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Inspector.SetControlItemProperty method (Outlook)

Binds a built-in property or custom property to a control in an inspector.


expression. SetControlItemProperty( _Control_ , _PropertyName_ )

expression A variable that represents an Inspector object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Control Required Object The control that will be bound to a property.
PropertyName Required String The name of the property that will be bound to the control.


Use this method to bind an explicit built-in property or a custom property to a control. You must reference the property by its string name, for example, Subject, and not by namespace, for example,

The PropertyName parameter is not case-sensitive. For example, SetControlItemProperty interprets an argument, CustomerId, to be the same as CustomerID and binds the specified control to the built-in ContactItem.CustomerID property.

You can also use the following line of code myPage.Controls("bar").ItemProperty = "subject" to bind the subject property to a control. However, note that untrusted code using this will trigger a security warning if the property is protected by the object model security guard such as To, and the client computer is running Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 or later but does not have an appropriately set up antivirus software. Use the SetControlItemProperty method to avoid security warnings with trusted applications.


The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code adds a custom page to an appointment item, adds a custom textbox control, and binds that control to Subject property.

Sub Example() 
 Dim myIns As Outlook.Inspector 
 Dim myAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem 
 Dim ctrl As Object 
 Dim ctrls As Object 
 Dim myPages As Outlook.Pages 
 Dim myPage As Object 
 Set myAppt = Application.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem) 
 Set myIns = myAppt.GetInspector 
 Set myPages = myIns.ModifiedFormPages 
 Set myPage = myPages.Add("New Page") 
 myIns.ShowFormPage ("New Page") 
 Set ctrls = myPage.Controls 
 Set ctrl = ctrls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1") 
 myIns.SetControlItemProperty ctrl, "Subject" 
End Sub

See also

Inspector Object

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