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Creates the encrypted value of a column encryption key.


   [-TargetColumnMasterKeySettings] <SqlColumnMasterKeySettings>
   [[-ColumnMasterKeySettings] <SqlColumnMasterKeySettings>]
   [[-EncryptedValue] <String>]
   [-KeyVaultAccessToken <String>]
   [-ManagedHsmAccessToken <String>]


The New-SqlColumnEncryptionKeyEncryptedValue cmdlet creates the encrypted value of a column encryption key. The returned encrypted value is a hexadecimal string.

The cmdlet supports two modes of operation:

  • If no encrypted value is specified, the cmdlet generates a new plaintext symmetric key and encrypts the key with the specified column master key.

  • If an encrypted value is specified, the cmdlet first decrypts the specified encrypted value and then re-encrypts the obtained plaintext key with the specified column master key. The cmdlet communicates with a key store holding the column master key. If the key is stored in Azure, you need to specify a valid authentication token for a key vault or a managed HSM holding the key. Alternatively, you can authenticate to Azure with Add-SqlAzureAuthenticationContext before calling this cmdlet.

Module requirements: version 21+ on PowerShell 5.1; version 22+ on PowerShell 7.x.


Example 1: Generate a key and encrypt it using a certificate

$cmkSettings = New-SqlCertificateStoreColumnMasterKeySettings -CertificateStoreLocation 'CurrentUser' -certificateThumbprint 'f2260f28d909d21c642a3d8e0b45a830e79a1420'
New-SqlColumnEncryptionKeyEncryptedValue -TargetColumnMasterKeySettings $cmkSettings

Example 2: Generate a column encryption key value and encrypt it using a column master key that is a key stored in a key vault in Azure Key Vault.

# Obtain an access token for key vaults.
$keyVaultAccessToken = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl

# Pass the token to the cmdlet. It will use the token to communicate with the key vault containing the column master key to sign the column master key metadata properties.
$cmkSettings = New-SqlAzureKeyVaultColumnMasterKeySettings -KeyUrl '' -AllowEnclaveComputations -KeyVaultAccessToken $keyVaultAccessToken

# Generate a column encryption key value and encrypt it with the column master key. Pass the access token, so that the cmdlet can communicate with Azure Key Vault.
New-SqlColumnEncryptionKeyEncryptedValue -TargetColumnMasterKeySettings $cmkSettings -KeyVaultAccessToken $keyVaultAccessToken

Example 3: Decrypt an existing encrypted key value, which was produced using a column master key that is a certificate. Re-encrypt the key value using a column master key that is a key in Azure Key Vault.

# Connect to Azure account.
Import-Module Az.Accounts -MinimumVersion 2.2.0

# Obtain an access token for key vaults.
$keyVaultAccessToken = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl

# Create a SqlColumnMasterKeySettings object referencing a certificate.
$currentCmkSettings = New-SqlCertificateStoreColumnMasterKeySettings -CertificateStoreLocation 'CurrentUser' -certificateThumbprint 'f2260f28d909d21c642a3d8e0b45a830e79a1420'

# Create a SqlColumnMasterKeySettings object, referencing a column master key in a key vault in Azure Key Vault.
$targetCmkSettings = New-SqlAzureKeyVaultColumnMasterKeySettings -KeyUrl ''

# Decrypt a column encryption key value using the current column master key and re-encrypt it with the new column master key. Pass the access token, so that the cmdlet can communicate with Azure Key Vault. 
New-SqlColumnEncryptionKeyEncryptedValue -TargetColumnMasterKeySettings $targetCmkSettings -ColumnMasterKeySettings $currentCmkSettings -KeyVaultAccessToken $keyVaultAccessToken -EncryptedValue '0x016E000001630075007200720065006E00740075007300650072002F006D0079002F006200330039003900340035006200370031003100330037003700350032006400380061003100310033003900660035006200640036006400380066003700330038006600320033006200360032003000307925663D2C3E275DD272E15E606927DA4326F5735C2C8E84F91B9EFE44F503ED01C130984E83AF4513F8A4A8D0878D42364E958291AE25111A868D25B69FC5143EEC04131DA27D05F3442CB665ACB4BB3F6A7A9F07DBD5D212A772414A2CCA03BEBEB7BF0E22C644C715D739B983872AFB2D390229A0B5311BCA07E3C1D857EE8982320BBBE9382C960B9674E3CC3D618AD623D6A362BEAEF68B1B1BB49660DD643A4375A9285CD9EAA5B13BFE2792DA92025351E7B6067BA07B6178D03041F40F00D84326627094C9D6944DD912497B080058A529D2DA11C8D609604449714420B4E44ECD1EB26DEE18BF712146A51DD99A02E3D4EE692A503CF02F874497010772DE743DDFB2A74801AC9A94C876D1F93554B70CE0ECC437E7FC28BC11A08222977CDA807E256ED536C41700C631878226E513AFE1199A1DB4732F975AA09A1E75B8A19802AE018871A7A0AD5B1E29B942F30490EDABD310A4170B991EBCFDA2AFE43285D5406476204B381D8A33EEB0B967073B4C0127B1C7F0281AB310EE4B9A3C2D3EAB44A1F5D15D4739FFAEF6110ED4808446F6A05DBF4121B2B33A0AF5A457CD38F895B8F7ABDF792E3ADBC3AF55B1442625F88F80127D08DE9E4AC1BB2AAA46843A477135053CEEFA4327D8C999C16D8B49C225F34AD7588A5F9E93FB5532B1F1DC5AFB3CE23DDC8DC12327DD6B5985104D14F4A1BC0F61F0AACD'



Specifies the SqlColumnMasterKeySettings object that this cmdlet uses to find where the column master key is stored.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the existing encrypted value.

If you specify a value for this parameter, the cmdlet will first decrypt this value using the column master key referenced by the ColumnMasterKeySettings parameter and then re-encrypt it using the column master key referenced by the TargetColumnMasterKeySettings parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies an access token for key vaults in Azure Key Vault. Use this parameter if the column master key for encrypting or decrypting a symmetric column encryption key is stored in a key vault in Azure Key Vault.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies an access token for managed HSMs in Azure Key Vault. Use this parameter if the column master key for encrypting or decrypting a symmetric column encryption key is stored in a managed HSM in Azure Key Vault.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the SqlColumnMasterKeySettings object that this cmdlet uses to determine where the column master key, to be used to encrypt the new encrypted value, is stored.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False

