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Project Settings (Migration) (DB2ToSQL)

The Migration page of the Project Settings dialog box contains settings that customize how SSMA migrates data from DB2 to SQL Server.

The Migration pane is available in both the Project Settings and Default Project Settings dialog boxes.

  • To specify settings for all SSMA projects, on the Tools menu, select Default Project Settings, select migration project type for which settings are required to be viewed or changed from Migration Target Version drop down click General at the bottom of the left pane, and then click Migration.

  • To specify settings for the current project, on the Tools menu, select Project Settings, click General at the bottom of the left pane, and then click Migration.

Migration Engine

Term Definition
Migration Engine Specifies database engine used during Data Migration. Client side data migration refers to SSMA client retrieving the data from the source and bulk inserting that data into SQL Server. Server side data migration refers to SSMA data migration engine (bulk copy program) running on the SQL Server box as a SQL Agent job retrieving data from the source and inserting directly into SQL Server thus avoiding an extra client-hop (better performance).

Default Mode: Client Side Data Migration Engine

Optimistic Mode: Client Side Data Migration Engine

Full Mode: Client Side Data Migration Engine


When the Migration Engine option is set to Server Side Data Migration Engine, a new Project setting option Use 32-Bit Server Side Data Migration Engine is displayed. It specifies whether 32 bit or 64 bit Bulk Copy Program (BCP) utility is used to migrate data.

Miscellaneous Options

Term Definition
Batch Size Specifies the batch size used during data migration.

Default Mode: 10000

Optimistic Mode: 10000

Full Mode: 10000
Check constraints Specifies whether SSMA should check constraints when it inserts data into SQL Server tables.

Default Mode: False

Optimistic Mode: False

Full Mode: False
Data Migration Timeout Specifies the timeout used during data migration

Default Mode: 15

Optimistic Mode: 15

Full Mode: 15
Extended Data Migration Options Shows extra data migration options for each table in separate detail tab.

Default Mode: Hide

Optimistic Mode: Hide

Full Mode: Hide
Fire triggers Specifies whether SSMA should fire insertion triggers when it adds data to SQL Server tables.

Default Mode: False

Optimistic Mode: False

Full Mode: False
Keep identity Specifies whether SSMA preserves null values in the source data when it adds data to SQL Server, regardless of the default values that are specified in SQL Server.

Default Mode: True

Optimistic Mode: True

Full Mode: False
Keep nulls Specifies whether SSMA preserves null values in the source data when it adds data to SQL Server, regardless of the default values that are specified in SQL Server.

Default Mode: True

Optimistic Mode: True

Full Mode: True
Mark string Trim operation with error If the target column size is less than the source string length, the value will be trimmed and marked as an error.

Default Mode: Yes

Optimistic Mode: Yes

Full Mode: Yes
On Error Stops Data migration when an error occurs. It has three options:

Stop migration: Stops data migration operation

Proceed to next table: Stops data migration to the current table and proceeds to the next one

Proceed to next batch: Stops data migration to the current batch and proceeds to the next one

Default Mode: Proceed to the next batch

Optimistic Mode: Proceed to the next batch

Full Mode: Proceed to the next batch
Replace unsupported dates Specifies whether SSMA should correct dates that are earlier than the earliest SQL Server datetime date (01 January 1753).

To keep the current date values, select Do nothing. SQL Server will not accept dates before 01 January 1753 in a datetime column. If you use older dates, you must convert the datetime values to character values.

To convert dates before 01 January 1753 to NULL, select Replace with NULL.

To replace dates before 01 January 1753 with a supported date, select Replace with nearest supported date.

Default Mode: Do nothing

Optimistic Mode: Do nothing

Full Mode: Replace with nearest supported date
Table lock Specifies whether SSMA locks tables when it adds data to tables during data migration. Obtains a bulk update lock for the duration of the bulk copy operation. If the value is False, a lock is set at the row level.

Default Mode: True

Optimistic Mode: True

Full Mode: True

Parallel Data Migration

Term Definition
Parallel Data Migration Mode Specifies the mode used to fork threads to enable parallel data migration. In Auto mode, SSMA chooses the number of threads (10 by default) forked to migrate data. In Custom mode, user can specify the number of threads forked to migrate data (minimum is 1 and maximum is 100). Currently, only client side data migration engine supports parallel data migration.

Default Mode: Auto

Optimistic Mode: Auto

Full Mode: Auto


When the Parallel Data Migration Mode option is set to Custom, a new Project setting option Thread Count is displayed. It specifies number of threads used for data migration.