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Supported and Unsupported Frameworks in tvOS

Supported Frameworks

This is a list of the Frameworks provided by Apple for use in your Xamarin.tvOS apps:

  • Accelerate
  • AudioToolbox
  • AudioUnit
  • AVFoundation
  • AVKit
  • CFNetwork
  • CloudKit
  • CoreBluetooth
  • CoreData
  • CoreFoundation
  • CoreGraphics
  • CoreImage
  • CoreLocation
  • CoreMedia
  • CoreSpotlight
  • CoreText
  • CoreVideo
  • Darwin
  • Foundation
  • GameController
  • GameKit
  • GamePlay
  • GLKit
  • ImageIO
  • MachO
  • MediaAccessibility
  • MediaPlayer
  • MediaToolbox
  • Metal
  • MetalKit
  • MetalPerformanceShaders
  • MobileCoreServices
  • ModelIO
  • OpenGES
  • SceneKit
  • Security
  • simd
  • SpriteKit
  • StoreKit
  • SystemConfiguration
  • TVMLKit (Added)
  • TVServices (Added)
  • UIKit

Unsupported Frameworks

The following is a list of frameworks that are supported by iOS 9 but have been removed from tvOS 9 support by Apple and therefore, cannot be used in your Xamarin.tvOS apps:

  • Accounts
  • AddressBook
  • AddressBookUI
  • AssetsLibrary
  • Contacts
  • ContactsUI
  • CoreAudioKit
  • CoreMIDI
  • CoreMotion
  • CoreTelephony
  • EventKit
  • EventKitUI
  • ExternalAccessory
  • GSS
  • HealthKit
  • HomeKit
  • iAd
  • LocalAuthentication
  • MapKit
  • MessageUI
  • MultipeerConnectivity
  • NetworkExtension
  • NewsstandKit
  • NotificationCenter
  • PassKit
  • Photos
  • PhotosUI
  • PushKit
  • QuickLook
  • ReplayKit
  • SafariServices
  • Social
  • Twitter
  • VideoToolbox
  • WatchConnectivity
  • WatchKit
  • WebKit