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Table-Valued Parameter Descriptor Fields

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW)

Support for table-valued parameters includes new SQL Server-specific fields in ODBC application parameter descriptors (APDs) and implementation parameter descriptors (IPDs).


Name Location Type Description
SQL_CA_SS_TYPE_NAME IPD SQLTCHAR* The server type name of the table-valued parameter.

When a table-valued parameter type name is specified on a call to SQLBindParameter, it must always be specified as a Unicode value, even in applications that are built as ANSI applications. The value used for the parameter StrLen_or_IndPtr should be either SQL_NTS or the string length of the name multiplied by sizeof(WCHAR).

When a table-valued parameter type name is specified via SQLSetDescField, it can be specified by using a literal that conforms to the way the application is built. The ODBC Driver Manager will perform any required Unicode conversion.
SQL_CA_SS_TYPE_CATALOG_NAME (read only) IPD SQLTCHAR* The catalog where the type is defined.
SQL_CA_SS_TYPE_SCHEMA_NAME IPD SQLTCHAR* The schema where the type is defined.

Applications must not set SQL_CA_SS_TYPE_CATALOG_NAME for table-valued parameters. Doing so will return a SQL_ERROR and log a diagnostic record with SQLSTATE = HY091 and the message "Invalid descriptor field identifier".

The following statement attributes and descriptor header fields apply to table-valued parameters when the parameter focus is set to a table-valued parameter:

Name Location Type Description

(This is equivalent to SQL_DESC_ARRAY_SIZE in the APD.)
APD SQLUINTEGER The array size of the buffer arrays for a table-valued parameter. This is the maximum number of rows the buffers will accommodate or the size of the buffers in rows; the table-valued parameter value itself might have more or fewer rows than the buffers can hold. Default is 1.

Note: If SQL_SOPT_SS_PARAM_FOCUS is set to its default value of 0, SQL_ATTR_PARAMSET_SIZE refers to the statement and specifies the number of parameter sets. If SQL_SOPT_SS_PARAM_FOCUS is set to the ordinal of a table-valued parameter, it refers to the table-valued parameter and specifies the number of rows per parameter set for the table-valued parameter.

To select row-wise binding, this field is set to the length of the structure or an instance of a buffer that will be bound to a set of table-valued parameter rows. This length must include space for all of the bound columns and any padding of the structure or buffer. This ensures that when the address of a bound column is incremented with the specified length, the result will point to the beginning of the same column in the next row. When using the sizeof operator in ANSI C, this behavior is guaranteed.

If this field is non-null, the driver dereferences the pointer, adds the dereferenced value to each of the deferred fields in the descriptor record (SQL_DESC_DATA_PTR, SQL_DESC_INDICATOR_PTR, and SQL_DESC_OCTET_LENGTH_PTR), and uses the new pointer values to access data values.

These fields are only valid with table-valued parameters, and are ignored for other data types.

SQL_CA_SS_TYPE_NAME is optional for stored procedure calls. It must be specified for SQL statements that are not procedure calls to enable the server to determine the type of the table-valued parameter.

If the type name is reqired and the table type for the table-valued parameter is defined in a different schema than the stored procedure, SQL_CA_SS_TYPE_SCHEMA_NAME must be specified in the implementation parameter descriptor (IPD). If not, the server will not be able to determine the type of the table-valued parameter. This will result in an error when you call SQLExecute or SQLExecDirect. The error will have SQLSTATE= 07006 and the message "Restricted data type attribute violation".

Table-valued parameter columns can use either row-wise or column-wise binding. The default is column-wise binding. Row-wise binding can be specified by setting SQL_ATTR_PARAM_BIND_TYPE and SQL_ATTR_ PARAM_BIND_OFFSET_PTR. This is analogous to row-wise binding of columns and parameters.

SQL_CA_SS_TYPE_CATALOG_NAME and SQL_CA_SS_TYPE_SCHEMA_NAME can also be used to retrieve the catalog and schema associated with CLR user-defined type parameters. These are alternatives to the existing type specific catalog schema attributes for these types.

See Also

Table-Valued Parameters (ODBC)