
Del via


The scripts used in LTI and ZTI deployments reference properties that determine the process steps and configuration settings used during the deployment process. Use this reference section to help it determine the correct scripts to include in actions and the valid arguments to provide when running each script. The following information is provided for each script:

  • Name.Specifies the name of the script.

  • Description.Provides a description of the purpose of the script and any pertinent information regarding script customization.

  • Input. Indicates the files used for input to the script.

  • Output.Indicates the files created or modified by the script.

  • References.Indicates other scripts or configuration files that are referenced by the script.

  • Location.Indicates the folder where the script can be found. In the information for the location, the following variables are used:

    • program_files. This variable points to the location of the Program Files folder on the computer where MDT is installed.

    • distribution. This variable points to the location of the Distribution folder for the deployment share.

    • platform. This variable is a placeholder for the operating system platform (x86 or x64).

  • Use.Provides the commands and options that you can specify.

  • Arguments and description. Indicate the valid arguments to be specified for the script and a brief description of what each argument means.

  • Properties.The properties referenced by the script.


This script displays a dialog box that indicates the user inserted deployment media created by the MDT process (such as a bootable DVD or a removable hard disk). The message is displayed for 15 seconds. If no action is taken, the script starts LiteTouch.vbs.

For more information about LiteTouch.vbs, see LiteTouch.vbs.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process
Output None
References LiteTouch.vbs. Initiates LTI
Location distribution\Scripts
Use None


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write


This XML file contains the script code and HTML layout for the Welcome to Windows Deployment page that is displayed at the start of the Deployment Wizard. This XML file is read by Wizard.hta, which runs the wizard pages embedded in this XML file.

Value Description
Input None
Output None
References - NICSettings_Definition_ENU.xml. Allows the user to provide configuration settings for network adapters

- Wizard.hta. Displays the Deployment Wizard pages

- WPEUtil.exe. Initializes Windows PE and network connections; initiates LTI
Location distribution\Tools\platform
Use mshta.exeWizard.hta BDD_Welcome_ENU.xml


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
KeyboardLocalePE -
WelcomeWizardCommand -
WizardComplete -


This XML file contains the script code and HTML layout for the Specify credentials for connecting to network shares wizard page in the Deployment Wizard. This XML file is read by Wizard.hta, which runs the wizard pages embedded in this XML file.


This wizard page is only displayed if there is a failure while validating the predefined user credentials.

Value Description
Input None
Output None
References Credentials_scripts.vbs. Contains user credential support functions
Location distribution\Scripts
Use mshta.exe Wizard.hta /NotWizard /definition:Credentials_ENU.xml [/ValidateAgainstDomain:domain &#124; /ValidateAgainstUNCPath:uncpath] </DoNotSave> </LeaveShareOpen>


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write


This script parses the arguments that were provided when loading the Credentials_ENU.xml file into the Deployment Wizard. It also performs user credential validation. This script is read by the Credentials_ENU.xml file.

For more information about Credentials_ENU.xml, see the corresponding topic in Credentials_ENU.xml.

Value Description
Input None
Output Event messages are written to these log files:

- Credentials_scripts.log. Log file that contains events generated by this script

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events generated by all MDT scripts
References None
Location distribution\Scripts
Use <script language="VBScript" src="Credentials_scripts.vbs"/>


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
UserCredentials -
UserDomain -


This XML file contains the script code and HTML layout for each wizard page in the Deployment Wizard. This file is read by Wizard.hta, which runs the wizard pages embedded in this XML file. This .xml file contains the following wizard pages:

  • Welcome

  • Specify credentials for connecting to network shares

  • Task Sequence

  • Computer Details

  • User Data

  • Move Data and Settings

  • User Data (Restore)

  • Computer Backup

  • Product Key

  • Language Packs

  • Locale and Time

  • Roles and Features

  • Applications

  • Administrator Password

  • Local Administrators

  • Capture Image

  • BitLocker

  • Ready to Begin

Value Description
Input None
Output None
References - DeployWiz_Initialization.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script

- DeployWiz_Validation.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script

- ZTIBackup.wsf. Creates a backup of the target computer

- ZTIPatches.wsf. Installs updates (language packs, security updates, and so on)

- ZTIUserState.wsf. Initializes user state migration to capture and restore user state on the target computer
Location distribution\Scripts
Use None


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
DeploymentMethod -
DeploymentType -
DoCapture -
ImageBuild -
ImageFlags -
IsServerOS -
JoinDomain -
OSDComputerName -
OSVersion -
SkipAdminAccounts -
SkipAdminPassword -
SkipApplications -
SkipBitLocker -
SkipCapture -
SkipComputerBackup -
SkipComputerName -
SkipDomainMembership -
SkipLocaleSelection -
SkipPackageDisplay -
SkipProductKey -
SkipRoles -
SkipSummary -
SkipTaskSequence -
SkipTimeZone -
SkipUserData -
TaskSequenceTemplate -
UserDomain -
UserID -
UserPassword -
USMTOfflineMigration -


This script initializes the pages in the Deployment Wizard (stored in DeployWiz_Definition_ENU.xml). It also contains functions and subroutines that the Deployment Wizard calls during an LTI deployment.

Value Description
Input - DomainOUList.xml. Contains a list of domain OUs

- ListOfLanguages.xml

- LocationServer.xml. Contains a list of available deployment shares

- Environment variables. Contains the list of property values, custom properties, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process; the environment variables are populated by ZTIGather.wsf
Output Event message are written to these log files:

- DeployWiz_Initialization.log. Log file that contains events generated by this script

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events generated by all MDT scripts
References ZTIApplications.wsf. Initiates application installation
Location distribution\Scripts
Use <script language="VBScript" src="DeployWiz_Initialization.vbs"/>


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
Architecture -
Applications -
BackupDir -
BackupFile -
BackupShare -
BDEInstall -
BDEKeyLocation -
BDERecoveryKey -
BDEWaitForEncryption -
CapableArchitecture -
ComputerBackupLocation -
CustomWizardSelectionProfile -
DeploymentType -
DeployRoot -
DomainAdmin -
DomainAdminDomain -
DomainAdminPassword -
DomainOUs -
ImageBuild -
ImageFlags -
ImageLanguage -
ImageLanguage001 -
ImageProcessor -
IsServerOS -
KeyboardLocale -
KeyboardLocale_Edit -
LanguagePacks -
LanguagePacks001 -
LocalDeployRoot -
MandatoryApplications -
OSDComputerName -
OSCurrentBuild -
OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPassword -
OSDBitLockerMode -
OSDBitLockerStartupKeyDrive -
OSDBitLockerWaitForEncryption -
OSVersion -
OverrideProductKey -
ProductKey -
SkipCapture -
SkipDomainMembership -
TaskSequenceID -
TimeZoneName -
UDDir -
UDShare -
UILanguage -
UserDataLocation -
UserDomain -
UserID -
UserLocale -
UserPassword -
WizardSelectionProfile -


This script initializes and validates the information typed in the pages of the Deployment Wizard (stored in DeployWiz_Definition_ENU.xml). This script contains functions and subroutines that the Deployment Wizard calls during an LTI deployment.

