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Authenticating Dynamics NAV Users with Azure Active Directory

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud service that provides identity and access capabilities, such as for applications on Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Microsoft 365, and for applications that install on-premises. If the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance is configured to use the AccessControlService credential type, you can associate the Dynamics NAV user accounts with Azure AD accounts that users use to access the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client, Microsoft 365, and SharePoint.

For example, your users access a website, such as a SharePoint site. From there, they have single sign-on access to Dynamics NAV because you have configured Dynamics NAV for Azure AD.

Azure AD and Dynamics NAV

You can use the Azure AD service to associate your existing Microsoft account with your Dynamics NAV user account and achieve single sign-on between the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client and Microsoft 365. Also, if you use Dynamics NAV in an app for SharePoint, you can use Azure AD to achieve single sign-on between the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client and SharePoint. You can still host the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server componentson-premises. You do not have to deploy Dynamics NAV on Azure to use Azure AD for user authentication.

The following sections describe the tasks involved in setting up Azure AD authentication for authenticating Dynamics NAV users.


  • Azure AD authentication requires the use of service certificates to help secure client connections over a wide area network (WAN). In a production environment, you should obtain a certificate from a certification authority or trusted provider. In a test environment, if you do not have certificate, then you can create your own self-signed certificate. The implementation of certificates involves installion and configuration of the certificates on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server server and client computers.

    For more information, see Using Certificates to Secure a Remote Client Connection.

  • Upcoming releases of some browsers, such as Google Chrome 80 and Microsoft Edge, will include changes to how cookies are handled. To ensure Azure AD authentication works with these browser versions, make sure that the Dynamics NAV platform has been upgraded to a recommended update as described in Preparing Dynamics NAV or Dynamics 365 Business Central for Upcoming Changes to Browser Cookie Policy.

Task 1: Create an Azure AD Tenant

If you have a Microsoft 365 subscription that is based on a domain such as, you are already using Azure AD because the user accounts are based on Azure AD. Then, if you add the email addresses for those user accounts to the user accounts in Dynamics NAV, the users experience seamless integration between your SharePoint site and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.

If you want to sign up for a Microsoft 365 plan, you can use a plan such as Microsoft 365 Enterprise E1 as your test site, or sign up for a trial developer plan. A trial plan includes an administrative account which you will use to access the Azure management portal. For example, if your Microsoft 365 site is, your administrative account can be For more information, see Select a Microsoft 365 plan for business.

Alternatively, you can sign up for an Azure subscription that is not associated with a Microsoft 365 subscription. You can sign up in the Azure portal at Then, you can configure an Azure Active Directory, which creates an Azure AD tenant. For more information, see How to get an Azure Active Directory tenant.

When you create an Azure Active Directory in the Azure portal, you must specify a domain name that identifies your Azure AD tenant, such as or You will use the domain name when you add users to your Azure AD and when you configure the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

When you have created the Azure AD tenant, you must add users. For more information, see Quickstart: Add new users to Azure Active Directory


For security reasons, we recommend that you limit the lifetime of the access token to 10 minutes. To do this, follow the steps in the To set the access token lifetime section below.

To set the access token lifetime

As a reference, see the prerequisites section in the following topic: Configurable token lifetimes in Azure Active Directory. Follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Download the latest Azure AD PowerShell Module Public Preview release.
  2. Run the following command to sign in to your Azure AD admin account Connect-AzureAD -Confirm
  3. Login as the tenant admin.
  4. Run the Get-AzureADPolicy command.
  5. For each Id which is the result of above command, run Remove-AzureADPolicy -Id {Guid}.
  6. Set the token lifetime to 10 minutes by running the following command: New-AzureADPolicy -Definition @('{"TokenLifetimePolicy":{"Version":1, "AccessTokenLifetime":"0.00:10:00"}}') -DisplayName "OrganizationDefaultPolicyScenario" -IsOrganizationDefault $true -Type "TokenLifetimePolicy".

