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Indexers are similar to properties. In many ways indexers build on the same language features as properties. Indexers enable indexed properties: properties referenced using one or more arguments. Those arguments provide an index into some collection of values.

Indexer Syntax

You access an indexer through a variable name and square brackets. You place the indexer arguments inside the brackets:

var item = someObject["key"];
someObject["AnotherKey"] = item;

You declare indexers using the this keyword as the property name, and declaring the arguments within square brackets. This declaration would match the usage shown in the previous paragraph:

public int this[string key]
    get { return storage.Find(key); }
    set { storage.SetAt(key, value); }

From this initial example, you can see the relationship between the syntax for properties and for indexers. This analogy carries through most of the syntax rules for indexers. Indexers can have any valid access modifiers (public, protected internal, protected, internal, private or private protected). They may be sealed, virtual, or abstract. As with properties, you can specify different access modifiers for the get and set accessors in an indexer. You may also specify read-only indexers (by omitting the set accessor), or write-only indexers (by omitting the get accessor).

You can apply almost everything you learn from working with properties to indexers. The only exception to that rule is auto implemented properties. The compiler cannot always generate the correct storage for an indexer.

The presence of arguments to reference an item in a set of items distinguishes indexers from properties. You may define multiple indexers on a type, as long as the argument lists for each indexer is unique. Let's explore different scenarios where you might use one or more indexers in a class definition.


You would define indexers in your type when its API models some collection where you define the arguments to that collection. Your indexers may or may not map directly to the collection types that are part of the .NET core framework. Your type may have other responsibilities in addition to modeling a collection. Indexers enable you to provide the API that matches your type's abstraction without exposing the inner details of how the values for that abstraction are stored or computed.

Let's walk through some of the common scenarios for using indexers. You can access the sample folder for indexers. For download instructions, see Samples and Tutorials.

Arrays and Vectors

One of the most common scenarios for creating indexers is when your type models an array, or a vector. You can create an indexer to model an ordered list of data.

The advantage of creating your own indexer is that you can define the storage for that collection to suit your needs. Imagine a scenario where your type models historical data that is too large to load into memory at once. You need to load and unload sections of the collection based on usage. The example following models this behavior. It reports on how many data points exist. It creates pages to hold sections of the data on demand. It removes pages from memory to make room for pages needed by more recent requests.

public class DataSamples
    private class Page
        private readonly List<Measurements> pageData = new List<Measurements>();
        private readonly int startingIndex;
        private readonly int length;
        private bool dirty;
        private DateTime lastAccess;

        public Page(int startingIndex, int length)
            this.startingIndex = startingIndex;
            this.length = length;
            lastAccess = DateTime.Now;

            // This stays as random stuff:
            var generator = new Random();
            for(int i=0; i < length; i++)
                var m = new Measurements
                    HiTemp = generator.Next(50, 95),
                    LoTemp = generator.Next(12, 49),
                    AirPressure = 28.0 + generator.NextDouble() * 4
        public bool HasItem(int index) =>
            ((index >= startingIndex) &&
            (index < startingIndex + length));

        public Measurements this[int index]
                lastAccess = DateTime.Now;
                return pageData[index - startingIndex];
                pageData[index - startingIndex] = value;
                dirty = true;
                lastAccess = DateTime.Now;

        public bool Dirty => dirty;
        public DateTime LastAccess => lastAccess;

    private readonly int totalSize;
    private readonly List<Page> pagesInMemory = new List<Page>();

    public DataSamples(int totalSize)
        this.totalSize = totalSize;

    public Measurements this[int index]
            if (index < 0)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Cannot index less than 0");
            if (index >= totalSize)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Cannot index past the end of storage");

            var page = updateCachedPagesForAccess(index);
            return page[index];
            if (index < 0)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Cannot index less than 0");
            if (index >= totalSize)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Cannot index past the end of storage");
            var page = updateCachedPagesForAccess(index);

            page[index] = value;

    private Page updateCachedPagesForAccess(int index)
        foreach (var p in pagesInMemory)
            if (p.HasItem(index))
                return p;
        var startingIndex = (index / 1000) * 1000;
        var newPage = new Page(startingIndex, 1000);
        return newPage;

    private void addPageToCache(Page p)
        if (pagesInMemory.Count > 4)
            // remove oldest non-dirty page:
            var oldest = pagesInMemory
                .Where(page => !page.Dirty)
                .OrderBy(page => page.LastAccess)
            // Note that this may keep more than 5 pages in memory
            // if too much is dirty
            if (oldest != null)

You can follow this design idiom to model any sort of collection where there are good reasons not to load the entire set of data into an in-memory collection. Notice that the Page class is a private nested class that is not part of the public interface. Those details are hidden from any users of this class.