Value Description
Input - OperatingSystems.xml. Contains the list of operating systems available for deployment

- Environment variables. Contains the list of property values, custom properties, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process; the environment variables are populated by ZTIGather.wsf
Output None
References - Credentials_ENU.xml. Prompts the user for credentials that will be used when connecting to network resources

- ZTIGather.wsf. Gathers properties and processing rules
Location distribution\Scripts
Use <script language="VBScript" src="DeployWiz_Validation.vbs"/>


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
Architecture -
DeploymentType - -
DeployTemplate -
ImageBuild -
ImageProcessor - -
OSVersion -
TaskSequenceID -
UserCredentials -
UserDomain -
UserID -
UserPassword -


This script is called by the Deployment Wizard to initiate LTI. The script:

  • Removes the C:\MININT folder (if it exists)

  • Checks that the target computer meets the requirements for running the Deployment Wizard by calling ZTIPrereq.vbs

  • Starts the Deployment Wizard by running LiteTouch.wsf

Value Description
Input None
Output None
References - BDDRun.exe

- ZTIPrereq.vbs. Used to determine whether the target computer meets the prerequisites for deploying a new operating system

- LiteTouch.wsf. The script responsible for controlling the LTI deployment process
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript LiteTouch.vbs </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (this is the behavior when the argument is not provided)


Name Read Write


This script is called by LiteTouch.vbs and is responsible for controlling the LTI deployment process. This includes:

  • Running the Deployment Wizard

  • Running the LTI deployment process by using the appropriate task sequence file

Value Description
Input - task_sequence_file.xml. Contains the tasks and sequence of tasks for the LTI deployment process

- Environment variables. Contains the list of property values, custom properties, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process; the environment variables are populated by ZTIGather.wsf
Output - LiteTouch.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - BDD_Welcome_ENU.xml. Displays the Deployment Wizard Welcome page for LTI deployment

- DeployWiz_Definition_ENU.xml. Displays the Deployment Wizard pages for LTI deployment

- Diskpart.exe. Utility that allows the automated management of disks, partitions, and volumes

- LTICleanup.wsf. Performs cleanup tasks after deployment finishes

- LTICopyScripts.wsf. Copies the deployment scripts to a local hard drive on the target computer

- MSHTA.exe. HTML application host

- RecEnv.exe. If this utility exists, the user is prompted to determine whether to launch Windows Recovery Environment.

- Regsvr32.exe. Registers files (.dll, .exe, .ocx, and so on) with the operating system

- Summary_Definition_ENU.xml. Displays the summary results for the LTI deployment

- TsmBootStrap.exe. Task sequence Bootstrap utility

- Wizard.hta. Displays the Deployment Wizard pages

- WPEUtil.exe. Initializes Windows PE and network connections; initiates LTI

- ZTIGather.wsf. Gathers properties and processing rules

- ZTIPrereq.vbs. Checks that the target computer meets the requirements for running the Deployment Wizard

- ZTINICConfig.wsf. Configures activated network adapters

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use BDDRun.exe "wscript.exe <ScriptDirectory>\LiteTouch.wsf </debug:value>"


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (this is the behavior when the argument is not provided)
/Start Creates a shortcut in the new operating system that runs once the shell starts


Name Read Write
_DoNotCleanLiteTouch -
_SMSTSPackageName -
AdminPassword -
Architecture - -
BootPE - -
ComputerBackupLocation -
ComputerName -
DeployDrive - -
DeploymentMethod - -
DeploymentType - -
DeployRoot - -
DestinationLogicalDrive -
DomainAdmin -
DomainAdminDomain -
DomainAdminPassword -
FinishAction -
HostName -
IsServerCoreOS -
JoinDomain -
JoinWorkgroup - -
KeyboardLocalePE -
LTISuspend -
OSDAdapterCount -
OSDComputerName - -
Phase - -
ResourceDrive - -
ResourceRoot - -
RetVal -
SkipBDDWelcome -
SkipFinalSummary - -
SkipWizard -
SMSTSLocalDataDrive -
TaskSequenceID -
TimeZoneName -
UserDataLocation - -
UserDomain -
UserID -
UserPassword -
WelcomeWizardCommand -
WizardComplete -


This script is responsible for installing a Windows PE image to the target computer. The Windows PE image is used to collect information about the target computer and to run the deployment tasks on the target computer.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - LTIApply.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- LTIApply_wdsmcast.log. Log file that contains events that the Wdsmcast utility generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - CMD.exe. Allows the running of command-line tools

- Bootsect.exe. Applies a boot sector to the hard disk

- ImageX.exe. A utility used to create and manage WIM files

- ZTIBCDUtility.vbs. Includes utility functions used when performing Boot Manager tasks

- ZTIConfigFile.vbs. Includes routines for processing XML files

- ZTIDiskUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines the script uses

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines the script uses

- Wdsmcast.exe. A utility that target computers use to join a multicast transmission
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript LTIApply.wsf </pe> </post> </debug:value>


Value Description
/pe Uses the process for installing the Windows PE image on the target computer
/post Cleans up unnecessary files after the installation of an image
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files; if the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (this is the behavior when the argument is not provided)


Name Read Write
Architecture -
BootPE -
DeployRoot -
DestinationLogicalDrive - -
OSCurrentVersion -
OSVersion -
ImageBuild -
ImageFlags -
ImageProcessor -
SourcePath -
TaskSequenceID -
UserDomain -
UserID -
UserPassword -
WDSServer -


This script removes any files or configuration settings (such as scripts, folders, registry entries, or automatic logon configuration settings) from the target computer after the deployment process finishes.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the list of property values, custom properties, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process. The environment variables are populated by ZTIGather.wsf.
Output - LTICleanup.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - Bootsect.exe. Applies a boot sector to the hard disk

- Net.exe. Performs network management tasks

- RegSvr32.exe. Registers files (.dll, .exe, .ocx, and so on) with the operating system

- ZTIBCDUtility.vbs. Includes utility functions used when performing Boot Manager tasks

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript LTICleanup.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (this is the behavior when the argument is not provided)


Name Read Write
_DoNotCleanLiteTouch -
DeployRoot -
DestinationLogicalDrive -
OSVersion -


This script copies the deployment scripts for the LTI and ZTI deployment processes to a local hard drive on the target computer.

Value Description
Input - Summary_Definition_ENU.xml. Displays the summary results for the LTI deployment

- Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - LTICopyScripts.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript LTICopyScripts.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (this is the behavior when the argument is not provided)


Name Read Write


This script displays a dialog box that allows the user to browses to a folder. The selected folder path is stored in the FOLDERPATH environment variable.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the list of property values, custom properties, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process. The environment variables are populated by ZTIGather.wsf.
Output None
References - ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses

- WizUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the UI uses (such as wizard pages)
Location - distribution\Scripts

- program_files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Scripts
Use cscript LTIGetFolder.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (this is the behavior when the argument is not provided)


Name Read Write
DefaultFolderPath -
FolderPath -


This script is used by an OEM during an LTI OEM scenario to copy the contents of a media deployment share to the target computer's hard disk to prepare it for duplication.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the list of property values, custom properties, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process. The environment variables are populated by ZTIGather.wsf.
Output - LTIOEM.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - RoboCopy.exe. File and folder copy tool

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript LTIOEM.wsf </BITLOCKER &#124; /BDE> </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (this is the behavior when the argument is not provided)
/BITLOCKER Enables BitLocker
/BDE Enables BitLocker


Name Read Write
_DoNotCleanLiteTouch -
DeployDrive -
DeployRoot -


This script suspends a task sequence to allow manual tasks to be performed. When this script runs, it creates a Resume Task Sequence shortcut on the user's desktop that allows the user to restart the task sequence after all manual tasks are completed.