Task 2: Add an Application for Dynamics NAV to the Azure AD Tenant

You must register your Dynamics NAV solution as an application in Azure AD tenant. Then, you can choose to make it available to other Azure AD tenants.

You can register an application by using the Azure portal. For more specific guidelines, see Register your application with your Azure Active Directory tenant. When you add an application to an Azure AD tenant, you must specify the following information.

Setting/option Description
Name The name of your application as it will display to your users, such as Financial App by Solutions.
Type Choose Web application and/or web app.
Sign-on URL (App URL) The URI for signing on to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, such as or for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 and earlier versions,
App ID URI The URI to a domain in your Azure AD tenant. By default, the application is assigned an App ID URI that has the format https://[domain]/[guid], such as You can keep this value or change the [guid] portion to suit, for example,

Important: The App ID URI must be unique within the Azure AD tenant. However, if you want to share your Dynamics NAV solution with other Azure AD tenants, the App ID URI must be unique in Azure AD.

This URI is appended to the WS-Federation Login Endpoint setting in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server configuration and ACSURI setting in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client configuration. Additionally, in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server configuration, it must be specified in the Azure AD App ID URI setting for SOAP and OData web services.
Reply URL Add a reply URL for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client. The reply URL for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client is the same as the Sign-on URL. The reply URL for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client is the URL for opening the client, such as https://dynamicsnavwinclient/.

Your Dynamics NAV solution is now registered in your Azure AD tenant. You will need to provide the App ID URI and Reply URLs when you configure the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance for single sign-on. So, make a note of or copy the values for these settings for later use. You can view the settings in the Azure portal by selecting Settings for the registered application.

Task 2a: (SharePoint app only) Make Dynamics NAV Available to Azure AD Tenants

In the overview page for the application, the URL for Granting Access field contains a URL that you can send to users in other Azure AD tenants. Then, when they choose the link, a page displays where they must agree to trust the application. If they accept, the app is added to their SharePoint site.

Task 3: Configure Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server for Azure AD

You can configure the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance by using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool, modifying the CustomSettings.config file directly, or using the Set-NAVServerConfiguration cmdlet in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration Shell. For more information, see Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

  1. Configure the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances that must support Azure AD to use AccessControlService as the credential type.

    The AccessControlService credential type for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance includes support for Azure AD so that you can achieve single sign-on between Microsoft 365 and Dynamics NAV.

  2. Specify the location of the federation metadata. For example, in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool, on the Azure Active Directory tab, set the WS-Federation Metadata Location field.

    The federation metadata is used to establish a trust relationship between Dynamics NAV and Azure AD.

    Azure AD publishes federation metadata at:<Azure AD TENANT ID>/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml

    For example:
  3. Specify the WS-federation login endpoint.

    The WS-federation login endpoint is the URL of the sign-on page that Dynamics NAV redirects to when users sign on from a client. You must specify a URL in the following format:<AAD TENANT ID>/wsfed?wa=wsignin1.0%26wtrealm=<APP ID URI>%26wreply=<APP REPLY URL>

    For example:

    (For Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 and earlier versions, include /WebClient after /DynamicsNAV.)

    Parameter descriptions:

    <AAD TENANT ID> is the ID of the Azure AD tenant, for example To ensure that Dynamics NAV redirects to the right sign-in page, substitute <AAD TENANT ID> with a value according to the following:

    • If the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance is configured for as a single tenant server instance, the value is typically the domain name for the Azure AD tenant, and the URL is similar to the example above.
    • If the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance is configured for multitenancy, and each Dynamics NAV tenant corresponds to an Azure AD tenant that has a service principal, use {AADTENANTID} as the value. For example,{AADTENANTID}/wsfed?wa=wsignin1.0%26wtrealm=...%26wreply=.... Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server will automatically replace {AADTENANTID} with the correct Azure AD tenant.
    • If the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance is configured as a multitenant instance and the corresponding Dynamics NAV application in Azure AD has external access and configured as a multitenant application, substitute [AAD TENANT ID] with common. Tenant ID parameter that is specified when mounting a tenant replaces the placeholder.

