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Retail for application users

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

Retail is an integrated solution that is designed for Microsoft Dynamics AX. You can use Microsoft Dynamics AX to manage a retail business from the head office to the stores.

Retail includes the following programs:

  • The Retail module in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS – The point of sale (POS) program for the registers in the stores.

  • Commerce Data Exchange: Synch Service – The program that periodically sends transaction information between the head office and the stores.

  • Commerce Data Exchange: Real-time Service – The program that sends real-time information between the head office and the stores.

  • The Microsoft Dynamics AX Commerce Runtime delivers multi-channel commerce capability that has uniform extensibility. It facilitates business processing between the head office and online stores and between the head office and retail (brick-and-mortar) stores.

Retail module

Use Retail to configure and manage stores, online stores and online marketplaces, registers, retail products, retail product catalogs and other information. You can also use this module to generate reports, perform inquiries, and complete other day-to-day business processes.


Before you can fully use Retail, you must complete the following tasks in Microsoft Dynamics AX:

  • Set up parameters.

  • Import seed data.

  • Create tax codes and sales tax groups.

  • Set up number sequences.

  • Define currencies.

  • Select a language.


Parameters and number sequences must also be set up for Retail. For more information, see Konfigurere parametere og startinnstillingene.

For information about how to deploy the retail components, see the Install Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 section on TechNet.

Business processes

The following process flow illustrates the business process for Retail.

Forretningsprosess for detaljhandel


If you have Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack installed, the business processes diagram includes managing concessions, and does not include creating and publishing a product catalog.

Retail at a glance

Important tasks

Primary forms

Konfigurere parametere og startinnstillingene

Parametre for detaljhandel (skjema)

Sette opp kanaler for detaljhandel

Butikker (skjema)

Nettbutikk (skjema)

Markedsplass på Internett (skjema)

Definere betalingsmåter (Retail)

Betalingsmåter (skjema) (Retail)

Definerer avgifter

Overstyring for mva-gruppe (skjema)

Definerer Funksjonalitetsprofiler

Funksjonalitetsprofil (skjema)

Definere produkter

Frigitt Produktbeskrivelse (Retail) (skjema)

Sette opp endelig produktkataloger

Attributtet groups (form) (Retail)

Definere strekkoder

Vare – strekkode (Retail) (skjema)

Definere lojalitetsprogrammer

Fordelsplaner (skjema)

Definere forsendelse for nettbutikker

Leveringsmåter (skjema)

Automatiske gebyrer (skjema)

Definere Retail POS

Kasser på Salgssted (skjema)

Definere informasjonskoder

Infokoder (Retail) (skjema)

Angi prisjusteringer og rabatter

Prisjusteringer (skjema)

Definere konkurrenter

Konkurrenter (skjema)

Definere prissetting ved hjelp av prisgrupper

Prisgrupper for detaljhandel (skjema)

Konfigurere e-mottak

Bekreftelse-formater (skjema)

Opprette og postere setninger oversikt

Setninger (skjema)

Opprette og skrive ut etikettoversikt

Utskrift av hylleetikett (skjema)

Importere Produktoversikt for leverandør

Frigitt Produktbeskrivelse (Retail) (skjema)

Behandle retail kataloger Produktoversikt

Kataloger (Retail) (skjema)

Etterfylle Lageroversikt

Etterfyllingsregler (skjema)

Behandle store Lageroversikt

Kjøp etter ordre (skjema)

Integration of Retail

Microsoft Dynamics AX can be integrated with the following Microsoft products:

  • Commerce Services for Microsoft Dynamics ERP

  • Payment Services for Microsoft Dynamics ERP

  • Sites Services for Microsoft Dynamics ERP

See also

Setting up and maintaining Retail

Arbeide med detaljhandel