Another common scenario is when you need to model a dictionary or a map. This scenario is when your type stores values based on key, typically text keys. This example creates a dictionary that maps command line arguments to lambda expressions that manage those options. The following example shows two classes: an ArgsActions class that maps a command line option to an Action delegate, and an ArgsProcessor that uses the ArgsActions to execute each Action when it encounters that option.

public class ArgsProcessor
    private readonly ArgsActions actions;

    public ArgsProcessor(ArgsActions actions)
        this.actions = actions;

    public void Process(string[] args)
        foreach(var arg in args)

public class ArgsActions
    readonly private Dictionary<string, Action> argsActions = new Dictionary<string, Action>();

    public Action this[string s]
            Action action;
            Action defaultAction = () => {} ;
            return argsActions.TryGetValue(s, out action) ? action : defaultAction;

    public void SetOption(string s, Action a)
        argsActions[s] = a;

In this example, the ArgsAction collection maps closely to the underlying collection. The get determines if a given option has been configured. If so, it returns the Action associated with that option. If not, it returns an Action that does nothing. The public accessor does not include a set accessor. Rather, the design is using a public method for setting options.

Multi-Dimensional Maps

You can create indexers that use multiple arguments. In addition, those arguments are not constrained to be the same type. Let's look at two examples.

The first example shows a class that generates values for a Mandelbrot set. For more information on the mathematics behind the set, read this article. The indexer uses two doubles to define a point in the X, Y plane. The get accessor computes the number of iterations until a point is determined to be not in the set. If the maximum iterations is reached, the point is in the set, and the class's maxIterations value is returned. (The computer generated images popularized for the Mandelbrot set define colors for the number of iterations necessary to determine that a point is outside the set.)

public class Mandelbrot
    readonly private int maxIterations;

    public Mandelbrot(int maxIterations)
        this.maxIterations = maxIterations;

    public int this [double x, double y]
            var iterations = 0;
            var x0 = x;
            var y0 = y;

            while ((x*x + y * y < 4) &&
                (iterations < maxIterations))
                var newX = x * x - y * y + x0;
                y = 2 * x * y + y0;
                x = newX;
            return iterations;

The Mandelbrot Set defines values at every (x,y) coordinate for real number values. That defines a dictionary that could contain an infinite number of values. Therefore, there is no storage behind the set. Instead, this class computes the value for each point when code calls the get accessor. There's no underlying storage used.

Let's examine one last use of indexers, where the indexer takes multiple arguments of different types. Consider a program that manages historical temperature data. This indexer uses a city and a date to set or get the high and low temperatures for that location:

using DateMeasurements =
    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.DateTime, IndexersSamples.Common.Measurements>;
using CityDataMeasurements =
    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.DateTime, IndexersSamples.Common.Measurements>>;

public class HistoricalWeatherData
    readonly CityDataMeasurements storage = new CityDataMeasurements();

    public Measurements this[string city, DateTime date]
            var cityData = default(DateMeasurements);

            if (!storage.TryGetValue(city, out cityData))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(city), "City not found");

            // strip out any time portion:
            var index = date.Date;
            var measure = default(Measurements);
            if (cityData.TryGetValue(index, out measure))
                return measure;
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(date), "Date not found");
            var cityData = default(DateMeasurements);

            if (!storage.TryGetValue(city, out cityData))
                cityData = new DateMeasurements();
                storage.Add(city, cityData);

            // Strip out any time portion:
            var index = date.Date;
            cityData[index] = value;

This example creates an indexer that maps weather data on two different arguments: a city (represented by a string) and a date (represented by a DateTime). The internal storage uses two Dictionary classes to represent the two-dimensional dictionary. The public API no longer represents the underlying storage. Rather, the language features of indexers enables you to create a public interface that represents your abstraction, even though the underlying storage must use different core collection types.

There are two parts of this code that may be unfamiliar to some developers. These two using directives:

using DateMeasurements = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.DateTime, IndexersSamples.Common.Measurements>;
using CityDataMeasurements = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.DateTime, IndexersSamples.Common.Measurements>>;

create an alias for a constructed generic type. Those statements enable the code later to use the more descriptive DateMeasurements and CityDataMeasurements names instead of the generic construction of Dictionary<DateTime, Measurements> and Dictionary<string, Dictionary<DateTime, Measurements> >. This construct does require using the fully qualified type names on the right side of the = sign.

The second technique is to strip off the time portions of any DateTime object used to index into the collections. .NET doesn't include a date-only type. Developers use the DateTime type, but use the Date property to ensure that any DateTime object from that day are equal.

Summing Up

You should create indexers anytime you have a property-like element in your class where that property represents not a single value, but rather a collection of values where each individual item is identified by a set of arguments. Those arguments can uniquely identify which item in the collection should be referenced. Indexers extend the concept of properties, where a member is treated like a data item from outside the class, but like a method on the inside. Indexers allow arguments to find a single item in a property that represents a set of items.