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NotifyEnvironmentVariableSecretChange Action

Notifies dependent components in Dataverse about change made to KeyVault secret that is referenced in an environment variable of type secret. This API is limited to being called within a Power Automate Flow with trigger on Azure Event Grid that listens for KeyVault newSecretVersionCreated event and cannot be called directly in your code.


Parameters allow for data to be passed to the action.

Name Type Nullable Unicode Description
Edm.String False False

The KeyVault identifier in the format /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resourcegroup-name}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{keyvault-name}. If used in Power Automate Flow with trigger on Azure Event Grid, the out parameter @topic from Azure Event Grid can be used for this parameter.

Edm.String False False

The name of the secret that is being changed in the KeyVault. If used in Power Automate Flow with trigger on Azure Event Grid, the out parameter @subject from Azure Event Grid can be used for this parameter.

See also