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Microsoft Mesh toolkit Sample: Toybox

A long distance view of the Toybox scene in a Mesh event.

Toybox is a Mesh sample that empowers creators to build interactive Mesh experiences and games. The sample provides a number of activities that use mixtures of assets, shaders, visual scripting, animations, VFX, and SoundFX to drive social engagement across Mesh experiences.

If this is your first time using one of our samples, we recommend that you review our Samples overview if you haven't already.

The Toybox Package

The Toybox package is named and can be found in File Explorer in the Packages folder.

A screen shot of the Toybox package in File Explorer.

Here's how it looks in the Unity project.

A screen shot of the Toybox package in the Unity project.

Understanding the scene Interactables

In order to understand the interactions between objects in the scene, we recommend that you review the Grab, hold and throw with Interactables article and then take a look at the objects in the Toybox sample that are made interactable by containing the Mesh Interactable Setup or Mesh Interactable Body components. Examining the visual scripts attached to certain objects will give you further insights. The scripts contain a mixture of standard Unity nodes and nodes that are specially made for Mesh. To learn more about the Mesh nodes, see the Visual Scripting Node Reference. There are a lot of GameObjects in the Toybox sample; the lists and tables below should make it easier for you to find the interactable objects and the Mesh nodes in the scripts.

Toybox Activities

The image below can help you find the different activities in the scene. To see a larger version, click the image.

  1. Bean Bag Toss
  2. Fire Pit and Roasting Marshmallows
  3. Ice Breaker
  4. Sphere Sculpture
  5. Solar System
  6. Radio
  7. Boombox

Long distance view of the Toybox scene with features numbered.

  • Bean Bag Toss

    GIF that shows an event attendee playing the bean bag toss game.

    This is a fun activity that can add a gaming element to your project and promote social interaction and team-building through some friendly competition. The bean bags are interactables and rigidbodies that have visual scripts with several object variables attached. One set of targets has animations attached that cause the holes to rotate (object name: Rotation). When a bag "scores" by falling in a hole, a particle system component generates a "winning" visual cue (object name: vfx_beanbag_score_001).

  • Fire Pit & Roasting Marshmallows

    GIF that shows an event attendee roasting a marshmallow.

    Attendees can grab a marshmallow on a stick and join their friends for a marshmallow roast. A stick (object name: MarshmallowStick) can be grabbed and held because it has a Mesh Interactable Setup component with its Object Type set to Equippable. It also has a script graph attached that triggers an animation clip named Roast. If you want more insight into the marshmallow burning effect, have a look at the S_VFX_BurntShader shader graph attached to the Marshmallow_03_burnt object. The fire is provided by particle systems attached to the Main_Flame object and its child objects. The sticks can be returned to their original places in the stickholder thanks to the ResetButton script attached to the Reset_Button_Marshmallow_Varient object.

  • Ice Breaker

    A screen shot of a Mesh attendee touching an ice breaker sphere and generating a question.

    When attendees have had their fill of roasted marshmallows, they can visit the Ice Breaker located close by. This activity is a great way for people to learn more about each other. Attendees can gather around a sphere that, when clicked, asks about a favorite TV show, memorable concert performance, advice they've gotten, or any number of other things related to their opinions, interests or experiences. The sphere is an Interactable with a script named IceBreaker attached. It also has an object variable of type List of String that contains the potential questions.

  • Sphere Sculpture

    A screen shot of a Mesh attendee touching a sphere sculpture generating a sound.

    This "sculpture" consists of over a dozen spheres of various sizes floating in space. The spheres are Interactables (object name: InteractableSphere). When an attendee touches a sphere, a bell-like tone is generated. To see how this works, take a look at the SpheresSculptureSphere_Simple script attached to InteracatableSphere.

  • Solar System

    A screen shot of a Mesh attendee at the Solar System activity grabbing the astronaut.

    This is a mini-version of our solar system, with Earth, Mars and Jupiter models floating in orbit around the Sun (object names: Planet_Earth, Planet_Mars, Planet_Jupiter). There's also an astronaut model (object name: Astronaut Rig). An attendee can reach out and grab the models from a distance because they each have Mesh Interactable Setup components set to type Manipulable. The astronaut model has joints and a rig; when it's grabbed and moved, its arms and legs flail about. The models can't be moved out of the room due to the presence of a Containment Field object.

  • Radio

    A screen shot of a Mesh attendee pressing the button on the Radio to control the sound.

    Just a simple radio to provide some jazzy background music for the Environment. The radio (object name: Radio_Pressable_Prefab) has a script attached (PressableRadio) that generates the audio. The music notes floating up from the radio are generated by the Particle System object (child object of Radio_V2).

  • Boombox

    A screen shot of a Mesh attendee pressing the button on the Boombox to control the sound.

    This is similar in operation to the Radio, with a slightly different music style. The script for playing the sound (PlayButton_Script) is attached to the toybox_play_button_3_varient object. The script has a subgraph (BoomboxState) that contains the nodes for the audio.

