View Profiles
A view profile stores a view layout that you can use to quickly start your analysis. After you customize the layout, you can save it as the startup profile or create a profile that you can apply at any time.
View profiles are stored in .wpaprofile files and saved, by default, to the WPA Files folder under the user's Documents folder.
For information about changing the view layout, see Change the View Layout.
Creating a Profile
To create a profile, first configure your view layout as you want it to appear, and then do the following:
In the menu, choose Profiles, Export….
Navigate to the desired location.
Name your profile, and choose Save.
Applying a Profile
To apply a profile to one or more open traces, do the following:
In the menu, choose Profiles, Apply….
In the pane that appears, choose Browse… to open a custom profile, or choose Browse Catalog… to view a list of profiles that are shipped with WPA.
Navigate to and select the desired profile, and choose Open.
If you have multiple traces open, or if the profile is configured for multiple traces, WPA asks you to associate traces with the profile. Select the desired traces, and choose Apply.
Note WPA also maintains a list of most recently used profiles in the menu under Profiles, Apply Recently Used Profile.
Profile Catalog
WPA includes a set of profiles that help jumpstart different types of analysis. These profiles are contained in the Profile Catalog that can be found when you apply a profile to an open trace:
FullBoot (Boot)
FullBoot (Shutdown)
Changing the Startup Profile
You can also use your current view as the default profile that is used when you first open a trace:
In the menu, choose Profiles, Save Startup Profile.
Choose OK in the confirmation box that appears.
Note You cannot change the startup profile when multiple traces are open.