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sys.server_resource_stats (Azure SQL Managed Instance)

Azure SQL Managed Instance

Returns CPU usage, IO, and storage data for Azure SQL Managed Instance. The data is collected, aggregated and updated within 5 to 10 minutes intervals. There is one row for every 15 seconds reporting. The data returned includes CPU usage, storage size, IO utilization, and SKU. Historical data is retained for approximately 14 days.

The sys.server_resource_stats view has different definitions depending on the version of the Azure SQL Managed Instance that the database is associated with. Consider these differences and any modifications your application requires when upgrading to a new server version.


This dynamic management view applies to Azure SQL Managed Instance only. For an equivalent view for Azure SQL Database, use sys.resource_stats.

The following table describes the columns available:

Columns Data Type Description
start_time datetime2 UTC time indicating the start of the fifteen-second reporting interval
end_time datetime UTC time indicating the end of the fifteen-second reporting interval
resource_type Nvarchar(128) Type of the resource for which metrics are provided
resource_name nvarchar(128) Name of the resource.
sku nvarchar(128) Managed Instance Service Tier of the Instance. The following are the possible values:
  • General Purpose
  • Business Critical
hardware_generation nvarchar(128) Hardware generation identifier: such as Gen 4 or Gen 5
virtual_core_count int Represents number of virtual cores per instance
avg_cpu_percent decimal(5,2) Average compute utilization in percentage of the limit of the Managed Instance service tier utilized by the instance. It is calculated as sum of CPU time of all resource pools for all databases in the instance and divided by available CPU time for that tier in the given interval.
reserved_storage_mb bigint Reserved storage per instance (amount of storage space that customer purchased for the managed instance)
storage_space_used_mb decimal(18,2) Storage used by all database files in a managed instance (including both user and system databases)
io_request bigint Total number of i/o physical operations within the interval
io_bytes_read bigint Number of physical bytes read within the interval
io_bytes_written bigint Number of physical bytes written within the interval


For more context about these limits and service tiers, see the topics Managed Instance service tiers.


Querying a dynamic management view requires VIEW SERVER STATE permissions.


The data returned by sys.server_resource_stats are expressed as the total used in either bytes or megabytes (stated in column names) other than avg_cpu, which is expressed as a percentage of the maximum allowed limits for the service tier/performance level that you are running.


For more information on troubleshooting CPU utilization using dynamic management views, see Identify CPU performance issues in Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance performance with DMVs.


The following example returns the average CPU usage over the last seven days.

DECLARE @s datetime;  
DECLARE @e datetime;  
SET @s= DateAdd(d,-7,GetUTCDate());  
SELECT AVG(avg_cpu_percent) AS Average_Compute_Utilization   
FROM sys.server_resource_stats   
WHERE start_time BETWEEN @s AND @e;

See also

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