This script is only supported while in the full operating system.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the list of property values, custom properties, database connections, deployment rules, and other information the scripts require to complete the deployment process. The environment variables are populated by ZTIGather.wsf.
Output - LTISuspend.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - LiteTouch.wsf. Controls the LTI deployment process

- LTICopyScripts.wsf. Copies the deployment scripts to a local hard drive on the target computer

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript LTISuspend.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (this is the behavior when the argument is not provided)
/Resume -


Name Read Write
LTISuspend -
SMSTSRebootRequested -


This script prepares the target computer for running Sysprep, runs Sysprep on the target computer, and then verifies that Sysprep ran successfully.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the list of property values, custom properties, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process. The environment variables are populated by ZTIGather.wsf.
Output - LTISysprep.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - Expand.exe. Expands compressed files

- Sysprep.exe. Prepares computers for duplication

- ZTIConfigFile.vbs. Contains routines for processing XML files

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript LTISysprep.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
Architecture -
DeployRoot -
DestinationLogicalDrive -
DoCapture -
OSCurrentBuild -
OSDAnswerFilePath -
SourcePath - -
TaskSequenceID -


This XML file contains the script code and HTML layout for the Configure Static IP Network Settings wizard page in the Deployment Wizard. During an LTI deployment, Wizard.hta reads this file and runs the embedded wizard page that prompts for the required network addressing configuration. If no static IP addressing configuration is supplied, the deployment scripts will default to using DHCP to obtain the required network configuration.

Value Description
Input None
Output None
References ZTINICUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use None


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
OSDAdapterxDNSServerList -
OSDAdapterxDNSSuffix -
OSDAdapterxGateways -
OSDAdapterxIPAddressList -
OSDAdapterxMacAddress -
OSDAdapterxSubnetMask -
OSDAdapterxWINSServerList -
OSDAdapterCount -


Thexin the property names listed above is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information.


This XML file contains the script code and HTML layout for the Deployment Summary wizard page in the Deployment Wizard. During an LTI deployment, Wizard.hta reads this file and runs the embedded wizard page that displays the summary results for the LTI deployment. This XML file contains the following wizard pages:

  • Success. Notification regarding the successful completion of the deployment tasks

  • Failure. Notification regarding the failure to successfully complete the deployment tasks

Value Description
Input None
Output None
References Summary_Scripts.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the wizard pages embedded in this XML file use
Location distribution\Scripts
Use None


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
SkipFinalSummary -
RetVal -


This script is called by the Summary wizard page of the Deployment Wizard. It contains functions and subroutines used for initialization and validation.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output Event message are written to these log files:

- Summary_scripts.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References None
Location distribution\Scripts
Use <script language="VBScript" src="Summary_Scripts.vbs"/>


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
DeploymentType -
RetVal -


This Hypertext Application displays the Deployment Wizard pages.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the list of property values, custom properties, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process. The environment variables are populated by ZTIGather.wsf.
Output - Wizard.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - LTIGetFolder.wsf. Script file that initiates a BrowseForFolder dialog box

- ZTIConfigFile.vbs. Includes routines for processing XML files

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses

- WizUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location - distribution\Scripts

- program_files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Scripts
Use mshta.exe Wizard.hta </definition:filename> </NotWizard> </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)
/NotWizard Used to bypass wizard page prompts
/Definition:filename Specifies the XML file that is to be loaded into the wizard


Name Read Write
Definition -
DefaultFolderPath -
FolderPath -
WizardComplete -


This script contains functions and subroutines that the various Deployment Wizard scripts reference.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - WizUtility.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References LTIGetFolder.wsf. Script file that initiates a BrowseForFolderdialog box
Location - distribution\Scripts

- program_files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Scripts
Use <script language="VBScript" src="WizUtility.vbs"/>


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
DefaultFolderPath -
DefaultDestinationDisk -
DefaultDestinationIsDirty -
DefaultDestinationPartition -
DeploymentType -
DestinationDisk -
FolderPath -
OSVersion -
UserDomain -
UserCredentials -


This script initiates an installation of applications that have been configured in the Applications node in Deployment Workbench. This script will not attempt to install any application that:

  • Does not support the target computer's platform type

  • Does not support the target computer's processor type

  • Has an uninstall entry in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall


If the listed application has any dependent applications defined, this script attempts to install those dependent applications before installing the listed application.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIApplications.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - ZTIConfigFile.vbs. Includes routines for processing XML files

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses

- BDDRun.exe. Runs a command that requires user interaction
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIApplications.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (this is the behavior when the argument is not provided)


Name Read Write
ApplicationGUID -
ApplicationSuccessCodes -
DependentApplications -
DeploymentMethod -
InstalledApplications - -
ResourceDrive -
ResourceRoot - -
SMSTSRebootRequested -
SMSTSRetryRequested -


This script generates an XML file—ZTIAppXmlGen.xml—to use when automatically capturing user data (documents) associated with installed applications. It does so through the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\Classes registry key and captures any applications that:

  • Are not associated with one of these file extensions: .mp3, .mov, .wma, .wmv, .chm, .evt, .evtx, .exe, .com, or .fon

  • Are not associated with Microsoft Office, such as the 2007 Office system or Microsoft Office 2003.

  • Have a valid open handler listed at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\application\shell\open\command

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIAppXmlGen.xml.Contains a list of applications installed on the target computer

- ZTIAppXmlGen.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIAppXmlGen.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
DeploymentMethod -
DeploymentType -
ImageBuild -
OSCurrentVersion -
USMTMigFiles - -


This script uses the Netsh tool to configure the target computer so that it is an authorized DHCP server in AD DS.

For more information about authorizing DHCP servers, see Netsh commands for DHCP.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIAuthorizeDHCP.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - Netsh.exe. A utility used to automate the configuration of networking components

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIAuthorizeDHCP.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
IPAddress -


This script performs a backup of the target computer using the ImageX utility. The backup is stored in the location specified in the BackupDir and BackupShare properties.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIBackup.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- ZTIBackup_imagex.log. Log file that contains events that ImageX generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - ImageX.exe. A utility used to create and manage WIM files

- ZTIBCDUtility.vbs. Includes utility functions used when performing Boot Manager tasks

- ZTIDiskUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIBackup.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (this is the behavior when the argument is not provided)


Name Read Write
BackupDir -
BackupDisk -
BackupDrive -
BackupFile -
BackupPartition -
BackupScriptComplete -
BackupShare -
ComputerBackupLocation -
DeploymentMethod -
DeploymentType -
DestinationLogicalDrive - -
DoCapture -
ImageBuild -
ImageFlags -
OSDStateStorePath -
Phase -
TaskSequenceID -
USMTLocal -


This script contains utility functions that some MDT scripts use when performing Boot Manager tasks.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output None
References BCDEdit.exe. A tool for editing the Windows boot configuration
Location - distribution\Scripts

- program_files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Scripts
Use <script language="VBScript" src="ZTIBCDUtility.vbs"/>


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write


This script installs and configures BitLocker on the target computer. BitLocker configuration is limited to New Computer scenarios that have hard disks configured with a single partition.


For ZTI and UDI deployments, the UILanguage property must be set in CustomSettings.ini or in the MDT DB, because ZTIBde.wsf tries to read the locale from the UILanguage property.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIBde.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- ZTIBdeFix_diskpart.log. Log file that contains events that the Diskpart tool generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - CMD.exe. Allows running of command-line tools

- Defrag.exe. Defragments the hard disk

- Diskpart.exe. Utility that allows for the automated management of disks, partitions, and volumes

- ServerManagerCmd.exe

- ZTIDiskUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses

- ZTIOSRole.wsf. Installs server roles

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIBde.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (this is the behavior when the argument is not provided)


Name Read Write
AdminPassword -
BDEDriveLetter - -
BDEDriveSize -
BDEInstall -
BDEInstallSuppress -
BDEKeyLocation -
BDEPin -
BDERecoveryKey -
BDESecondPass - -
BdeWaitForEncryption -
BitlockerInstalled - -
DeploymentMethod -
OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPassword -
OSDBitLockerMode -
OSDBitLockerStartupKey -
OSDBitLockerStartupKeyDrive -
OSDBitLockerTargetDrive -
OSDBitLockerWaitForEncryption -
OSCurrentBuild -
OSCurrentVersion -
OSFeatures - -
OSRoles - -
OSRoleServices - -
OSVersion -
SMSTSRebootRequested - -
SMSTSRetryRequested -
TPMOwnerPassword -


This script checks the BIOS on the target computer, and then looks at a list of BIOSes that are incompatible with Windows. The list of incompatible BIOSes is stored in the ZTIBIOSCheck.xml file.

