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Error handling with the application-specific JavaScript APIs

When you build an add-in using the application-specific Office JavaScript APIs, be sure to include error handling logic to account for runtime errors. Doing so is critical, due to the asynchronous nature of the APIs.

Best practices

In our code samples and Script Lab snippets, you'll notice that every call to,, or is accompanied by a catch statement to catch any errors. We recommend that you use the same pattern when you build an add-in using the application-specific APIs.

$("#run").on("click", () => tryCatch(run));

async function run() {
  await (context) => {
      // Add your Excel JavaScript API calls here.

      // Await the completion of context.sync() before continuing.
    await context.sync();

/** Default helper for invoking an action and handling errors. */
async function tryCatch(callback) {
  try {
    await callback();
  } catch (error) {
    // Note: In a production add-in, you'd want to notify the user through your add-in's UI.

API errors

When an Office JavaScript API request doesn't run successfully, the API returns an error object that contains the following properties.

  • code: The code property of an error message contains a string that is part of OfficeExtension.ErrorCodes or {application}.ErrorCodes where {application} represents Excel, PowerPoint, or Word. For example, the error code "InvalidReference" indicates that the reference is not valid for the specified operation. Error codes are not localized.

  • message: The message property of an error message contains a summary of the error in the localized string. The error message isn't intended for consumption by end users; you should use the error code and appropriate business logic to determine the error message that your add-in shows to end users.

  • debugInfo: When present, the debugInfo property of the error message provides additional information that you can use to understand the root cause of the error.


If you use console.log() to print error messages to the console, those messages are only visible on the server. End users don't see those error messages in the add-in task pane or anywhere in the Office application. To report errors to the user, see Error notifications.

Error codes and messages

The following tables list the errors that application-specific APIs may return.


The following tables list error messages you may encounter while using the application-specific APIs. If you're working with the Common API, see Office Common API error codes to learn about relevant error messages.

Error code Error message Notes
AccessDenied You cannot perform the requested operation. None
ActivityLimitReached Activity limit has been reached. None
ApiNotAvailable The requested API is not available. None
ApiNotFound The API you are trying to use could not be found. It may be available in a newer version of the Office application. See Office client application and platform availability for Office Add-ins for more information. None
BadPassword The password you supplied is incorrect. None
Conflict Request could not be processed because of a conflict. None
ContentLengthRequired A Content-length HTTP header is missing. None
GeneralException There was an internal error while processing the request. None
HostRestartNeeded The Office application needs to be restarted. This error is thrown by the Office.ribbon.requestUpdate() method if the add-in that calls the method has been updated since the Office application started.
InsertDeleteConflict The insert or delete operation attempted resulted in a conflict. None
InvalidArgument The argument is invalid or missing or has an incorrect format. None
InvalidBinding This object binding is no longer valid due to previous updates. None
InvalidOperation The operation attempted is invalid on the object. None
InvalidReference This reference is not valid for the current operation. None
InvalidRequest Cannot process the request. None
InvalidRibbonDefinition Office has been given an invalid ribbon definition. This error is thrown if an invalid RibbonUpdateObject is passed to the Office.ribbon.requestUpdate() method.
InvalidSelection The current selection is invalid for this operation. None
ItemAlreadyExists The resource being created already exists. None
ItemNotFound The requested resource doesn't exist. None
MemoryLimitReached The memory limit has been reached. Your action could not be completed. None
NotImplemented The requested feature isn't implemented. This could mean the API is in preview or only supported on a particular platform (such as online-only). See Office client application and platform availability for Office Add-ins for more information.
RequestAborted The request was aborted during run time. None
RequestPayloadSizeLimitExceeded The request payload size has exceeded the limit. See the Resource limits and performance optimization for Office Add-ins article for more information. This error only occurs in Office on the web.
ResponsePayloadSizeLimitExceeded The response payload size has exceeded the limit. See the Resource limits and performance optimization for Office Add-ins article for more information. This error only occurs in Office on the web.
ServiceNotAvailable The service is unavailable. None
Unauthenticated Required authentication information is either missing or invalid. None
UnsupportedFeature The operation failed because the source worksheet contains one or more unsupported features. None
UnsupportedOperation The operation being attempted is not supported. None

Excel-specific error codes and messages

Error code Error message Notes
EmptyChartSeries The attempted operation failed because the chart series is empty. None
FilteredRangeConflict The attempted operation causes a conflict with a filtered range. None
FormulaLengthExceedsLimit The bytecode of the applied formula exceeds the maximum length limit. For Office on 32-bit machines, the bytecode length limit is 16384 characters. On 64-bit machines, the bytecode length limit is 32768 characters. This error occurs in both Excel on the web and on desktop.
GeneralException Various. The data types APIs return GeneralException errors with dynamic error messages. These messages reference the cell that is the source of the error, and the problem that is causing the error, such as: "Cell A1 is missing the required property type."
InactiveWorkbook The operation failed because multiple workbooks are open and the workbook being called by this API has lost focus. None
InvalidOperationInCellEditMode The operation isn't available while Excel is in Edit cell mode. Exit Edit mode by using the Enter or Tab keys, or by selecting another cell, and then try again. None
MergedRangeConflict Cannot complete the operation. A table can't overlap with another table, a PivotTable report, query results, merged cells, or an XML Map. None
NonBlankCellOffSheet Microsoft Excel can't insert new cells because it would push non-empty cells off the end of the worksheet. These non-empty cells might appear empty but have blank values, some formatting, or a formula. Delete enough rows or columns to make room for what you want to insert and then try again. None
OperationCellsExceedLimit The attempted operation affects more than the limit of 33554000 cells. If the TableColumnCollection.add API triggers this error, confirm that there is no unintentional data within the worksheet but outside of the table. In particular, check for data in the right-most columns of the worksheet. Remove the unintended data to resolve this error. One way to verify how many cells that an operation processes is to run the following calculation: (number of table rows) x (16383 - (number of table columns)). The number 16383 is the maximum number of columns that Excel supports.

This error only occurs in Excel on the web.
PivotTableRangeConflict The attempted operation causes a conflict with a PivotTable range. None
RangeExceedsLimit The cell count in the range has exceeded the maximum supported number. See the Resource limits and performance optimization for Office Add-ins article for more information. None
RefreshWorkbookLinksBlocked The operation failed because the user hasn't granted permission to refresh external workbook links. None
UnsupportedSheet This sheet type does not support this operation, since it is a Macro or Chart sheet. None

Word-specific error codes and messages

Error code Error message Notes
SearchDialogIsOpen The search dialog is open. None
SearchStringInvalidOrTooLong The search string is invalid or too long. The search string maximum is 255 characters.

Error notifications

How you report errors to users depends on the UI system you're using.

  • If you're using React as the UI system, use the Fluent UI components and design elements. We recommend that error messages be conveyed with a Dialog component. If the error is in the user's input, configure the Input component to display the error as bold red text.


    The Alert component can also be used to report errors to users, but it's currently in preview and shouldn't be used in a production add-in. For information about its release status, see the Fluent UI React v9 Component Roadmap.

  • If you're not using React for the UI, consider using the older Fabric UI components implemented directly in HTML and JavaScript. Some example templates are in the Office-Add-in-UX-Design-Patterns-Code repository. Take a look especially in the dialog and navigation subfolders. The sample Excel-Add-in-SalesLeads uses a message banner.

See also