHandler autosaves on the current idle loop; FALSE indicates it does not.


Indicates whether the restart manager caused the application to exit.

virtual BOOL GetShutdownByRestartManager() const;

Return Value

TRUE indicates the restart manager caused the application to exit; FALSE indicates it did not.


Initializes the CDataRecoveryHandler.

virtual BOOL Initialize();

Return Value

TRUE if the initialization is successful; otherwise FALSE.


The initialization process loads the path for storing autosave files from the registry. If the Initialize method cannot find this directory or if the path is NULL, Initialize fails and returns FALSE.

Use CDataRecoveryHandler::SetAutosavePath to change the autosave path after your application initializes the CDataRecoveryHandler.

The Initialize method also starts a timer to monitor when the next autosave occurs. Use CDataRecoveryHandler::SetAutosaveInterval to change the autosave interval after your application initializes the CDataRecoveryHandler.


Displays a dialog box to the user for each document that the CDataRecoveryHandler autosaved. The dialog box determines whether the user wants to restore the autosaved document.

virtual void QueryRestoreAutosavedDocuments();


If your application is Unicode, this method displays a CTaskDialog to the user. Otherwise, the framework uses AfxMessageBox to query the user.

After QueryRestoreAutosavedDocuments gathers all the responses from the user, it stores the information in the member variable m_mapDocNameToRestoreBool. This method does not restore the autosaved documents.


Loads the open document list from the registry.

virtual BOOL ReadOpenDocumentList();

Return Value

TRUE indicates that ReadOpenDocumentList loaded the information for at least one document from the registry; FALSE indicates no document information was loaded.


This function loads the open document information from the registry and stores it in the member variable m_mapDocNameToAutosaveName.

After ReadOpenDocumentList loads all the data, it deletes the document information from the registry.


Removes the supplied document from the open document list.

virtual BOOL RemoveDocumentInfo(CDocument* pDocument);


[in] A pointer to the document to remove.

Return Value

TRUE if pDocument was removed from the list; FALSE if an error occurred.


When the user closes a document, the framework uses this method to remove it from the list of open documents.

If RemoveDocumentInfo cannot find pDocument in the list of open documents, it does nothing and returns TRUE.

To use this method, AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_REOPEN_PREVIOUS_FILES must be set in m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags.


Opens the previously open documents.

virtual BOOL ReopenPreviousDocuments();

Return Value

TRUE if at least one document was opened; otherwise FALSE.


This method opens the most recent save of the previously open documents. If a document was not saved or autosaved, ReopenPreviousDocuments opens a blank document based on the template for that file type.

To use this method, AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_REOPEN_PREVIOUS_FILES must be set in m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags. If this parameter is not set, ReopenPreviousDocuments does nothing and returns FALSE.

If there are no documents stored in the list of previously open documents, ReopenPreviousDocuments does nothing and returns FALSE.


Restores the autosaved documents based on user input.

virtual BOOL RestoreAutosavedDocuments();

Return Value

TRUE if this method successfully restores the documents.


This method calls CDataRecoveryHandler::QueryRestoreAutosavedDocuments to determine which documents the user wants to restore. If a user decides not to restore an autosaved document, RestoreAutosavedDocuments deletes the autosave file. Otherwise, RestoreAutosavedDocuments replaces the open document with the autosaved version.

To use this method, either AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_REOPEN_PREVIOUS_FILES or AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_RESTORE_AUTOSAVED_FILES must be set in m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags.


Saves the current list of open documents to the Windows registry.

virtual BOOL SaveOpenDocumentList();

Return Value

TRUE if there are no open documents to save or if they were saved successfully. FALSE if there are documents to save to the registry, but they were not saved because an error occurred.


The restart manager calls SaveOpenDocumentList when the application exits unexpectedly or when it exits for an upgrade. When the application restarts, it uses CDataRecoveryHandler::ReadOpenDocumentList to retrieve the list of open documents.

This method saves only the list of open documents. The method CDataRecoveryHandler::AutosaveDocumentInfo is responsible for saving the documents themselves.


Sets the time between autosave cycles in milliseconds.

Virtual void SetAutosaveInterval(int nAutosaveInterval);


[in] The new autosave interval in milliseconds.


Sets the directory where autosaved files are stored.

virtual void SetAutosavePath(const CString& strAutosavePath);


[in] The path where autosave files are stored.


Changing the autosave directory does not move currently autosaved files.


Sets the unique restart identifier for this instance of the CDataRecoveryHandler.

virtual void SetRestartIdentifier(const CString& strRestartIdentifier);


[in] The unique identifier for the restart manager.


The restart manager records information about the open documents in the registry. This information is stored with the unique restart identifier as the key. Because the restart identifier is unique for each instance of an application, multiple instances of an application may exit unexpectedly and the restart manager can recover each of them.


Sets whether the CDataRecoveryHandler saves the open document information to the Windows registry during the current idle cycle.

virtual void SetSaveDocumentInfoOnIdle(BOOL bSaveOnIdle);


[in] TRUE to save document information during the current idle cycle; FALSE to not perform a save.


Sets whether the previous exit of the application was caused by the restart manager.

virtual void SetShutdownByRestartManager(BOOL bShutdownByRestartManager);


[in] TRUE to indicate that the restart manager caused the application to exit; FALSE to indicate that the application exited for another reason.


The framework behaves differently based on whether the previous exit was unexpected or whether it was initiated by the restart manager.


Updates the information for a document because the user saved it.

virtual BOOL UpdateDocumentInfo(CDocument* pDocument);


[in] A pointer to the saved document.

Return Value

TRUE if this method deleted the autosaved document and updated the document information; FALSE if an error occurred.


When a user saves a document, the application removes the autosaved file because it is no longer needed. UpdateDocumentInfo deletes the autosaved file by calling CDataRecoveryHandler::RemoveDocumentInfo. UpdateDocumentInfo then adds the information from pDocument to the list of currently open documents because RemoveDocumentInfo deletes that information, but the saved document is still open.

To use this method, AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_REOPEN_PREVIOUS_FILES must be set in m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags.

See also

Hierarchy Chart
CObject Class
How to: Add Restart Manager Support