If the BIOS on the target computer is listed in the ZTIBIOSCheck.xml file, then the script returns a status that indicates the BIOS is incompatible with Windows and the deployment process should be terminated. For information on populating the list of incompatible BIOSes, see ZTIBIOSCheck.xml.

Value Description
Input - ZTIBIOSCheck.xml. Contains a list of BIOSes that are known to be incompatible with Windows

- Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIBIOSCheck.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIBIOSCheck.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (this is the behavior when the argument is not provided)


Name Read Write


Configuration Manager requires packages to be numbered sequentially starting with PACKAGES001, with no gaps in the number sequence. Otherwise, installation will fail.

This script allows you to define and name variables using identifying information about the program to run—for example, ComputerPackages100, ComputerPackages110, or CollectionPackages150. Then, when this script is run, Configuration Manager finds all variables that match a pattern (for example, all variable names that contain the string Packages) and builds a sequential list, without gaps, using the base name PACKAGES.

For example, if the following variables were defined (using computer variables, collection variables, or in CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB, for example):

  • ComputerPackages100=XXX00001:Program

  • ComputerPackages110=XXX00002:Program

  • CollectionPackages150=XXX00003:Program

  • Packages001=XXX00004:Program

    After the script runs, the list would be:

  • PACKAGES001=XXX00004:Program

  • PACKAGES002=XXX00001:Program

  • PACKAGES003=XXX00002:Program

  • PACKAGES004=XXX00003:Program

    Configuration Manager would then be able to run all four programs.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTICoalesce.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTICoalesce.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)
/CoalesceDigits:value Specifies the number of digits that need to be provided when creating the numbering sequence. For example, a value of:

- 2 would create PACKAGE03

- 3 would create PACKAGE003

The default value if this argument is not provided is 3.


Name Read Write
CoalescePattern -
CoalesceTarget -


This script contains common routines for processing MDT XML files.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIConfigFile.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References Net.exe
Location distribution\Scripts
Use <script language="VBScript" src="ZTIConfigFile.vbs"/>


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
IsSafeForWizardHTML -
MandatoryApplications -
SkipGroupSubFolders -


This script configures the Unattend.xml file with the property values specified earlier in the MDT deployment process. The script configures the appropriate file based on the operating system being deployed.

This script reads the ZTIConfigure.xml file to determine how to update the Unattend.xml file with the appropriate values specified in the deployment properties. The ZTIConfigure.xml file contains the information to translate properties to settings in the Unattend.xml file.

Value Description
Input - ZTIConfigure.xml. Contains a list of property values (specified earlier in the deployment process) and their corresponding configuration settings

- Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIConfigure.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIConfigure.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
ComputerName - -
DeploymentType -
DeploymentMethod -
DeployRoot -
DestinationLogicalDrive -
DomainAdminDomain -
ImageBuild -
OSDAnswerFilePath -
OSDAnswerFilePathSysprep -
OSDComputerName -
Phase -
TaskSequenceID -


Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIConfigureADDS.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - Dcpromo.exe. Installs and removes AD DS

- Net.exe. Performs network management tasks

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIConfigureADDS.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
ADDSLogPath -
ADDSPassword -
ADDSUserDomain -
ADDSUserName -
AutoConfigDNS -
ChildName -
ConfirmGC -
DatabasePath -
DomainLevel -
DomainNetBiosName -
ForestLevel -
NewDomain -
NewDomainDNSName -
OSVersion -
ParentDomainDNSName -
ReplicaOrNewDomain - -
ReplicaDomainDNSName -
ReplicationSourceDC -
SafeModeAdminPassword -
SiteName -
SysVolPath -


This script configures DHCP on the target computer.


DHCP should already be installed on the target computer before running this script.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIConfigureDHCP.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - Netsh.exe. A utility that permits automating the configuration of networking components

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIConfigureDHCP.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
DHCPScopesxDescription -
DHCPScopesxEndIP -
DHCPScopesxExcludeStartIP -
DHCPScopesxExcludeEndIP -
DHCPScopesxIP -
DHCPScopesxName -
DHCPScopesxOptionRouter -
DHCPScopesxOptionDNSDomainName -
DHCPScopesxOptionDNSServer -
DHCPScopesxOptionLease -
DHCPScopesxOptionNBTNodeType -
DHCPScopesxOptionPXEClient -
DHCPScopesxOptionWINSServer -
DHCPScopesxStartIP -
DHCPScopesxSubnetmask -
DHCPServerOptionDNSDomainName -
DHCPServerOptionDNSServer -
DHCPServerOptionNBTNodeType -
DHCPServerOptionPXEClient -
DHCPServerOptionRouter -
DHCPServerOptionWINSServer -


The xin the properties listed here is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DHCP configuration information.


This script configures DNS on the target computer. To perform the actual configuration tasks, the script uses the Dnscmd utility.

For more information about Dnscmd.exe, see Dnscmd Overview.


DNS should already be installed on the target computer before running this script.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIConfigureDNS.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - Dnscmd.exe. Assists administrators with DNS management

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIConfigureDNS.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
DNSServerOptionDisableRecursion -
DNSServerOptionBINDSecondaries -
DNSServerOptionFailOnLoad -
DNSServerOptionEnableRoundRobin -
DNSServerOptionEnableNetmaskOrdering -
DNSServerOptionEnableSecureCache -
DNSServerOptionNameCheckFlag -
DNSZonesxName -
DNSZonesxType -
DNSZonesxMasterIP -
DNSZonesxDirectoryPartition -
DNSZonesxFileName -
DNSZonesxScavenge -
DNSZonesxUpdate -


The xin the properties listed here is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains DNS configuration information.


The MDT deployment process uses this script to authenticate with a server computer (such as a computer running SQL Server or another server that has a shared network folder). When this script is run, it validates that a connection can be created to the network shared folder specified in the /uncpath argument.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIConnect.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIConnect.wsf /UNCPath:<uncpath> </debug:value>


Value Description
/UNCPath:uncpath Specifies a fully qualified UNC path to a network shared folder
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files; if the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write


Copy the Smsts.log and BDD.log files to a subfolder beneath the share that the SLShare property specifies. The subfolder takes the name that OSDComputerName, _SMSTSMachineName, or HostName specifies.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTICopyLogs.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTICopyLogs.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug: value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write


This script contains common routines for database access.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIDataAccess.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References None
Location distribution\Scripts
Use <script language="VBScript" src="ZTIDataAccess.vbs"/>


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
_SMSTSReserved1 -
_SMSTSReserved2 -
RulesFile -
UserDomain - -
UserID - -
UserPassword - -


If BitLocker is enabled, this script suspends the BitLocker protectors configured on the system.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIDisableBDEProtectors.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIDisableBDEProtectors.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
ImageBuild -
OSCurrentBuild -
OSCurrentVersion -
OSVersion -


This script creates the disk partitions on the target computer by calling the Diskpart utility. The parameters used to configure the disk are specified by the Task Sequencer or in CustomSettings.ini. ZTIDiskpart.wsf is primarily run in New Computer scenarios. The process works like this:

  1. The MDT deployment process runs the ZTIDiskpart.wsf script based on the steps and sequence of steps in the Task Sequencer.

