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Concurrency Runtime Walkthroughs

The scenario-based topics in this section show how to use many of the features of the Concurrency Runtime.

In This Section

Walkthrough: Connecting Using Tasks and XML HTTP Requests
Shows how to use the IXMLHTTPRequest2 and IXMLHTTPRequest2Callback interfaces together with tasks to send HTTP GET and POST requests to a web service in a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app.

Walkthrough: Creating an Agent-Based Application
Describes how to create a basic agent-based application.

Walkthrough: Creating a Dataflow Agent
Demonstrates how to create agent-based applications that are based on dataflow, instead of on control flow.

Walkthrough: Creating an Image-Processing Network
Demonstrates how to create a network of asynchronous message blocks that perform image processing.

Walkthrough: Implementing Futures
Shows how to asynchronously compute values for later use.

Walkthrough: Using join to Prevent Deadlock
Uses the dining philosophers problem to illustrate how to use the concurrency::join class to prevent deadlock in your application.

Walkthrough: Removing Work from a User-Interface Thread
Demonstrates how to improve the performance of an MFC application that draws the Mandelbrot fractal.

Walkthrough: Using the Concurrency Runtime in a COM-Enabled Application
Demonstrates how to use the Concurrency Runtime in an application that uses the Component Object Model (COM).

Walkthrough: Adapting Existing Code to Use Lightweight Tasks
Shows how to adapt existing code that uses the Windows API to create and execute a thread to use a lightweight task.

Walkthrough: Creating a Custom Message Block
Describes how to create a custom message block type that orders incoming messages by priority.

Concurrency Runtime
Introduces the concurrent programming framework for Visual C++.