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Remote NDIS INF Template

Microsoft provides an NDIS miniport driver, Rndismp.sys, which implements the Remote NDIS message set and communicates with generic bus transport drivers, which in turn communicate with the appropriate bus driver. This NDIS miniport driver is implemented and maintained by Microsoft and is distributed as part of all supported Windows versions. You can find it in the %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers directory.

To use the Remote NDIS driver with a USB device, an IHV must provide an INF file according to one of the following templates:

RNDIS INF template for NDIS 5.1 (Windows XP and later)

; Remote NDIS template device setup file
; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
; This is the template for the INF installation script
; for the RNDIS-over-USB host driver.
; This INF works for Windows XP SP2, Windows XP x64,
; Windows Server 2003 SP1 x86, x64, and ia64, and
 ; Windows Vista x86 and x64.
; This INF will work with Windows XP, Windows XP SP1,
; and Windows 2003 after applying specific hotfixes.

Signature           = "$Windows NT$"
Class               = Net
ClassGUID           = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Provider            = %Microsoft%
DriverVer           = 06/21/2006,6.0.6000.16384
;CatalogFile        =
PnpLockdown         = 1

%Microsoft%         = RndisDevices,NTx86,NTamd64,NTia64

; Decoration for x86 architecture
%RndisDevice%    = RNDIS.NT.5.1, USB\VID_xxxx&PID_yyyy

; Decoration for x64 architecture
%RndisDevice%    = RNDIS.NT.5.1, USB\VID_xxxx&PID_yyyy

; Decoration for ia64 architecture
%RndisDevice%    = RNDIS.NT.5.1, USB\VID_xxxx&PID_yyyy

;@@@ This is the common setting for setup

; DDInstall section
; References the in-build Netrndis.inf
Characteristics = 0x84   ; NCF_PHYSICAL + NCF_HAS_UI
BusType         = 15
include         = netrndis.inf
needs           = Usb_Rndis.ndi
AddReg          = Rndis_AddReg_Vista

; DDInstal.Services section
include     = netrndis.inf
needs       = Usb_Rndis.ndi.Services

; Optional registry settings. You can modify as needed.
HKR, NDI\params\VistaProperty, ParamDesc,  0, %Vista_Property%
HKR, NDI\params\VistaProperty, type,       0, "edit"
HKR, NDI\params\VistaProperty, LimitText,  0, "12"
HKR, NDI\params\VistaProperty, UpperCase,  0, "1"
HKR, NDI\params\VistaProperty, default,    0, " "
HKR, NDI\params\VistaProperty, optional,   0, "1"

; No sys copyfiles - the sys files are already in-build
; (part of the operating system).

; Modify these strings for your device as needed.
Microsoft             = "Microsoft Corporation"
RndisDevice           = "Remote NDIS based Device"
Vista_Property        = "Optional Vista Property"

RNDIS INF template for NDIS 6.0 (Windows 7 and later)

; Remote NDIS template device setup file
; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
; This is the template for the INF installation script  for the RNDIS-over-USB
; host driver that leverages the newer NDIS 6.x miniport (rndismp6.sys) for
; improved performance. This INF works for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2,
; and later operating systems on x86, amd64 and ia64 platforms.

Signature           = "$Windows NT$"
Class               = Net
ClassGUID           = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Provider            = %Microsoft%
DriverVer           = 07/21/2008,6.0.6000.16384
;CatalogFile        =
PnpLockdown         = 1

%Microsoft%         = RndisDevices,NTx86,NTamd64,NTia64

; Decoration for x86 architecture
%RndisDevice%    = RNDIS.NT.6.0, USB\VID_xxxx&PID_yyyy

; Decoration for x64 architecture
%RndisDevice%    = RNDIS.NT.6.0, USB\VID_xxxx&PID_yyyy

; Decoration for ia64 architecture
%RndisDevice%    = RNDIS.NT.6.0, USB\VID_xxxx&PID_yyyy

;@@@ This is the common setting for setup

; DDInstall section
; References the in-build Netrndis.inf
Characteristics = 0x84   ; NCF_PHYSICAL + NCF_HAS_UI
BusType         = 15
include         = netrndis.inf
needs           = usbrndis6.ndi
AddReg          = Rndis_AddReg
*IfType            = 6    ; IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD.
*MediaType         = 16   ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 14   ; NdisPhysicalMedium802_3

; DDInstal.Services section
include     = netrndis.inf
needs       = usbrndis6.ndi.Services

; Optional registry settings. You can modify as needed.
HKR, NDI\params\RndisProperty, ParamDesc,  0, %Rndis_Property%
HKR, NDI\params\RndisProperty, type,       0, "edit"
HKR, NDI\params\RndisProperty, LimitText,  0, "12"
HKR, NDI\params\RndisProperty, UpperCase,  0, "1"
HKR, NDI\params\RndisProperty, default,    0, " "
HKR, NDI\params\RndisProperty, optional,   0, "1"

; No sys copyfiles - the sys files are already in-build
; (part of the operating system).

; Modify these strings for your device as needed.
Microsoft             = "Microsoft Corporation"
RndisDevice           = "Remote NDIS6 based Device"
Rndis_Property         = "Optional RNDIS Property"

Overview of Remote NDIS (RNDIS)

USB class drivers included in Windows