  2. ZTIDiskpart.wsf starts the Diskpart utility and sends it the required configuration commands.

  3. ZTIDiskpart.wsf runs Diskpart.exe and provides a .txt file as a command-line parameter.

  4. The disk is initially cleaned by sending Diskpart the CLEAN command.

  5. If this is the first disk and no disk configuration has been specified by the Task Sequencer or in CustomSettings.ini, a single partition is created to store the operating system. However, if a disk configuration has been specified, the disk will be configured according to the specified configuration.

  6. If BitLocker is to be enabled, space is reserved at the end of the first disk.

  7. All format commands are queued until after Diskpart has finished. If not explicitly specified by the Task Sequencer or in CustomSettings.ini, ZTIDiskpart.wsf performs a quick format of drive C using the following command: FORMAT C: /FS:NTFS /V:OSDisk /Q /Y.

  8. ZTIDiskpart.wsf copies the ZTIDiskpart_diskpart.log and BDD.log files from the RAM disk back to the hard drive.

    Customize the disk configuration of the target computer by providing the required information in the Task Sequencer or in CustomSettings.ini.

    For more information about configuring disks, see the MDT document Using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIDiskpart.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - Diskpart.exe. Utility that allows for the automated management of disks, partitions, and volumes

- Formats the hard disk

- ZTIDiskUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIDiskpart.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
BDEDriveLetter -
BDEDriveSize -
BDEInstall -
DeployDrive -
DeploymentType -
DestinationDisk -
DestinationLogicalDrive -
DoNotCreateExtraPartition -
ImageBuild -
OSDDiskIndex -
OSDDiskpartBiosCompatibilityMode - -
OSDDiskType -
OSDPartitions -
OSDPartitionStyle -
SMSTSLocalDataDrive -
VolumeLetterVariable -


This script contains disk-related functions and subroutines that the various scripts in the MDT deployment process call.

Value Description
Input None
Output - ZTIDiskUtility.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - BcdBoot.exe. Configures the system partition

- DiskPart.exe. Utility that allows for the automated management of disks, partitions, and volumes
Location distribution\Scripts
Use <script language="VBScript" src="ZTIDiskUtility.vbs"/>


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
DestinationLogicalDrive -
UILanguage - -


During the State Restore deployment phase, this script verifies that the computer is joined to a domain and recovers from failed attempts to join a domain.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIDomainJoin.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - LTISuspend.wsf

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIDomainJoin.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug: value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)
/DomainErrorRecovery: value Attempts to join the computer to the domain. If the value specified in value is:

- AUTO. Retry the domain join process. Restart and retry. This is the default script behavior.

- FAIL. Stops all processing. All task sequence processing stops.

- MANUAL. Stop processing; allows the user to manually join the computer to the domain.


Name Read Write
DomainAdmin -
DomainAdminDomain -
DomainAdminPassword -
DomainErrorRecovery -
DomainJoinAttempts - -
JoinDomain -
JoinWorkgroup -
LTISuspend -
MachineObjectOU -
SMSTSRebootRequested -
SMSTSRetryRequested -


This script installs additional device drivers onto the target computer before initiating the configuration of the operating system. This script reads the Drivers.xml file and copies the list of device driver files in the Drivers.xml file (created by and managed in the Drivers node in the Deployment Workbench) to the target computer.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - PnpEnum.xml. Contains a list of all devices installed on the target computer

- ZTIDrivers.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - Attrib.exe. Sets file and folder attributes

- CMD.exe. Allows running of command-line tools

- Microsoft.BDD.PnpEnum.exe. Utility that enumerates Plug and Play devices

- Reg.exe. The console registry tool for reading and modifying registry data

- ZTIConfigFile.vbs. Includes routines for processing XML files

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIDrivers.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
Architecture -
CustomDriverSelectionProfile -
DeploymentMethod -
DeploymentType -
DestinationLogicalDrive - -
DoCapture -
DriverPaths -
DriverSelectionProfile -
ImageBuild -
InstallFromPath -
OSDAnswerFilePath -
OSDAnswerFilePathSysPrep -
OSDPlatformArch -
Phase -
ResourceRoot -


This script runs Orchestrator runbooks on the target computer. An Orchestrator runbook is the sequence of activities that orchestrate actions on computers and networks. You can initiate Orchestrator runbooks in MDT using the Execute Runbook task sequence step type, which in turn runs this script.

Value Description
Input Environment variables contain the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process.
Output - BDD.log contains events that all MDT scripts generate.

- Return status of the runbook completion.

- Return parameters from the runbook output.
References - ZTIUtility.vbs includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses.
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIExecuteRunbook.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
OrchestratorServer -
RunbookName -
RunbookID -
RunbookParameterMode -
RunbookParametersxParameterID -
RunbookParametersxParameterValue -


If a runbook returns output parameters, a task sequence variable is created for each parameter and the return value of the parameter is assigned to the task sequence variable.

This script creates the task sequence variables listed in the following table for internal script use. Do not set these task sequence variables in CustomSettings.ini or in the MDT DB.

Name Description
OrchestratorServer Name of the server running Orchestrator specified in Orchestrator Server in the Execute Runbook task sequence step
RunbookName Name of the runbook specified in Runbook in the Execute Runbook task sequence step
RunbookID Identifier assigned to the runbook on the Orchestrator server
RunbookParametersxParameterID Identifier assigned to a specific runbook parameter on the Orchestrator server
RunbookParametersxParameterName Name assigned to a specific runbook parameter on the Orchestrator server
RunbookParametersxParameterValue Value assigned to a specific runbook parameter on the Orchestrator server


This script gathers the properties and processing rules that control the deployment process. The properties and rules (also known as local properties) are explicitly defined in this script and contained in the ZTIGather.xml file, in the CustomSettings.ini file, and in the MDT DB (created in the Database node in the Deployment Workbench).

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIGather.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - Wpeutil.exe. Initializes Windows PE and network connections; initiates LTI

- ZTIDataAccess.vbs. Contains routines for database access

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIGather.wsf </debug:value> </localonly> </inifile:ini_file_name>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)
/localonly Returns only information about the target computer and the current operating system installed on the target computer; does not parse the input .ini file (specified in the /inifile argument); returns properties and rules specified in the .ini file

If not specified, the script returns information about the target computer and the currently installed operating system; parses the .ini file
/inifile:ini_file_name Name and path of the input .ini file that contains the properties and rules used in the deployment processIf not specified, the script uses the default value in CustomSettings.ini


Name Read Write
All - -


This script captures and restores the local group membership on the target computer. This script is called with the**/capture** argument to back up the group membership from the target computer before deploying the operating system. The CaptureGroups property contains the list of groups that script backs up. The script is called with the**/restore** argument to restore the group membership after the operating system is deployed. When performing a restore operation, it restores the membership of all groups that were backed up when the script was run using the /capture argument.


