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API for listevarsler

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Henter en samling varsler.

Støtter OData V4-spørringer.

OData-støttede operatorer:

  • $filterpå: alertCreationTime, lastUpdateTime, incidentId, InvestigationId, idasssignedTo, detectionSource, lastEventTime, statusseverity og category egenskaper.
  • $top med maksimal verdi på 10 000
  • $skip
  • $expand Av evidence
  • Se eksempler på OData-spørringer med Microsoft Defender for endepunkt.


  1. Du kan få varsler sist oppdatert i henhold til konfigurert oppbevaringsperiode.

  2. Maksimal sidestørrelse er 10 000.

  3. Satsbegrensninger for denne API-en er 100 oppkall per minutt og 1500 anrop per time.


Én av følgende tillatelser er nødvendig for å kalle opp denne API-en. Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon, inkludert hvordan du velger tillatelser, kan du se Bruke Microsoft Defender for endepunkt API-er.

Tillatelsestype Tillatelse Visningsnavn for tillatelse
Program Alert.Read.All Read all alerts
Program Alert.ReadWrite.All Read and write all alerts
Delegert (jobb- eller skolekonto) Alert.Read Read alerts
Delegert (jobb- eller skolekonto) Alert.ReadWrite Read and write alerts


Når du skaffer et token ved hjelp av brukerlegitimasjon:

  • Brukeren må minst ha følgende rolletillatelse: View Data (Se Opprett og behandle roller for mer informasjon)
  • Svaret inneholder bare varsler som er knyttet til enheter som brukeren har tilgang til, basert på innstillinger for enhetsgrupper (Se Opprett og behandle enhetsgrupper for mer informasjon)

Oppretting av enhetsgruppe støttes i Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 og Plan 2.


GET /api/alerts


Navn Type: Beskrivelse
Authorization Streng Bærer {token}. Obligatorisk.




Hvis dette lykkes, returnerer denne metoden 200 OK, og en liste over varslingsobjekter i svarteksten.

Eksempel 1 – standard


Her er et eksempel på forespørselen.



Her er et eksempel på svaret.


Svarlisten som vises her, kan avkortes for kortfattethet. Alle varsler returneres fra et faktisk anrop.

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Alerts",
    "value": [
            "id": "da637308392288907382_-880718168",
            "incidentId": 7587,
            "investigationId": 723156,
            "assignedTo": "",
            "severity": "Low",
            "status": "New",
            "classification": "TruePositive",
            "determination": null,
            "investigationState": "Queued",
            "detectionSource": "WindowsDefenderAv",
            "category": "SuspiciousActivity",
            "threatFamilyName": "Meterpreter",
            "title": "Suspicious 'Meterpreter' behavior was detected",
            "description": "Malware and unwanted software are undesirable applications that perform annoying, disruptive, or harmful actions on affected machines. Some of these undesirable applications can replicate and spread from one machine to another. Others are able to receive commands from remote attackers and perform activities associated with cyber attacks.\n\nA malware is considered active if it is found running on the machine or it already has persistence mechanisms in place. Active malware detections are assigned higher severity ratings.\n\nBecause this malware was active, take precautionary measures and check for residual signs of infection.",
            "alertCreationTime": "2020-07-20T10:53:48.7657932Z",
            "firstEventTime": "2020-07-20T10:52:17.6654369Z",
            "lastEventTime": "2020-07-20T10:52:18.1362905Z",
            "lastUpdateTime": "2020-07-20T10:53:50.19Z",
            "resolvedTime": null,
            "machineId": "12ee6dd8c833c8a052ea231ec1b19adaf497b625",
            "computerDnsName": "",
            "rbacGroupName": "MiddleEast",
            "aadTenantId": "a839b112-1253-6432-9bf6-94542403f21c",
            "threatName": null,
            "mitreTechniques": [
            "relatedUser": {
                "userName": "temp123",
                "domainName": "DOMAIN"
            "comments": [
                    "comment": "test comment for docs",
                    "createdBy": "",
                    "createdTime": "2020-07-21T01:00:37.8404534Z"
            "evidence": []


Her er et eksempel på forespørselen.



Her er et eksempel på svaret.


Svarlisten som vises her, kan avkortes for kortfattethet. Alle varsler returneres fra et faktisk anrop.

