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LetterContent object (Word)

Represents the elements of a letter created by the Letter Wizard.


Use the GetLetterContent or CreateLetterContent method to return a LetterContent object. The following example retrieves and displays the letter recipient's name from the active document.

Set myLetterContent = ActiveDocument.GetLetterContent 
MsgBox myLetterContent.RecipientName

The following example uses the CreateLetterContent method to create a new LetterContent object, which is then used with the RunLetterWizard method.

Set myLetter = ActiveDocument _ 
 .CreateLetterContent(DateFormat:="July 11, 1996", _ 
 IncludeHeaderFooter:=False, _ 
 PageDesign:="C:\MSOffice\Templates\Letters & " _ 
 & "Faxes\Contemporary", _ 
 LetterStyle:=wdFullBlock, Letterhead:=True, _ 
 LetterheadLocation:=wdLetterTop, _ 
 LetterheadSize:=InchesToPoints(1.5), _ 
 RecipientName:="Dave Edson", _ 
 RecipientAddress:="100 Main St." & vbCr _ 
 & "Bellevue, WA 98004", _ 
 Salutation:="Dear Dave,", _ 
 SalutationType:=wdSalutationInformal, _ 
 RecipientReference:="", MailingInstructions:="", _ 
 AttentionLine:="", _ 
 Subject:="End of year report", CCList:="", ReturnAddress:="", _ 
 SenderName:="", Closing:="Sincerely yours,", _ 
 SenderCompany:="", _ 
 SenderJobTitle:="", SenderInitials:="", EnclosureNumber:=0) 
ActiveDocument.RunLetterWizard _ 
 LetterContent:=myLetter, WizardMode:=True

The CreateLetterContent method creates a LetterContent object; however, there are numerous required arguments. If you want to set only a few properties, use the New keyword to create a new, stand-alone LetterContent object. The following example creates a LetterContent object, sets some of its properties, and then uses the LetterContent object with the RunLetterWizard method to run the Letter Wizard, using the preset values as the default settings.

Set myLetter = New LetterContent 
With myLetter 
 .AttentionLine = "Read this" 
 .EnclosureNumber = 1 
 .Letterhead = True 
 .LetterheadLocation = wdLetterTop 
 .LetterheadSize = InchesToPoints(2) 
End With 
Documents.Add.RunLetterWizard LetterContent:=myLetter, _ 

You can duplicate a LetterContent object by using the Duplicate property. The following example retrieves the letter elements in the active document and makes a duplicate copy. The example assigns the duplicate copy to aLetter and resets the recipient's name and address to empty strings. The RunLetterWizard method is used to run the Letter Wizard, using the values in the revised LetterContent object ( aLetter ) as the default settings.

Set aLetter = ActiveDocument.GetLetterContent.Duplicate 
With aLetter 
 .RecipientName = "" 
 .RecipientAddress = "" 
End With 
Documents.Add.RunLetterWizard LetterContent:=aLetter, _ 

The SetLetterContent method inserts the contents of the specified LetterContent object in a document. The following example retrieves the letter elements from the active document, changes the attention line, and then uses the SetLetterContent method to update the active document to reflect the change.

Set myLetterContent = ActiveDocument.GetLetterContent 
myLetterContent.AttentionLine = "Greetings" 
ActiveDocument.SetLetterContent LetterContent:=myLetterContent

See also

Word Object Model Reference

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