When restoring group membership, the script does not create any destination groups that do not already exist on the target computer. Therefore, be sure to include all required groups in the reference computer when building the image file.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIGroups.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIGroups.wsf </debug:value> </backup> </restore>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)
/capture Backs up the group membership of the local groups on the target computer as specified in the CaptureGroups property
/restore Restores the group membership to the local groups backed up earlier in the deployment process


Name Read Write
CaptureGroups -
Groups - -
HostName -


This script installs language packs for Windows operating systems. The script is expecting the language pack CAB files in a folder structure containing at least one folder.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTILangPacksOnline.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - CMD.exe. Allows running of command-line tools

- Lpksetup.exe. The Language Pack Setup tool used to add or remove language packs

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTILangPacksOnline.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
Architecture -
OSVersion -


This script modifies a volume to set the GPT ID and attributes for utility volumes, which is necessary for creating Windows RE partitions on computers with UEFI. This script needs to be called when deploying to computers with UEFI for these situations:

  • LTI deployments where custom partition (volume) structures are being created, such as creating five partitions instead of the standard four partitions that are typically created for use with UEFI

  • All ZTI and UDI deployments


This script is intended to be called only when creating partitions structures for use with UEFI. This script should not be called when creating partition structures to be used in deployments without UEFI.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output BDD.log contains events that all MDT scripts generate.
References ZTIUtility.vbs includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses.
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIModifyVol.wsf /UtilityVol:value </debug:value>


Value Description
/UtilityVol:value Provides the drive letter of the volume that needs to be configured for a Windows RE Tools partition for use with computers with UEFI (for example, "E:")
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
UtilityVol -


This script moves the captured user state and backup files to C:\Windows\Temp\StateStore.


This script is run only when deploying images using Configuration Manager.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIMoveStateStore.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIMoveStateStore.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write


This script updates the Phase property to the next phase in the deployment process. The Task Sequencer uses these phases to determine the sequence in which each task must be completed. The Phase property includes the following values:

  • VALIDATION. Identify that the target computer is capable of running the scripts necessary to complete the deployment process.

  • STATECAPTURE. Save any user state migration data before deploying the new target operating system.

  • PREINSTALL. Complete any tasks that need to be done (such as creating new partitions) before the target operating system is deployed.

  • INSTALL. Install the target operating system on the target computer.

  • POSTINSTALL. Complete any tasks that need to be done before restoring the user state migration data. These tasks customize the target operating system before starting the target computer the first time after deployment (such as installing updates or adding drivers).

  • STATERESTORE. Restore the user state migration data saved during the State Capture Phase.

    For more information about the Phase property, see Phase.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTINextPhase.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTINextPhase.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
DeploymentMethod -
Phase - -


This script configures activated network adapters with values that ZTIGather.wsf captured based on the properties listed in the CustomSettings.ini file or the MDT DB (created in the Database node in the Deployment Workbench).

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTINICConfig.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses

- ZTINicUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTINicConfig.wsf </debug:value> </ForceCapture> </RestoreWithinWinPE>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)
/ForceCapture If there are any local networking adapters with static IP addresses saved, this script captures those settings and saves them to the local environment—for example, C:\MININT\SMSOSD\OSDLogs\Variables.dat. This script can be useful in capturing static IP settings for a large number of computers for automation.
/RestoreWithinWinPE When specified, applies any saved static IP network settings to the local computer, when appropriate; used for internal processing only.


Name Read Write
DeployDrive - -
DeploymentMethod -
DeploymentType -
DeployRoot -
OSDAdapterCount - -
OSGuid -
OSDMigrateAdapterSettings -
Phase -


This script contains network adapter-related functions and subroutines that the various scripts in the MDT deployment process call.

Value Description
Input None
Output None
References - CMD.exe. Allows running of command-line tools

- Netsh.exe. A utility used to automate the configuration of networking components
Location distribution\Scripts
Use <script language="VBScript" src="ZTINicUtility.vbs"/>


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
OSDAdapterAdapterIndexAdapterName - -


AdapterIndexin this property is a placeholder for a zero-based array that contains network adapter information.


This script installs server roles for target computers that are running Windows operating systems. The script reads the OSRoles, OSRoleServices, and OSFeatures properties to determine what should be installed.


This script is intended to be called only by the Install Roles and Features andUninstall Roles and Features task sequence steps. Calling this script directly is not supported.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIOSRole.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - CMD.exe. Allows running of command-line tools

- OCSetup.exe. Adds to or removes Windows optional components

- ServerManagerCmd.exe. Installs, configures, and manages Windows Server roles and features

- Sysocmgr.exe. Adds or removes Windows components

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIOSRole.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)
/Uninstall If provided, this argument indicates that the roles and features will be uninstalled. If not provided, the script assumes the roles and features will be installed.


Name Read Write
IsServerCoreOS -
OSFeatures -
OSRoles -
OSRoleServices -
OSVersion -
SMSTSRebootRequested -


This script installs updates (language packs, security updates, and so on) that are listed in the Packages.xml file. The script self-terminates if the deployment is not in one of the following states:

  • Phase equals PREINSTALL

  • DeploymentMethod equals SCCM

    The script starts Pkgmgr if DeploymentMethod equals SCCM.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIPatches.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - Expand.exe. Expands compressed files

- Pkgmgr.exe. Installs or updates Windows Vista offline

- ZTIConfigFile.vbs. Includes routines for processing XML files

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIPatches.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
Architecture -
CustomPackageSelectionProfile -
DeployRoot -
DeploymentMethod -
DeploymentType -
DestinationLogicalDrive -
LanguagePacks -
OSDAnswerFilePath -
OSDPlatformArch -
PackageSelectionProfile -
Phase -
ResourceRoot -


This script runs a Windows PowerShell script using a custom Windows PowerShell host.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIPowerShell.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate

- Return code. The numeric value returned by the Windows PowerShell script after completion, which indicates the completion status of the script.
References - Microsoft.BDD.TaskSequencePSHost.exe. Custom Windows PowerShell host used to run the Windows PowerShell script.
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIPowerShell.wsf


Value Description


Name Read Write


This script verifies that the target computer has the prerequisite software installed and that it is functional. The checks the script performs are:

  • Determine whether the Windows Script version is equal to or greater than version 5.6.

  • Verify that errors do not occur when object references are instantiated to Wscript.Shell, Wscript.Network, Scripting.FileSystemObject MSXML2.DOMDocument, and the Process environment.

    If any one of the checks fails, an error is raised and the script exits the ValidatePrereq procedure.

Value Description
Input None
Output None
References None
Location distribution\Scripts
Use None


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write


This script initializes ZTI when deploying using Configuration Manager. The script performs the following procedure:

  1. If debugging is activated, the script creates the OSD.Debug file.

  2. The script configures these properties:

    • ScriptRootis set to the parent folder of the currently running script.

    • DeployRoot is set to the parent folder of ScriptRoot.

    • ResourceRoot is set to DeployRoot.

    • DeploySystemDrive is set to C:.

    • DeploymentMethod is set to SCCM.

  3. When DeployRootcontains :\:

    • The DeployRoot folder is copied to _SMSTSMDataPath\WDPackage

    • ScriptRoot is set to _SMSTSMDataPath\WDPackage\Scripts

    • DeployRoot is set to the parent folder of ScriptRoot

    • ResourceRoot is set to DeployRoot

  4. When Phase is NULL:

    • If the %SystemDrive% environment variable is X:, then DeploymentTypeis set to NEWCOMPUTER and Phase is set to PREINSTALL. Otherwise,DeploymentType is set to REPLACE and Phase is set to VALIDATION.

    • If the OldComputer.tag file exists in the parent folder of the current running script, DeploymentType is set to REPLACE and Phase is set to VALIDATION. Otherwise,DeploymentType is set to REFRESH and Phase is set to VALIDATION.

