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winsat mfmedia

Measures the performance of video decoding (playback) using the Media Foundation framework.


winsat mfmedia <parameters>


Parameters Description
-input <file name> Required: Specify the file containing the video clip to be played or encoded. The file can be in any format that can be rendered by Media Foundation.
-dumpgraph Specify that the filter graph should be saved to a GraphEdit-compatible file before the assessment starts.
-ns Specify that the filter graph should run at the normal playback speed of the input file. By default, the filter graph runs as fast as possible, ignoring presentation times.
-play Run the assessment in decode mode and play any supplied audio content in the file specified in -input using the default DirectSound device. By default, audio playback is disabled.
-nopmp Do not make use of the Media Foundation Protected Media Pipeline (MFPMP) process during the assessment.
-pmp Always make use of the MFPMP process during the assessment.
Note: If -pmp or -nopmp is not specified, MFPMP will be used only when necessary.
-v Send verbose output to STDOUT, including status and progress information. Any errors will also be written to the command window.
-xml <file name> Save the output of the assessment as the specified XML file. If the specified file exists, it will be overwritten.
-idiskinfo Save information about physical volumes and logical disks as part of the <SystemConfig> section in the XML output.
-iguid Create a globally unique identifier (GUID) in the XML output file.
-note note text Add the note text to the <note> section in the XML output file.
-icn Include the local computer name in the XML output file.
-eef Enumerate extra system information in the XML output file.


  • To runs the assessment with the input file that is used during a winsat formal assessment, without employing the Media Foundation Protected Media Pipeline (MFPMP), on a computer where c:\windows is the location of the Windows folder.
    winsat mfmedia -input c:\windows\performance\winsat\winsat.wmv -nopmp


  • Membership in the local Administrators group, or equivalent, is the minimum required to use winsat. The command must be executed from an elevated command prompt window.
  • To open an elevated command prompt window, click Start, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and click Run as administrator.