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Server properties (Execution page)

Use this page to set a timeout value for report execution. This value applies to all reports that the current report server instance processes. You can override this value for individual reports. The value you specify must accommodate all report processing that occurs on the report server. It must also accommodate query processing performed on the database server when the report server retrieves data that is used in the report.

To open this page, start SQL Server Management Studio, connect to a report server instance, right-click the report server name, and select Properties. Select Execution to open this page.


Do not timeout report execution
Allow a report server unlimited time to complete report processing.

Limit report execution to the following number of seconds
Set a time constraint on report execution. The time period starts when the report is requested. If the time period ends before the report is fully processed, the report server cancels the process and any in-process queries to external data sources.