    For more information about these properties, see the Properties article.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTISCCM.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTISCCM.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
_SMSTSMDataPath -
Architecture -
BDDPackageID - -
DeploymentMethod - -
DeploymentType - -
DeployRoot - -
Phase - -
ResourceRoot - -
ScriptRoot - -
ToolRoot - -


This script sets the specified global task sequence variable that corresponds to the name contained in VariableName to the value contained in VariableValue.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTISetVariable.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTISetVariable.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
VariableName -
VariableValue -


This script tattoos the target computer with identification and version information. The script performs the following procedure:

  1. Locate and copy the ZTITatoo.mof file to the %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem folder. Any preexisting ZTITatoo.mof that exists at the destination will be deleted before starting the copy operation.

  2. Mofcomp.exe will be run using the following command:

    %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Mofcomp.exe -autorecover %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\ZTITatoo.mof.
  3. For all deployment methods (LTI, ZTI, and UDI), these deployment details are written for all deployment methods to the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Deployment 4:

    • Deployment Method is set to the deployment method being used and can be set to LTI, ZTI, or UDI, depending on the deployment method being performed.

    • Deployment Source is set to the source for the deployment and can be set to OEM, MEDIA, or the value in the DeploymentMethod property.

    • Deployment Type is set to the DeploymentType property.

    • Deployment Timestamp is set to the current date in WMI date format.

    • Deployment Toolkit Version is set to the Version property.

  4. For LTI deployments, these deployment details are written to the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Deployment 4:

    • Task Sequence ID is set to the TaskSequenceIDproperty.

    • Task Sequence Name is set to the TaskSequenceName property.

    • Task Sequence Version is set to the TaskSequenceVersion property.

  5. For all Configuration Manager deployments (ZTI and UDI for Configuration Manager), these deployment details are written to the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Deployment 4:

    • OSD Package ID is set to the _SMSTSPackageID task sequence variable.

    • OSD Program Name is always set to "\*".

    • OSD Advertisement ID is set to the _SMSTSAdvertID task sequence variable.

  6. For LTI deployments where an image is being captured, these deployment details are written to the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Deployment 4:

    • Capture Method is set to the deployment method being used and can be set to LTI, ZTI, or UDI, depending on the deployment method being performed.

    • Capture Timestamp is set to the current date in WMI date format.

    • Capture Toolkit Version is set to the Version property.

    • Capture Task Sequence ID is set to the TaskSequenceIDproperty.

    • Capture Task Sequence Name is set to the TaskSequenceName property.

    • Capture Task Sequence Version is set to the TaskSequenceVersion property.

  7. For all Configuration Manager deployments (ZTI and UDI for Configuration Manager) in which an image is being captured, these deployment details are written to the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Deployment 4:

    • Capture OSD Package ID is set to the _SMSTSPackageID task sequence variable.

    • Capture OSD Program Name is always set to "*****".

    • Capture OSD Advertisement ID is set to the _SMSTSAdvertIDtask sequence variable.


    This script is not designed to run on Windows PE.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTITatoo.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - Mofcomp.exe. Command-line .mof file compiler

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTITatoo.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
_SMSTSAdvertID -
_SMSTSPackageID -
_SMSTSSiteCode -
DeploymentMethod -
DeploymentType -
Version -
TaskSequenceID -
TaskSequenceName -
TaskSequenceVersion -


This script initializes USMT to capture and restore user state on the target computer.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIUserState.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - CMD.exe. Allows running of command-line tools

- Loadstate.exe. Deposits user state data on a target computer

- Msiexec.exe. Manages the installation of .msi-based applications

- Scanstate.exe. Collects user data and settings

- USMT Application Files

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIUserState.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)
/Capture -
/Estimate -
/Restore -


Name Read Write
Architecture -
DeploymentMethod -
DeploymentType -
DestinationLogicalDrive -
ImageBuild -
ImageSize -
ImageSizeMultiplier -
InstallFromPath -
IsServerOS -
LoadStateArgs -
OSCurrentVersion -
OSDMigrateAdditionalCaptureOptions - -
OSDMigrateAdditionalRestoreOptions - -
OSDPackagePath -
OSDStateStorePath -
OSVersion -
ScanStateArgs -
StatePath - -
UDDir -
UDProfiles -
UDShare -
UserDataLocation - -
USMTConfigFile -
USMTEstimate - -
USMTLocal -
USMTMigFiles -


This script contains utility functions that most of the MDT scripts use.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output None
References - Credentials_ENU.xml. Prompts the user for credentials that will be used when connecting to network resources

- IPConfig.exe. Displays all current TCP/IP network configuration values and refreshes DHCP and DNS settings

- MSHTA.exe. HTML application host

- Regsvr32.exe. Registers files (.dll, .exe, .ocx, and so on) with the operating system

- Xcopy.exe. Copies files and directories, including subdirectories
Location - distribution\Scripts

- program_files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Scripts
Use <script language="VBScript" src="ZTIUtility.vbs"/>


Value Description
None None


Name Read Write
_SMSTSAdvertID -
_SMSTSCurrentActionName -
_SMSTSCustomProgressDialogMessage -
_SMSTSInstructionTableSize -
_SMSTSLogPath -
_SMSTSMachineName -
_SMSTSNextInstructionPointer -
_SMSTSOrgName -
_SMSTSPackageID -
_SMSTSPackageName -
_SMSTSPackagePath -
_SMSTSReserved1 -
_SMSTSReserved2 -
Architecture -
AssetTag -
ComputerName -
Debug - -
DeploymentMethod -
DeployRoot -
DestinationDisk - -
DestinationLogicalDrive - -
DestinationPartition - -
EventShare -
HostName -
ImageBuild - -
ImageFlags -
ImageIndex -
ImageLanguage -
ImageProcessor -
ImageSize -
InstallFromPath -
JoinDomain -
LogPath - -
MacAddress -
OSCurrentVersion -
OSDAdvertID -
OSDAnswerFilePath - -
OSDAnswerFilePathSysprep - -
OSDComputerName - -
OSDPackageID -
OSDPackagePath -
OSDTargetSystemDrive -
OSVersion -
Phase -
Processor_Architecture -
ResourceRoot -
SLShare -
SLShareDynamicLogging -
TaskSequenceID -
TaskSequenceName -
TaskSequenceVersion -
UDDir -
UDShare -
UserDomain - -
UserID - -
UserPassword - -

Note: This variable is an internal variable that represents the version of MDT.
- -
WDSServer -


This script ensures that it is safe for the deployment to continue by validating the condition of the target computer. The script processes are:

  • If DeploymentType equals REFRESH and the target computer is a server, the script exits.

  • If OSInstall exists and is not equal to YES, the script exits.

  • Verify that the minimum amount of RAM exists on the target computer; if not, the script exits.

  • Verify that the processor meets the minimum required speed; if not, the script exits.

  • Verify that the hard disk size meets the minimum size requirements; if not, the script exits.

  • Verify that the target computer's operating system is installed on drive C; if not, the script exits.

  • If DeploymentType = REFRESH, verify that drive C is not compressed by running Compact /u C:\.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIValidate.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - Compact.exe. Displays or alters the compression of files on NTFS file system partitions

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIValidate.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
DeploymentType -
DestinationLogicalDrive - -
ImageBuild -
ImageMemory -
ImageProcessorSpeed -
ImageSize -
ImageSizeMultiplier -
IsServerOS -
Memory -
OSDPackagePath -
OSInstall -
ProcessorSpeed -
SMSTSLocalDataDrive -
VerifyOS -


This script is used to create a virtual hard disk (.vhd or .avhd) file on the target computer and mount the .vhd file as a disk. Then, other portions of the LTI deployment process deploy the Windows operating system and applications to the newly created virtual hard disk. The script processes are as follows:

  • The Class_Initialize method is used to initialize the VHDInputVariable variable.

