
Del via

Application.FieldConstantToFieldName method (Project)

Returns a custom field name for the specified field constant.


expression. FieldConstantToFieldName( _Field_ )

expression A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Field Required Long The numerical constant for the custom field. Can be one of the PjField constants for local custom fields or another Long value for enterprise custom fields.

Return value



If the Field argument is a local custom field, you can use one of the PjField constants. If Field is an enterprise custom field, it does not match a PjField constant because there can be an unlimited number of enterprise custom fields.


For usability and performance reasons, the number of enterprise custom fields should be limited to a few hundred or less.

You can access project custom fields through the ProjectSummaryTask property.


The following example shows the difference between the FieldNameToFieldConstant method and the FieldConstantToFieldName method:

  1. To use the example, use Project Web App to create an enterprise project text custom field named TestEntProjText.

  2. Restart Project with a Project Server profile, so that it includes the new custom field.

  3. Create a project with some value for the TestEntProjText field, by using the Project Information dialog box.

  4. The TestEnterpriseProjectCF macro uses the FieldNameToFieldConstant method to find the projectField number, for example, 190873618.

  5. The macro shows the number and text value in a message box, by using the GetField method.

  6. The macro gets the field name by using the FieldConstantToFieldName method, sets a new value by using the SetField method, and then shows the field name and new value in another message box.

Sub TestEnterpriseProjectCF() 
    Dim projectField As Long 
    Dim projectFieldName As String 
    Dim message As String 
    projectField = FieldNameToFieldConstant("TestEntProjText", pjProject) 
    ' Show the enterprise project field number and old value. 
    message = "Enterprise project field number: " & projectField & vbCrLf 
    MsgBox message & ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask.GetField(projectField) 
    ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask.SetField FieldID:=projectField, Value:="This is a new value." 
    ' For a demonstration, show the field name from the field number, and verify the new value. 
    projectFieldName = FieldConstantToFieldName(projectField) 
    message = "New value for field: " & projectFieldName & vbCrLf 
    MsgBox message & ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask.GetField(projectField) 
End Sub

The following example shows the difference in names between the pjTaskStart, pjTaskStartText, and similar task fields.


The pjTask*Text fields, such as pjTaskStartText, are new in Project. Those fields are used to get data for dates of both automatically and manually scheduled tasks. For example, the Start column in a Gantt chart contains String data for dates, not Variant data. Use fields such as pjTaskDuration in custom field formulas, but not in column headings.

Columns in task views for Start, Finish, Duration, and so forth, contain String data for both auto-scheduled and manually scheduled tasks. The Duration column can only use String data, so there is no column heading for pjTaskDuration.

Sub TryNewTaskConstants() 
      ' The pj*Text fields return data for the date columns of automatically and manually scheduled tasks. 
    ' For example, FieldConstantToFieldName(pjTaskStartText) returns the column name for Start date strings. 
    Debug.Print "pjTaskStart returns: " & FieldConstantToFieldName(pjTaskStart) 
    Debug.Print "pjTaskStartText returns: " & FieldConstantToFieldName(pjTaskStartText) _ 
        & vbCrLf 
    Debug.Print "pjTaskFinish returns: " & FieldConstantToFieldName(pjTaskFinish) 
    Debug.Print "pjTaskFinishText returns: " & FieldConstantToFieldName(pjTaskFinishText) _ 
        & vbCrLf 
    Debug.Print "pjTaskDuration returns: " & FieldConstantToFieldName(pjTaskDuration) 
    Debug.Print "pjTaskDurationText returns: " & FieldConstantToFieldName(pjTaskDurationText) _ 
        & vbCrLf 
    Debug.Print "pjTaskBaselineStart returns: " & FieldConstantToFieldName(pjTaskBaselineStart) 
    Debug.Print "pjTaskBaselineStartText returns: " & FieldConstantToFieldName(pjTaskBaselineStartText) 
End Sub

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