Del via


Gets a SQL JobStep object for each step that is present in the target instance of SQL Agent Job.


   [[-Name] <String>]
   [[-Path] <String>]
   [-AccessToken <PSObject>]
   [-HostNameInCertificate <String>]
   [-Encrypt <String>]
   [[-Name] <String>]
   [-InputObject] <Job>
   [-AccessToken <PSObject>]
   [-HostNameInCertificate <String>]
   [-Encrypt <String>]


The Get-SqlAgentJobStep cmdlet gets a SQL JobStep object for each step that is present in the target instance of SQL Agent Job. If you provide the name of the job step, the cmdlet gets only this specific JobStep object.

This cmdlet supports the following modes of operation to return a collection of JobStep objects:

  • Pass the instance of the SQL Agent Job in the input.
  • Specify the Path parameter of the Job instance.
  • Invoke the cmdlet in a valid context.


Example 1: Get all JobStep instances in the job instances

PS C:\> Get-SqlAgent -ServerInstance "MyServerInstance" | Get-SqlAgentJob | Get-SqlAgentJobStep

    Name      ID         OnSuccessAction           OnFailAction              LastRunDate               LastRunDuration 
    ----      --         ---------------           ------------              -----------               --------------- 
    step1     1          QuitWithSuccess           QuitWithFailure           1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM      4.03:23:45      
    step2     2          QuitWithSuccess           QuitWithFailure           1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM      00:33:59        
    step3     3          GoToNextStep              QuitWithSuccess           1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM      00:00:11

This command uses the Get-SqlAgent cmdlet to get the server instance named 'MyServerInstance' then passes the result using the pipeline to the Get-SqlAgentJob cmdlet. The command then passes the result using the pipeline to the Get-SqlAgentJobStep cmdlet to get all JobStep instances.

Example 2: Get a JobStep instance by name

PS C:\> Get-SqlAgent -ServerInstance "MyServerInstance" | Get-SqlAgentJob | Get-SqlAgentJobStep -Name "Step1"

    Name      ID         OnSuccessAction           OnFailAction              LastRunDate               LastRunDuration               
    ----      --         ---------------           ------------              -----------               ---------------               
    step1     1          QuitWithSuccess           QuitWithFailure           1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM      4.03:23:45

This command uses the Get-SqlAgent cmdlet to get the server instance named 'MyServerInstance' then passes the result using the pipeline to the Get-SqlAgentJob cmdlet. The command then passes the result using the pipeline to the Get-SqlAgentJobStep cmdlet to get the JobStep instance named 'Step1'.



The access token used to authenticate to SQL Server, as an alternative to user/password or Windows Authentication.

This can be used, for example, to connect to SQL Azure DB and SQL Azure Managed Instance using a Service Principal or a Managed Identity.

The parameter to use can be either a string representing the token or a PSAccessToken object as returned by running Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl

This parameter is new in v22 of the module.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


The encryption type to use when connecting to SQL Server.

This value maps to the Encrypt property SqlConnectionEncryptOption on the SqlConnection object of the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient driver.

In v22 of the module, the default is Optional (for compatibility with v21). In v23+ of the module, the default value will be 'Mandatory', which may create a breaking change for existing scripts.

This parameter is new in v22 of the module.

Accepted values:Mandatory, Optional, Strict
Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


The host name to be used in validating the SQL Server TLS/SSL certificate. You must pass this parameter if your SQL Server instance is enabled for Force Encryption and you want to connect to an instance using hostname/shortname. If this parameter is omitted then passing the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to -ServerInstance is necessary to connect to a SQL Server instance enabled for Force Encryption.

This parameter is new in v22 of the module.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the job object of the target instance.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the name of the JobStep object that this cmdlet gets.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the path to the job object on which this cmdlet runs the operation. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the cmdlet uses the current working location.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Indicates whether the channel will be encrypted while bypassing walking the certificate chain to validate trust.

In v22 of the module, the default is $true (for compatibility with v21). In v23+ of the module, the default value will be '$false', which may create a breaking change for existing scripts.

This parameter is new in v22 of the module.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False