  • Validate that VHDCreateSource is defined and locates the source .vhd file (if specified).

  • Generate a random .vhd file name if VHDCreateFilename equals RANDOM or "" (null).

  • Verify that the folder exists where the .vhd file (specified in VHDCreateFileName) is to be created.

  • Create the .vhd file using the values in VHDCreateSizePercent, VHDCreateSizeMax, and VHDCreateType.

  • Create a differencing disk (if specified) using the value in VHDCreateDiffVHD.

  • The newly created .vhd file and the optional differencing disk are mounted.

  • The disk number of the mounted virtual hard disk is returned.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIVHDCreate.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - ZTIDiskUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines the script uses

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIVHDCreate.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
VHDCreateDiffVHD -
VHDCreateFileName -
VHDCreateSizeMax -
VHDCreateSource -
VHDCreateType -
VHDDisks -
VHDInputVariable -
VHDOutputVariable -


This script downloads and installs updates from computers on a corporate network that are running WSUS, Windows Update, or Microsoft Update using the Windows Update Agent (WUA) application programming interface (API). By default, this feature is disabled in each task sequence and must be manually activated to run.

Most enterprises will already have teams and infrastructures in place to update newly deployed computers over the corporate network. This process involves tracking the latest set of patches, drivers, and updates available for each desktop configuration and determining which updates should be downloaded and installed for each configuration. If the organization already has an established process, this script might not be necessary. This script was designed to fill a need for deployment teams that might not have established processes, yet want to ensure that target computers are updated when deployed.

This script automatically scans the target computer and downloads a wide range of updates that are found to be applicable. Among these are:

  • Windows service packs

  • Non-Microsoft drivers that were placed on Windows Update

  • The latest hotfix updates

  • Microsoft Office updates

  • Microsoft Exchange Server and SQL Server updates

  • Microsoft Visual Studio® updates

  • Some non-Microsoft application updates


Many hardware manufacturers have placed their drivers on Windows Update. These drivers no longer need to be maintained in the Out-of-Box Drivers directory. Experiment by removing drivers from the distribution share to see which ones are available on Windows Update. Note that if the drivers are not included with Windows by default, do not remove networking or storage drivers, because the operating system will require user input.

MDT supports the ability to deploy an updated version of WUA as part of the operating system deployment. This helps ensure that target computers are running the correct version of WUA when they are deployed. It also helps eliminate the need to connect to the Internet and download the latest version of WUA after deployment.

MDT can also configure WUA to collect updates from computers on the corporate network that are running WSUS instead of connecting to Microsoft Updates over the Internet. MDT can optionally configure WUA to use a specific computer running WSUS using the WSUSServer property.

For additional information and for WUA deployment instructions, see How to Install the Windows Update Agent on Client Computers.

Obtain the latest version of the WUA stand-alone installer for:

  • x86 versions (WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe) at

  • x64 version (WindowsUpdateAgent30-x64.exe) at

    Windows 7 and later include the most recent version of WUA, so no upgrade is necessary.

    For more information, see Updating Windows Update Agent.

    When enabled in the Task Sequencer, this script runs multiple times while in the State Restore Phase of operating system deployment. It is first run after the operating system has started for the first time. Ensure that the latest updates and service packs are installed before the installation of any applications that might depend on specific updates or service packs being installed on the target computer. For example, an application might be dependent on the latest version of the Microsoft .NET Framework being installed.

    This script also runs after the installation of applications, which ensures that the latest application service packs and updates have been applied. For example, use this script to ensure that the latest updates are applied to Microsoft Office 2010 or the 2007 Office system.

    It is possible, during the installation of one or more updates, the target computer will need to be restarted to allow an update installation to finish fully. To ensure that updates are properly installed, if the script detects that the installation of an update requires the target computer to be restarted, the script automatically restarts the target computer and resumes if additional updates have been detected and are pending installation. The script exits if it determines that the target computer is fully up to date. An error will be logged if, while updating the target computer, the script has seven unsuccessful attempts to install the updates and the target computer still requires a restart.

    During run time, the script performs the following tasks:

  • Configure the target computer to use a WSUS server, if the WSUSServer property was specified.

  • Verify that the latest version of the WUA is installed on the target computer.

  • Search the target computer for applicable updates that are not already installed and that might be typically hidden.

  • Each update has an associated UpdateID and QNumber property:

    • The UpdateID property is in GUID form, such as 67da2176-5c57-4614-a514-33abbdd51f67.

    • The QNumber property is a numerical value, such as 987654.

  • The script compares the UpdateID and KBArticle property values against the list of exclusions specified in the following MDT properties:

    • WUMU_ExcludeID. A list of UpdateIDs to exclude; any update with an UpdateID found in this list will not be installed.

    • WUMU_ExcludeKB. A list of QNumbers to exclude; any update with a QNumber found in this list will not be installed.

    • In addition, any update that requires user input will be excluded and not installed.

  • All updates that require approval of an End User License Agreement (EULA) will automatically be approved by the script. Be sure to manually read and check each EULA before running this script in a production environment.

  • The activity for each update is written to the ZTIWindowsUpdate.log file, with the string INSTALL or SKIP if the update has been approved for installation, along with the UpdateID, a short description of the update, and the QNumber.

  • Each update to be installed is downloaded and installed in batches.

  • The target computer might require more than one restart during the update installation.


Windows Internet Explorer 7 requires user interaction, so it is not installed using this script.


By default, include QNumber 925471 in the WUMU_ExcludeKB list to prevent Windows Vista Ultimate from installing extra language packs.

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIWindowsUpdate.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - Expand.exe. Expands compressed files

- Net.exe. Performs network management tasks

- WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe. Installs WUA

- WindowsUpdateAgent30-x64.exe. Installs WUA

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIWindowsUpdate.wsf </debug:value> </UpdateCommand:"<IsInstalled=0&#124;1> <IsHidden=0&#124;1>"> </Query:true&#124;false>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)
/UpdateCommand:param - IsInstalled. Set to 0 to query for updates that are not installed.

- IsHidden. Set to 0 to query for updates that are hidden.
/Query:value - True. Query only for required updates. Do not download and install any binaries.

- False. Query for and install required updates. Download and install binaries.


When specified, UpdateCommand requires at least one option.


If specifying both options for UpdateCommand, they must be separated by and.


The default value for UpdateCommand is IsInstalled=0 and IsHidden=0.


For more information about UpdateCommand, see IUpdateSearcher::Search Method.


Name Read Write
Architecture -
DoCapture -
InstalledUpdates -
MSIT_WU_Count - -
NoAutoUpdate_Previous - -
SMSTSRebootRequested - -
SMSTSRetryRequested - -
WSUSServer -
WUMU_ExcludeID -
WUMU_ExcludeKB -


This script formats the target computer's hard disk. The script:

  • Exits if WipeDisk is not equal to TRUE

  • Determines the appropriate drive to format

  • Formats the drive by calling cmd /c format <Drive> /fs:ntfs /p:3 /Y (where <Drive> is the drive letter of the hard disk drive to be formatted)

Value Description
Input Environment variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information that the scripts require to complete the deployment process
Output - ZTIWipeDisk.log. Log file that contains events that this script generates

- BDD.log. Log file that contains events that all MDT scripts generate
References - CMD.exe. Allows running of command-line tools

- Formats the hard disk

- ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines that the script uses
Location distribution\Scripts
Use cscript ZTIWipeDisk.wsf </debug:value>


Value Description
/debug:value Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:

- TRUE, event messages are sent to the console and the .log files

- FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (This is the behavior when the argument is not provided.)


Name Read Write
WipeDisk -