
Del via


The nameof expression produces a string constant that matches the name in source for nearly any F# construct in source.


nameof symbol


nameof works by resolving the symbol passed to it and produces the name of that symbol as it is declared in your source code. This is useful in various scenarios, such as logging, and protects your logging against changes in source code.

let months =
        "January"; "February"; "March"; "April";
        "May"; "June"; "July"; "August"; "September";
        "October"; "November"; "December"

let lookupMonth month =
    if (month > 12 || month < 1) then
        invalidArg (nameof month) ($"Value passed in was %d{month}.")


printfn "%s" (lookupMonth 12)
printfn "%s" (lookupMonth 1)
printfn "%s" (lookupMonth 13)

The last line will throw an exception and "month" will be shown in the error message.

You can take a name of nearly every F# construct:

module M =
    let f x = nameof x

printfn $"{(M.f 12)}"
printfn $"{(nameof M)}"
printfn $"{(nameof M.f)}"

nameof is not a first-class function and cannot be used as such. That means it cannot be partially applied and values cannot be piped into it via F# pipeline operators.

Nameof on operators

Operators in F# can be used in two ways, as an operator text itself, or a symbol representing the compiled form. nameof on an operator will produce the name of the operator as it is declared in source. To get the compiled name, use the compiled name in source:

nameof(+) // "+"
nameof op_Addition // "op_Addition"

Nameof on generics

You can also take a name of a generic type parameter, but the syntax is different:

let f<'a> () = nameof<'a>
f() // "a"

nameof<'TGeneric> will take the name of the symbol as defined in source, not the name of the type substituted at a call site.

The reason why the syntax is different is to align with other F# intrinsic operators like typeof<> and typedefof<>. This makes F# consistent with respect to operators that act on generic types and anything else in source.

Nameof in pattern matching

The nameof pattern lets you use nameof in a pattern match expression like so:

let f (str: string) =
    match str with
    | nameof str -> "It's 'str'!"
    | _ -> "It is not 'str'!"

f "str" // matches
f "asdf" // does not match

Nameof with instance members

F# requires an instance in order to extract the name of an instance member with nameof. If an instance is not easily available, then one can be obtained using Unchecked.defaultof.

type MyRecord = { MyField: int }
type MyClass() =
    member _.MyProperty = ()
    member _.MyMethod () = ()

nameof Unchecked.defaultof<MyRecord>.MyField   // MyField
nameof Unchecked.defaultof<MyClass>.MyProperty // MyProperty
nameof Unchecked.defaultof<MyClass>.MyMethod   // MyMethod