    <APP ID URI> is the ID that was assigned to the Dynamics NAV application when it was registered in Azure AD, for example https://localhost/ or

    <APP REPLY URL> is the reply URL that was assigned to the Dynamics NAV application when it was registered in the Azure AD tenant. This parameter must point to the SignIn.aspx page of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, which in most cases, this is the same as the Sign-On URL for the application. For example:

    Or for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 and earlier versions:

    The wreply parameter is optional. The wreply query parameter tells the Azure AD authentication service where to send the authentication token. If you do not specify the wreply parameter, it will be deducted from the URL in the browser.


    The query string parameter must be URI-encoded. This means, for example, use "%26" instead of "&".

  4. Disable token-signing certificate validation.

    If you are using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool, select the Disable Token-Signing Certificate Validation check box. If you are using the the Set-NAVServerConfiguration cmdlet or modifying the CustomSettings.config file directly, set DisableTokenSigningCertificateValidation to true.

  5. To configure SOAP and OData web services for Azure AD authentication, specify the App ID URI that is registered for Dynamics NAV in the Azure AD.

    In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool, you do this by setting the Azure AD App URI field on the Azure Active Directory tab. The App ID URI is typically the same as the wtrealm parameter value of the WS-Federation Endpoint setting in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server configuration and the ACSUri setting in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client configuration.

Task 4: Configure Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server components for Azure AD

You must configure the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server components to use AccessControlService as the credential type.

For more information see, Configure Authentication of Dynamics NAV Web Client Users.

Task 5: Configure Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client for Azure AD

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client must also be configured to use AccessControlService as the credential type in order to support Azure AD. In addition, the ACSUri setting for Azure AD authentication must be set. The value should be that same as the WS-Federation Login Endpoint setting of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances, except for the <App REPLY URL> parameter. The ACSUri setting has the following format:<AAD TENANT ID>/wsfed?wa=wsignin1.0%26wtrealm=[APP ID URI]%26wreply=[APP REPLY URL]

The <APP REPLY URL> parameter in the URL must be equal to the sign in page for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client, such as https://dynamicsnavwinclient/.

For example:

<add key="ACSUri" value="" />

You configure the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client by modifying the ClientUserSettings.config file. For more information, see Configuring the Dynamics NAV Windows Client.

Task 6: Associate the Azure AD Accounts with the Dynamics NAV User Accounts

Each user in your Azure AD tenant that will access Dynamics NAV must be set up in Dynamics NAV. For example, create the users with Windows authentication or with user name/password authentication, depending on your deployment scenario. But you must also specify an authentication email address on the Microsoft 365 Authentication FastTab in the User Card window. The authentication email address is the email account for that user in your Azure AD tenant. When you combine this with the relevant configuration of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance, users achieve single sign-on when they access Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client from the SharePoint site, for example. For more information, see How to: Create Microsoft Dynamics NAV Users.


The single sign-on means that users are still signed in to Azure AD when they sign out from Dynamics NAV, unless they close all browser windows. However, if a user selected the Keep me signed in field when they signed in, they are still signed in when they close the browser window. To fully sign out from Azure AD, the user must sign out from each application that uses Azure AD, including Dynamics NAV and SharePoint.

We recommend that you provide guidance to your users for signing out of their account when they’re done, so that you can keep your Dynamics NAV deployment more secure.

See Also

Users and Credential Types
How to: Create Microsoft Dynamics NAV Users
How to: Sign Up for a Microsoft Account
How to: Sign Up for a Microsoft Azure Subscription
Configuring Dynamics NAV and the Excel Add-In
Troubleshooting: The SAML2 token is not valid because its validity period has ended