
Deletes a protection template for Azure Information Protection.


      -TemplateId <Guid>


The Remove-AipServiceTemplate cmdlet deletes a protection template for Azure Information Protection.

You can delete only templates that you have created for your organization. You can set default templates to an archived state but you cannot delete them.

Although you can configure protection templates in the Azure portal, you must use PowerShell to remove these templates.

After a template is deleted, content protected with that template might become inaccessible. Users who are super users can continue to access content that was previously protected with a template that is now deleted. For more information about super users, see Configuring super users for Azure Information Protection and discovery services or data recovery.

This cmdlet requires the template ID, which you can get with the Get-AipServiceTemplate cmdlet.

This cmdlet performs the following operations:

  • Displays the template properties.

  • Warns that all content protected with this template may become inaccessible.

  • Asks to confirm whether to proceed.

  • Calls the service to remove the template with the specified GUID.

For more information about protection templates, including how to configure them in the Azure portal, see Configuring and managing templates for Azure Information Protection.

Using the Azure Information Protection unified labeling client?

The Azure Information Protection unified labeling client uses protection templates indirectly. If you have the unified labeling client, we recommend that you use label-based cmdlets instead of modifying your protection templates directly.

For more information, see Create and publish sensitivity labels in the Microsoft 365 documentation.


Example 1: Delete a template

PS C:\>Remove-AipServiceTemplate -TemplateId 36546649-4944-4462-a409-74373a67b6dd

This command deletes the specified template.



Specifies the GUID of the protection template.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False