Feilsøke tiltak for utnyttelse av beskyttelse
Gjelder for:
- Microsoft Defender for endepunkt plan 1
- Microsoft Defender for endepunkt plan 2
- Microsoft Defender XDR
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Når du oppretter et sett med beskyttelsesbegrensninger for utnyttelse (kjent som en konfigurasjon), kan det hende at konfigurasjonseksporten og importprosessen ikke fjerner alle uønskede begrensninger.
Du kan fjerne uønskede begrensninger manuelt i Windows Sikkerhet, eller du kan bruke følgende prosess til å fjerne alle begrensninger og deretter importere en opprinnelig konfigurasjonsfil i stedet.
Fjern alle prosessreduksjoner med dette PowerShell-skriptet:
# Check if Admin-Privileges are available function Test-IsAdmin { ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator") } # Delete ExploitGuard ProcessMitigations for a given key in the registry. If no other settings exist under the specified key, # the key is deleted as well function Remove-ProcessMitigations([Object] $Key, [string] $Name) { Try { if ($Key.GetValue("MitigationOptions")) { Write-Host "Removing MitigationOptions for: " $Name Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Key.PSPath -Name "MitigationOptions" -ErrorAction Stop; } if ($Key.GetValue("MitigationAuditOptions")) { Write-Host "Removing MitigationAuditOptions for: " $Name Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Key.PSPath -Name "MitigationAuditOptions" -ErrorAction Stop; } if ($Key.GetValue("EAFModules")) { Write-Host "Removing EAFModules for: " $Name Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Key.PSPath -Name "EAFModules" -ErrorAction Stop; } # Remove the FilterFullPath value if there is nothing else if (($Key.SubKeyCount -eq 0) -and ($Key.ValueCount -eq 1) -and ($Key.GetValue("FilterFullPath"))) { Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Key.PSPath -Name "FilterFullPath" -ErrorAction Stop; } # If the key is empty now, delete it if (($Key.SubKeyCount -eq 0) -and ($Key.ValueCount -eq 0)) { Write-Host "Removing empty Entry: " $Name Remove-Item -Path $Key.PSPath -ErrorAction Stop } } Catch { Write-Host "ERROR:" $_.Exception.Message "- at ($MitigationItemName)" } } # Delete all ExploitGuard ProcessMitigations function Remove-All-ProcessMitigations { if (!(Test-IsAdmin)) { throw "ERROR: No Administrator-Privileges detected!"; return } Get-ChildItem -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" | ForEach-Object { $MitigationItem = $_; $MitigationItemName = $MitigationItem.PSChildName Try { Remove-ProcessMitigations $MitigationItem $MitigationItemName # "UseFilter" indicate full path filters may be present if ($MitigationItem.GetValue("UseFilter")) { Get-ChildItem -Path $MitigationItem.PSPath | ForEach-Object { $FullPathItem = $_ if ($FullPathItem.GetValue("FilterFullPath")) { $Name = $MitigationItemName + "-" + $FullPathItem.GetValue("FilterFullPath") Write-Host "Removing FullPathEntry: " $Name Remove-ProcessMitigations $FullPathItem $Name } # If there are no subkeys now, we can delete the "UseFilter" value if ($MitigationItem.SubKeyCount -eq 0) { Remove-ItemProperty -Path $MitigationItem.PSPath -Name "UseFilter" -ErrorAction Stop } } } if (($MitigationItem.SubKeyCount -eq 0) -and ($MitigationItem.ValueCount -eq 0)) { Write-Host "Removing empty Entry: " $MitigationItemName Remove-Item -Path $MitigationItem.PSPath -ErrorAction Stop } } Catch { Write-Host "ERROR:" $_.Exception.Message "- at ($MitigationItemName)" } } } # Delete all ExploitGuard System-wide Mitigations function Remove-All-SystemMitigations { if (!(Test-IsAdmin)) { throw "ERROR: No Administrator-Privileges detected!"; return } $Kernel = Get-Item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel" Try { if ($Kernel.GetValue("MitigationOptions")) { Write-Host "Removing System MitigationOptions" Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Kernel.PSPath -Name "MitigationOptions" -ErrorAction Stop; } if ($Kernel.GetValue("MitigationAuditOptions")) { Write-Host "Removing System MitigationAuditOptions" Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Kernel.PSPath -Name "MitigationAuditOptions" -ErrorAction Stop; } } Catch { Write-Host "ERROR:" $_.Exception.Message "- System" } } Remove-All-ProcessMitigations Remove-All-SystemMitigations
Opprett og importere en XML-konfigurasjonsfil med følgende standard begrensninger, som beskrevet i Konfigurasjoner for import, eksport og distribusjon av Exploit Protection:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <root> <SystemConfig/> <AppConfig Executable="ExtExport.exe"> <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="ie4uinit.exe"> <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="ieinstal.exe"> <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="ielowutil.exe"> <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="ieUnatt.exe"> <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="iexplore.exe"> <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="mscorsvw.exe"> <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="msfeedssync.exe"> <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="mshta.exe"> <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="ngen.exe"> <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="ngentask.exe"> <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="PresentationHost.exe"> <DEP Enable="true" OverrideDEP="false" EmulateAtlThunks="false"/> <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true" OverrideBottomUp="false" HighEntropy="true" BottomUp="true"/> <SEHOP Enable="true" OverrideSEHOP="false" TelemetryOnly="false"/> <Heap OverrideHeap="false" TerminateOnError="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="PrintDialog.exe"> <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="PrintIsolationHost.exe"/> <AppConfig Executable="runtimebroker.exe"> <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/> </AppConfig> <AppConfig Executable="splwow64.exe"/> <AppConfig Executable="spoolsv.exe"/> <AppConfig Executable="svchost.exe"/> <AppConfig Executable="SystemSettings.exe"> <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/> </AppConfig> </root>
Hvis du ikke allerede har gjort det, er det lurt å laste ned og bruke Windows Sikkerhet Baselines til å fullføre tilpasningen av Exploit Protection.
Beslektede emner
- Beskytt enheter mot utnyttelser
- Vurder utnyttelsesbeskyttelse
- Aktiver utnyttelsesbeskyttelse
- Konfigurer og overvåk beskyttelsesbegrensninger
- Importer, eksporter og distribuer konfigurasjoner av beskyttelsesbegrensninger
Vil du lære mer? Engage med Microsoft Security-fellesskapet i teknisk fellesskap: Microsoft Defender for endepunkt teknisk fellesskap.