
Del via

INF AddProperty directive

An AddProperty directive references one or more INF file sections that modify the device properties that are set for a device instance, a device setup class, a device interface class, or a device interface.

[DDInstall] |
[DDInstall.nt] |
[DDInstall.ntx86] |
[DDInstall.ntia64] |
[DDInstall.ntamd64] |
[DDInstall.ntarm] |
[ClassInstall32] | 
[ClassInstall32.nt] | 
[ClassInstall32.ntx86] |
[ClassInstall32.ntia64] | (Windows XP and later versions of Windows)
[ClassInstall32.ntamd64] | (Windows XP and later versions of Windows)
[ClassInstall32.ntarm] | (Windows 8 and later versions of Windows)
[ClassInstall32.ntarm64] | (Windows 10 version 1709 and later versions of Windows)
[interface-install-section] | 
[interface-install-section.nt] | 
[interface-install-section.ntx86] | 
[interface-install-section.ntia64] | (Windows XP and later versions of Windows)
[interface-install-section.ntamd64] | (Windows XP and later versions of Windows) |
[interface-install-section.ntarm] | (Windows 8 and later versions of Windows) |
[interface-install-section.ntarm64] | (Windows 10 version 1709 and later versions of Windows)

AddProperty=add-property-section[,add-property-section]...  (Windows Vista and later versions of Windows)

Each add-property-section can have entries to do the following:

  • Add a device property and initialize the value of the property.

  • Modify the value of an existing device property.

An add-property-section that is referenced by an AddProperty directive has the following format:

(property-name, , , [flags], value]) | 
({property-category-guid}, property-pid, type, [flags], value)

An add property section can have any number of property-name entries or property-guid entries, each on a separate line.


One of the following property names that represent the device instance driver package properties:

  • DeviceModel

  • DeviceVendorWebsite

  • DeviceDetailedDescription

  • DeviceDocumentationLink

  • DeviceIcon

  • DeviceBrandingIcon

For more info about adding custom device icons, see Providing Icons for a Device.

A GUID value that identifies the property category. The GUID value can be a system-defined GUID that identifies one of the property categories for a device instance, a device setup class, a device interface class, or a device interface. All properties that have the same GUID value are members of the same category. These property categories are defined in Devpkey.h.

The GUID value can also be a custom GUID value that identifies a custom property category.

The property identifier that indicates the specific property within the property category that is indicated by the property-category-guid value. For internal system reasons, a property identifier must be greater than or equal to two.

The numeric value, in decimal or hexadecimal format, of the property-data-type identifier for the property that is specified by the property-category-guid value and the property-pid value. Only the following base data types are supported:






For example, the decimal value of the DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING data type is 18 (0x00000012) and the decimal value of the DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING_LIST data type is 8210 (0x00002012).

An optional hexadecimal value that is a bitwise OR of the following flags that control the add operation:

A flag that prevents the value entry value from replacing the existing property value. If a driver writer wants to make a property able to be overridden through Include and Needs directives, the writer must specify this flag for that property. This is because Windows processes the INF sections that are referenced by Include and Needs directives after Windows processes all other directives within the INF section that included the Include and Needs directives.

A flag that sets the property value to the value entry value only if the specified property already exists.

A flag that appends the value entry value to that of an existing property string value. This flag is valid only if the property data type is DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING_LIST. The supplied string is not appended to an existing property string value if the supplied string is already present in the existing string value.

A flag that performs a bitwise OR of the value entry value to that of the existing property value. This flag is valid only if the property data type is DEVPROP_TYPE_UINT32.

A flag that performs a bitwise AND of the value entry value to that of the existing property value. This flag is valid only if the property data type is DEVPROP_TYPE_UINT32.

The value that the add operation uses to modify a property value, depending on the property data type and the value of the flags entry.


The AddProperty directive can be used to modify a system-defined device property or a custom device property. This directive can be specified under any of the sections shown in the formal syntax statement above.

Each add-property-section name must be unique within an INF file, but the section can be referenced by more than one AddProperty directive in the same INF file. Each section name must follow the general rules for defining section names that are described in General Syntax Rules for INF Files.

For more information about how to use the INF AddProperty directive, see Using the INF AddProperty Directive and the INF DelProperty Directive.


The following example of an add property section includes two line entries: the first line entry sets the DeviceModel property by name, and the second line entry sets a custom device property by specifying a custom property key GUID.

The first line includes the property-name entry value "DeviceModel" and the value entry value "Sample Device Model Name."

The second line entry sets a custom property in a custom property category. The property-category-guid entry value is "c22189e4-8bf3-4e6d-8467-8dc6d95e2a7e" and the property-identifier entry value is "2".

The optional flags entry value is not present, and the type entry value is "18" (DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING). The value entry value is "String value for property 1."

DeviceModel,,,,"Sample Device Model Name"
{c22189e4-8bf3-4e6d-8467-8dc6d95e2a7e}, 2, 18,, "String value for property 1"

See also
