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Mismatch error when configuration value has an ampersand in Intune

This article provides the methods to solve the mismatch error that occurs if the configuration value has an ampersand (&) in Microsoft Intune.


Consider the following scenario:

  • You create an app configuration policy for managed iOS devices in Intune.

  • Under Configuration settings > Configuration settings format, you select Use configuration designer.

  • You add a setting in which the Configuration value is a URL that contains an ampersand (&). The following is an example:

    Configuration key: ssoAuthEndpoint
    Value type: String
    Configuration value:{GUID}/&TargetResource=

When you click OK to save the configuration setting, you receive the following error message :

Mismatch between the value type and the configuration value in the configuration settings designer
The configuration settings designer has a value type as String but a configuration value as "{GUID}/&TargetResource=", which has invalid characters XML format doesn't support. Please correct it accordingly.

Screenshot of the Mismatch between the value type and the configuration value in the configuration settings designer error.


This issue occurs because iOS configuration profiles don't support the ampersand character in XML configuration files.


To fix the issue, use one of the following methods:

  • Create a short URL that redirects to the original URL that contains the ampersand, then use the short URL as the Configuration value.

  • Replace & with & in the URL. For example:{GUID}/&TargetResource=

If you can't use either of these methods, contact Apple Support.

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