Add the Toybox package to an existing project

There are a couple of ways to add the Toybox package to your project.

  1. Copy and paste the folder located in the Packages folder into your project's Packages folder.
  2. Reference the Toybox package from GitHub.


To reference the Toybox package from GitHub you must have Git installed on your computer.

To import Toybox into your Unity project using GitHub:

  1. In your project, on the menu bar, select Window > Package Manager.

  2. In the Package Manager, click the '+' drop-down and then select "Add package from git URL..."

    A screen shot of Add package from Github menu option.

  3. Paste into the text field and then click Add.

    A screen shot of the toybox URL pasted into the Github text box.

Toybox will now be installed in your Unity project as a package in the project's Packages folder with the name Microsoft Mesh Toolkit Toybox.


We recommend that you use a specific release of the Toybox package to ensure your project is locked to a release.

You can reference a specific release version, branch, or Git commit hash by altering the URL in step 3 as demonstrated below:

Syntax URL example
Specific version
Specific branch
Git commit hash

Objects with the Mesh Interactable Setup component

  • beanbag_red
  • beanbag_blue
  • toybox_beanbag_reset_button_variant
  • InteractableSphere
  • Planet_Mars
  • Planet_Earth
  • Planet_Jupiter
  • Reset_Button_Marshmallow_Varient
  • MarshmallowStick
  • Button
  • toybox_play_button_01_varient
  • Planet_Mars
  • Planet_Earth
  • Planet_Jupiter
  • Planet_astronaut_hip
  • Button (child object of ButtonHolder)
  • toybox_play_button_01_varient

Objects with the Mesh Interactable Body component

  • beanbag_red
  • beanbag_blue
  • toybox_beanbag_reset_button_variant
  • Reset_Button_Marshmallow_Varient
  • Button (child object of ButtonHolder)
  • toybox_play_button_01_varient

Objects with the Mesh Physics Components

GameObject Component
Gravity Orbital Gravity Field
ContainmentField Containment Field
Astronaut_containment Containment Field
Buoyancy Buoyancy Field
BeanBags, Marshmallow Holder, Marshmallow_Pos Reset Body Transform
Marshmallow_Pos Reset Body Transforms

Mesh nodes used in script graphs

Microsoft Mesh: On State Changed

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Campfire Reset_Button_Marshmallow_Varient ResetButton ResetButton
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph
Sphere Sculpture InteractableSphere SpheresSculptureSphere SpheresSculptureSphere_Simple
IceBreaker IceBreaker IceBreaker IceBreaker
Music Box Radio_Pressable_Prefab Pressable Radio PressableRadio
Music Box toybox_play_button_01_varient PlayButton Script PlayButton_Script

Mesh Interactable Body: Is Equipped

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph

Mesh Interactable Body: Is Aiming

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph

Mesh Interactable Body: Is Selected

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Campfire Reset_Button_Marshmallow_Varient ResetButton ResetButton
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph
Sphere Sculpture InteractableSphere SpheresSculptureSphere SpheresSculptureSphere_Simple

Mesh Interactable Body: Is Selected Locally

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
IceBreaker IceBreaker IceBreaker IceBreaker
Music Box Radio_Pressable_Prefab Pressable Radio PressableRadio
Music Box toybox_play_button_01_varient PlayButton Script PlayButton_Script

Mesh Interactable Body: IsHovered

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Sphere Sculpture InteractableSphere SpheresSculptureSphere SpheresSculptureSphere_Simple
IceBreaker IceBreaker IceBreaker IceBreaker

Reset Body Transforms: Reset Body Transforms Now

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Campfire Reset_Button_Marshmallow_Varient ResetButton ResetButton

Spatial Audio Properties: Create

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph
Sphere Sculpture InteractableSphere SpheresSculptureSphere SpheresSculptureSphere_Simple

Microsoft Mesh: Play Mesh Audio

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph
Sphere Sculpture InteractableSphere SpheresSculptureSphere SpheresSculptureSphere_Simple

Microsoft Mesh: Random Sound

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph

Warning about sample load time

The sample could take 15 minutes or slightly longer to load into Unity due to large asset sizes. If you need to, change your Sleep mode setting so that the computer doesn't go to sleep while the project is loading. If this happens, it could cause the project to not load properly.


We are not currently accepting code contributions to our samples. If you have any feedback or if you run into any issues with the samples or the Mesh toolkit, do the following: in a Unity project that has the Mesh toolkit package installed, select Mesh Toolkit -> Give feedback to Microsoft and then use the feedback link in the Mesh toolkit to let us know.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.


The Mesh sample in this project is governed by the MIT license as shown in the LICENSE.MD file in the Mesh-Toolkit-Unity repository. However, the samples functionality is dependent on the Mesh toolkit, which is governed by a separate license, and contains 3rd party software.