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lazy_split_view class (C++ Standard Library)

Splits a range into subranges based on a delimiter. The delimiter can be a single element or a view of elements. The delimiter isn't part of the resulting subranges.

The primary differences between a split_view and a lazy_split_view are:

View Can split a const range range type
split_view no Supports forward_range or higher.
lazy_split_view yes Supports input_range or higher.

What makes a lazy_split_view "lazy" is that it doesn't lookahead for the next delimiter. That means it can support input_range whereas split_view requires at least forward_range. This is because input_range is single-pass whereas forward_range allows multi-pass iteration.

Prefer split_view because it's more efficient--unless you must split a range that is const. Regarding performance, split_view is more efficient.

A lazy_split_view has less efficient iterator increment and comparison than split_view, but is still O(1). A split_view has better performance when the distance between delimiters is small enough for subranges to fit in the CPU cache, in which case the delimiter lookahead effectively pre-caches the next subrange.


template<input_range V, forward_range Pattern>
    requires view<V> && view<Pattern> &&
    indirectly_comparable<iterator_t<V>, iterator_t<Pattern>, ranges::equal_to> &&
    (forward_range<V> || tiny_range<Pattern>)
class lazy_split_view : public view_interface<lazy_split_view<V, Pattern>>

Template parameters

The type of the view that specifies a delimiter sequence.
The (forward_range<V> || tiny-range <Pattern>) requirement means that when the underlying range isn't forward_range, the delimiter must be a tiny_range. A tiny_range is a range with static extent whose size is 0 or 1. tiny_range<T> requires sized_range<T>, and T::size() must be a constant-expression that's less than or equal to 1.

The type of the underlying view.


For a description of the following entries, see View class characteristics

Range adaptor: lazy_split Underlying range: must satisfy input_range or higher View iterator category: same as the underlying range Element type: collection of range_reference_t<V> Sized: no Common range: Yes when the underlying range is both forward_range and common. Borrowed range: no Is const-iterable: only if the underlying range satisfies forward_range and is const-iterable


Member functions Description
Constructors Construct the view.
baseC++20 Get the underlying range.
beginC++20 Get an iterator to the first element in the view.
endC++20 Get the sentinel at the end of the view.
Inherited from view_interface Description
emptyC++20 Test whether the view is empty.
frontC++20 Get the first element.
operator boolC++20 Test whether the view isn't empty.


Header: <ranges> (since C++20)

Namespace: std::ranges

Compiler Option: /std:c++20 or later is required.


Construct an instance of a lazy_split_view

1) lazy_split_view() = default;
2) constexpr lazy_split_view(V base, Pattern pattern);
3) template<input_range R> requires constructible_from<V, views::all_t<R>> && 
        constructible_from<Pattern, single_view<range_value_t<R>>>
        constexpr lazy_split_view(R&& rg, range_value_t<R> e);

Template parameters

The type of the delimiter.

The type of the range.

The type of the underlying view.


e A single element that identifies where to split the view. The element isn't part of the resulting subranges.

The underlying view.

The view of elements that identifies where to split the view. The view of elements isn't part of the resulting subranges.

The range to split.

Return value

A lazy_split_view instance that contains one or more subranges.


The best way to create a lazy_split_view is by using the views::lazy_split range adaptor. Range adaptors are the intended way to create view classes. The view types are only exposed in case you want to create your own custom view type.

1) Create a lazy_split_view that has no elements. The underlying view is default constructed. base() returns a copy of V().
2) Create a lazy_split_view by splitting the view using a delimiter sequence.
3) Create a lazy_split_view by splitting the view using a delimiter element.

Example: lazy_split_view

// requires /std:c++20 or later
#include <ranges>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main()
    std::vector<int> rg{ 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };

    // pipe syntax using range adaptor
    for (const auto& subrange : rg | std::views::split(3))
        // Outputs:
        // 1 2
        // 1 2
        // 4 5 6
        for (const auto& elem : subrange)
            std::cout << elem << ' ';
        std::cout << '\n';

    int delimiters[] = {2, 3};
    for (auto splitRange : std::views::split(rg, delimiters)) // ctor syntax
        // outputs 1 1 4 5 6
        for (auto& i : splitRange)
            std::cout << i << " ";
1 2
1 2
4 5 6
1 1 4 5 6


Gets a copy of the underlying view.

// Uses a copy constructor to return the underlying view
1) constexpr V base() const & requires std::copy_constructible<V>;

// Uses a move constructor to return the underlying view
2) constexpr V base() &&;




The underlying view.


Get an iterator to the first element in the view.

constexpr auto begin();
constexpr auto begin() const requires forward_range<V> && forward_range<const V>



Return value

An iterator pointing at the first element in the view.

Picture of a vector with the elements 10, 20, and 30. The first element contains 10 and is labeled begin(). The last element contains 30 and is labeled 'last element'. An imaginary box after the last element indicates the sentinel and is labeled end().


Get the sentinel at the end of the view.

1) constexpr auto end() const;
2) constexpr auto end() requires forward_range<V> && common_range<V>;



Return value

The sentinel that follows the last element in the view:

Picture of a vector with the elements 10, 20, and 30. The first element contains 10 and is labeled begin(). The last element contains 30 and is labeled 'last element'. An imaginary box after the last element indicates the sentinel and is labeled end().


2) The forward_range<V> requirement means that the view V has at least a forward iterator. For more information about range iterators, see View class characteristics. The common_range<V> requirement means that the view V has identical iterator and sentinel types.

See also

lazy_split range adaptor split_view class
view classes