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Alerts",
    "value": [
            "id": "da637472900382838869_1364969609",
            "incidentId": 1126093,
            "investigationId": null,
            "assignedTo": null,
            "severity": "Low",
            "status": "New",
            "classification": null,
            "determination": null,
            "investigationState": "Queued",
            "detectionSource": "WindowsDefenderAtp",
            "detectorId": "17e10bbc-3a68-474a-8aad-faef14d43952",
            "category": "Execution",
            "threatFamilyName": null,
            "title": "Low-reputation arbitrary code executed by signed executable",
            "description": "Binaries signed by Microsoft can be used to run low-reputation arbitrary code. This technique hides the execution of malicious code within a trusted process. As a result, the trusted process might exhibit suspicious behaviors, such as opening a listening port or connecting to a command-and-control (C&C) server.",
            "alertCreationTime": "2021-01-26T20:33:57.7220239Z",
            "firstEventTime": "2021-01-26T20:31:32.9562661Z",
            "lastEventTime": "2021-01-26T20:31:33.0577322Z",
            "lastUpdateTime": "2021-01-26T20:33:59.2Z",
            "resolvedTime": null,
            "machineId": "111e6dd8c833c8a052ea231ec1b19adaf497b625",
            "computerDnsName": "",
            "rbacGroupName": "A",
            "aadTenantId": "a839b112-1253-6432-9bf6-94542403f21c",
            "threatName": null,
            "mitreTechniques": [
            "relatedUser": {
                "userName": "temp123",
                "domainName": "DOMAIN"
            "comments": [
                    "comment": "test comment for docs",
                    "createdBy": "",
                    "createdTime": "2021-01-26T01:00:37.8404534Z"
            "evidence": [
                    "entityType": "User",
                    "evidenceCreationTime": "2021-01-26T20:33:58.42Z",
                    "sha1": null,
                    "sha256": null,
                    "fileName": null,
                    "filePath": null,
                    "processId": null,
                    "processCommandLine": null,
                    "processCreationTime": null,
                    "parentProcessId": null,
                    "parentProcessCreationTime": null,
                    "parentProcessFileName": null,
                    "parentProcessFilePath": null,
                    "ipAddress": null,
                    "url": null,
                    "registryKey": null,
                    "registryHive": null,
                    "registryValueType": null,
                    "registryValue": null,
                    "accountName": "name",
                    "domainName": "DOMAIN",
                    "userSid": "S-1-5-21-11111607-1111760036-109187956-75141",
                    "aadUserId": "11118379-2a59-1111-ac3c-a51eb4a3c627",
                    "userPrincipalName": "",
                    "detectionStatus": null
                    "entityType": "Process",
                    "evidenceCreationTime": "2021-01-26T20:33:58.6133333Z",
                    "sha1": "ff836cfb1af40252bd2a2ea843032e99a5b262ed",
                    "sha256": "a4752c71d81afd3d5865d24ddb11a6b0c615062fcc448d24050c2172d2cbccd6",
                    "fileName": "rundll32.exe",
                    "filePath": "C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64",
                    "processId": 3276,
                    "processCommandLine": "rundll32.exe  c:\\temp\\suspicious.dll,RepeatAfterMe",
                    "processCreationTime": "2021-01-26T20:31:32.9581596Z",
                    "parentProcessId": 8420,
                    "parentProcessCreationTime": "2021-01-26T20:31:32.9004163Z",
                    "parentProcessFileName": "rundll32.exe",
                    "parentProcessFilePath": "C:\\Windows\\System32",
                    "ipAddress": null,
                    "url": null,
                    "registryKey": null,
                    "registryHive": null,
                    "registryValueType": null,
                    "registryValue": null,
                    "accountName": null,
                    "domainName": null,
                    "userSid": null,
                    "aadUserId": null,
                    "userPrincipalName": null,
                    "detectionStatus": "Detected"
                    "entityType": "File",
                    "evidenceCreationTime": "2021-01-26T20:33:58.42Z",
                    "sha1": "8563f95b2f8a284fc99da44500cd51a77c1ff36c",
                    "sha256": "dc0ade0c95d6db98882bc8fa6707e64353cd6f7767ff48d6a81a6c2aef21c608",
                    "fileName": "suspicious.dll",
                    "filePath": "c:\\temp",
                    "processId": null,
                    "processCommandLine": null,
                    "processCreationTime": null,
                    "parentProcessId": null,
                    "parentProcessCreationTime": null,
                    "parentProcessFileName": null,
                    "parentProcessFilePath": null,
                    "ipAddress": null,
                    "url": null,
                    "registryKey": null,
                    "registryHive": null,
                    "registryValueType": null,
                    "registryValue": null,
                    "accountName": null,
                    "domainName": null,
                    "userSid": null,
                    "aadUserId": null,
                    "userPrincipalName": null,
                    "detectionStatus": "Detected"

Se også

OData-spørringer med Microsoft Defender for endepunkt


Vil du lære mer? Engage med Microsoft Security-fellesskapet i teknisk fellesskap: Microsoft Defender for endepunkt teknisk fellesskap.